Chapter 16• Heartbreaker part 2.

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February 28th.

Chase POV

I pushed pass her sitting on the couch she walked into the living room sitting on the other couch folding her arms across her chest. I tossed the papers on the coffee table.

Me: I ain't fighting for this shit no more Cherry, I'm tired of being the only one fighting. I'm in this shit alone you act like you don't love a nigga no more you kicked me out for absolutely fucking nothing. I try and all I get is a cold fucking shoulder. I love you to death man never loved someone other then family more then I love you Cherice but you do- fuck is you crying for Cherice!? I should be the one fucking crying I'm the one fighting for a marriage that you act as if you don't want no more! You so fucking selfish bruh! I opened up my heart to you, told you my deepest and darkest secrets, I ain't never felt this deeply for nobody! Stop fucking crying Cherice! You basically said fuck me the last few months so fuck your fucking tears! I'm tired Cherice! I'm tired of fighting for you and you not fighting for me! I'm done man, I'm done you broke my fucking heart the last few months Cherice. Sign the papers and I swear to god you ain't gotta worry bout me no more unless regarding our kids.

She was snot nose crying and I had tears streaming down my face. She started shaking her head saying no. She put her hands over her face shaking her head.

Cherry: no chase! No! We are not divorcing!

Me: then why are you pushing me away!?

Cherry: it was easier then telling you what I did! I didn't know it was gonna result into this!

Me: what the fuck did you do Cherry!? What you did couldn't be eating you up so much that you completely pushed me the fuck away!

Cherry: it could chase! I cheated on the man I love past death! The mad I'd take a bullet for! The man I'd pull a fucking trigger for! I betrayed him by cheating! I never felt so much guilt in my life! So to avoid it I pushed you away because seeing you and you loving me and caring for me and my infidelity ate me up inside so b-

In that moment I lost it I could feel my veins bulging out my neck I started throwing shit around and at her. I was beyond hurt how could she cheat on me? And not tell me just push me away. That's fucked up. After completely trashing the living room I broke down banging my fist on the floor crying. She was on the other side of the room sitting in the corner with her head down crying loudly saying sorry.

Me: how could you fucking do this to me Cherice!? Why?! What did I do to you to make you go out and cheat on me!?

Cherry: I'm sorry Chase! I'm soooo soo sorry! I don't know what I was thinking! I was drunk I was vulnerable I wasn't thinking! I fucked up chase I know but I don't wanna loose you! I can't! I love you too much to let you go! I let him get into my head and talk me into it. I'm so fucking stupid.

She got up off the floor and ran up stairs I could hear her upstairs I heard boxes crashing down. I jumped up running up the stairs three at a time I knew what she was looking for. I wrapped her up in my arms backing her away from the closet at she broke down in my arms and I broke down with her holding her tight. She kept saying sorry as I shushed her.

Me: don't put me through this a second time Cherice! Don't you ever in fucking life go and grab a fucking gun when shit is too much for you to handle. Do you hear me? Answer me Cherice!

Cherry: I hurt you Chase! I hurt the one person I swore before god to love unconditionally through any and everything and I hurt you! I don't wanna live if I have to live without you as my husband! I can't deal with it Chase! I can't I need you! Before we met I was on a road of self destruction, I hated life, I hated myself! you know how many times I wanted to drive myself off the road? Walk into traffic? Blow my own damn brains out? You changed that when you gave me our son. I never had another thought about it and when you told me you lost your brother to suicide I knew I could never put you through that or hurt you. But look what I did, I hurt you. I made you cry I swore to myself I'd never do that and I did! I hate myself for doing this to you! I don't wanna live knowing I hurt you!

Me: shut the fuck up Cherice! Your not going to kill yourself over this shit, yes I'm hurt but I'm not going no where Cherice. I love you too much to just leave without trying to work things out first that's what my mom did and told me not to do. I'm a stay and try and work this marriage out cause I love you and even though I'm hurt I wouldn't be able to bare the love of my life taking her own because of my pain. Don't do this to us Cherice don't.

I laid her in the bed placing a kiss on her forehead as she continued to sob.

Me: go to sleep and I'll be here when you get up. I love you.

Cherry: I love you too.

I wiped her tears before placing s soft kiss on her lips we both closed our eyes enjoying the feeling we got from the kiss. We slowly pulled away and a small smile formed on my face as she blushed like she used to when we first got together. I tapped her leg before getting up.

I was deeply hurt no doubt about it but not enough to leave her. We put in too much time to throw it away it's ho take me a minute to get over but I'm a get over it and we go move forward. Question is who did she cheat on me with?


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