chapter 14: fuck nigga

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Rico POV

y'all thought I was playing? the hoe shouldn't of tried me

Jaemoni: yo, wassup?

me: it's bout yo girl

Jaemoni: Ric man if this yo plan to break us up, stop.

me: you know I'm not even like that I just know shit bout your girl you don't, I was go mind my business bout it but she tried me.

Jaemoni: what you saying Ric?

me: I'm saying your girl is a hoe just like hope.

Jaemoni: how do you know?

me: I got all the evidence including the fact she gave me sloppy top

Jaemoni: *sits down * man you should of been told me

me: you right I should of but I wanted you to find out for yourself.

Jaemoni: so show me this evidence

I opened my laptop pulling up the video from the porn sight of Dacari, Willy, & Tywon all fucking around with Cherish & Hope around the time she got pregnant. Jaemonis face turned red and his fist balled as he watched Dacari hit it from the back while she sucked up Tywon.

Jaemoni: that's my fucking brother man

me: Tywon ?

Jaemoni: yea

me: I see the resemblance

Jaemoni: did he actually fuck her?

me: nah only Dacari fucked her Willy and Tywon just got neck.

Jaemoni: I ain't even tripping off them the- what he just say?

I go back a little bit listening to what Dacari was saying he said I fucked your bitch next its your sister maybe even your mom she fine as fuck to be a milf. "

me: I ain't even here that part till now

Jaemoni: that fuck niggas done with so is Cherish.

me: pickem up?

Jaemoni: yup take them to the warehouse.

me: I got you

with that he left and sped off.

Tywon POV

Dacari called me talking bout helping him move some work. first and for most I'm bout to beat his ass, why? cause I just found out Cherish was Jaes girl, and what he said bout my lil sister and my momma ain't even cool dawg.

Dacari: bout time yo ass got here

I ain't say shit I just mugged him and shut the door behind me, and before he walked away I punched him in his shit knocking him to the ground. I was drilling his shit in blood was gushing out his lip and nose. but I was far from done I'm a kill this nigga today. I pulled my gun out my waist and started pistol whipping him with the butt of it. he yelled and squirmed all over the door got kicked in and I stopped quickly aiming at the door only to see Rico, Willy, And Da'Mieko.

Willy: damn nigga

me: what y'all doing here ?

Rico: we came to get this nigga but you already got it shit

me: the bitch disrespected my family. punk bitch can't even take a punch.

Mieko: well let's get this nigga to the warehouse and let Jae finish him off.

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