Chapter 54• How Bout Now.

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~5 Months Later~

June 5th.

Goldie POV

labor ain't no joke! Golden is killing me I've been in labor for 9 hours already and it's fucking hell. I said I was going to go natural but fuck that I need epidural now.

Me: Daniel go get the doctor now!

Daniel: what happened to natural birth?

me: when you go into labor you go fucking natural then!

he chuckled leaving out the room Alize and Khayman came in. Khayman had a gift bag with Balloons that said it's a boy. he kissed my forehead and rubbed my belly a little. Yn Pushed Daniel back into the room.

Khayman: tell them you wanna get in the Jacuzzi it will ease your pain.

me: how would you know khayman?

Khayman: I got 2 kids.

me: I'm getting my epidural.

Yn: no your not! epidural is for suckers.

me: you've never gotten epidural Yn?

Yn: nope dad wouldn't let the doctors give it to me, except with the twins.

me: well dad ain't here therefore I'm getting my epidural.

Kevin: no epidural Goldie.

me: why nottttt?

Kevin: Yn tell her what i told you when you asked for epidural.

Yn: he told me and I quote " you grown enough to lay down and take the pain of getting fucked so you grown enough to take the pain of delivering what you made. " .

Kevin: now Chres tell Daniel what I told you when yn asked for epidural.

Yn & Chres busted put laughing and we all looked at Chres awaiting to hear what crazy shit my dad told him.

Chres: he told me " just cause she beg for the Epidural like she begged to get dicked down don't mean give it to her.".

Me: daddy your not fair!

Kevin: life isn't fair honey.

Daniel: sorry baby.

me: fuck you.

Kevin: why haven't you spoken to your sister Yn?

Yn: this is about Golden.

Alize: bitch fuck you.

Yn: I got a husband for that.

Alize: the same one i fucked? you swear your better then me, Goldie, and Khayman bitch your not!

Yn: yes the same one that used you! I never said I was better then any of you your the only one who feels that way so wassup Alize are you mad? jealous? envious? which one is it cause I'm sick of your shit I wanna deck you in the face but I'm not Cause this is about Golden so I'm done talking to you.

Khayman: Yn don't do it man, she not worth it.

Alize: shut the fuck up Khayman!

Khayman: no bitch you shut up! every time you get around Yn you come at her with some stupid shit!

Alize: oh I do? alright Khayman since you wanna jump in shit and wanna be center of a attention let's talk about how Milan molested you. didn't think anybody knew did you?!

all of our mouths dropped and dad popped Alize in her mouth busting her lip. Yn started fanning her eyes before hugging Khayman.

Me: bitch get out! you just pissed me off! I'm in labor and you wanna fucking start shit? don't come around my son ever in your life!

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