chapter 42• Let Me Know.

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December 13.

Kaevon POV

something's wrong with Tyrin he's been mad and quiet since he got home from his morning classes. he came in took a shot, went to sleep, got up 3 hours later STILL mad, then started cooking dinner. who the hell does that?

Me: Ty.

Tyrin: Kaevon please just leave me alone right now.

me: whatever.

I went into Tyin room to see if he was still sleeping and he was with his fingers in his mouth. I kissed his cheeks and left out the room. Kemoni was in his room playing some kind of racing game on his Xbox. I kissed his cheek and he paused his game and looked at me.

Kemoni: mommy take my braids out.

he had two French braids in his hair. after I took His braids out I combed it out so it was just wild I've never cut his hair so it's at least 20 inches long.

Tyrin: foods done.

me: okay.

me & Kemoni went and sat at the table where Tyrin had already made our food. which was seafood gumbo and rice. he came and sat with Tyin on his chest still sleeping.


Me: Tyrin can you please tell me what's wrong?

Tyrin: there's nothing wrong.

me: don't lie to me Tyrin.

Tyrin: why you so concerned? leave it alone.

me: I'm concerned cause your my boyfriend and I care.

Tyrin: sounds good.

me: your pissing me off.

Tyrin: and your ugly ass friend pisses me off so we just two pissed off fucking people.

me: fuck are you talking about?

Tyrin: that hoe Dena you call yo fucking friend that's what I'm talking about!

me: stop calling her out her name!

Tyrin: fuck that hoe ass bitch! and fuck you to if your defending the ugly bitch!

me: fuck me Tyrin!? what the fuck is your problem!?

Tyrin: I don't fucking like her! she always got some smart shit to say about us! that's yo fucking friend not mines! don't say shit to that hoe about our relationship no fucking more!

me: stop fucking yelling! it's not that fucking serious!

Tyrin: yea you defend that bum ass bitch but never me when she talks shit. it's good though Kaevon cause the next time a nigga says some foul shit about you I ain't go say shit.

Me: why are you acting like this? you never act like this! I don't like this shit Tyrin, your making me feel like I did something and I didn't! just stop yelling at me and tell me what happened and I'll fix it Ty.

by now I was crying, I'm sensitive after all the shit I've been through with men I can't help but to be. I get scared when niggas yell at me cause I automatically think there going to hit me. I'm Especially sensitive with Tyrin cause I've never loved a man like I loved him and I've never had a man love me like he does. I get scared he's gonna leave me because I'm to clingy or I'm not what he wants or he's going to find something better. I'm insecure, my self-esteem is fucked, sometimes I feel as if I'm just used and abused damaged goods.

Tyrin had me wrapped in his arms rubbing my back as I cried into his chest.

Tyrin: baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of yelled at you like that I kind of lost it but can you respect that I don't want Dena in our relationship?

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