Chapter 26• hurt piece

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June 11th.

Miyanni POV

I just feel lost I hate living here with my parents. Kemoni hates me now and so does my other nephews, and nieces. I feel like the only people who like me are the twins, my parents, and Amari. Sucks but it's whatever I don't too much care anymore.

Chres: what is you doing?

Me: yoga.

Chres: since when the hell you start doing yoga?

Me: since mom told me it was relaxing I usually do it with her but she not here.

Chres: get out and do something it's too hot outside to be sitting around doing nothing.

Me: with who? Don't nobody like me.

Chres: Micah downstairs go be nice.

Me: over my dead body.

He gave me a stern look basically telling me if I don't get dressed and go downstairs he was go beat me. He walked out my room. I groaned standing and grabbing a pair of shorts out my drawer along with a white and red true religion v-neck. I grabbed my all red puma's out the box and slipped everything on grabbing my phone, Gucci wrist wallet, and house keys walking out my bedroom and down the stairs Micah was sitting on the couch putting her hair in a pony tail. I sat down on the opposite couch. She looked at me rolling her eyes before standing.

Me: where you going?

Micah: to mind my business.

Me: oh my goshh.

I get up going in my dads room laying on him. He sighed rubbing my back as I pouted.

Chres: take her with you Micah! And you better be fucking nice!

Micah: no! Hell no!

Chres: if I come out this room I'm a whoop yo ass!

Micah: I'm not taking her!

He opened his drawer handing me a stack of 20's and grabbing his belt off the floor. I walked out behind him counting all the 20's when I got to 700 I quit and just put it in my wallet. I looked up and my dad popped Micah on the ass with the belt and she jumped whining.

Chres: take her with you I'm not playing with your ass and since you wanna be a fucking brat she's staying the night with you too. Go pack a bag.

Me: daddyyy.

Chres: bye.

Micah: put on a swimming suit and get a towel.

I groaned and went up the stairs. I changed into my plain red bikini putting my cloths back over it. I grabbed my PINK gym bag putting cloths, undergarments, and my air force 1's shoe box inside the bag along with my charger toothbrush and brush. I slipped on my white Gucci flip flops with some thin Nike socks. I grabbed my bag and walked back down the stairs and out to her car I put my bag in the trunk I slipped into the passenger seat putting my seat belt on and pulling out my phone to occupy myself.

Micah: look we're going to the beach with Justin, Jess, Cameron, and Camerons friend don't start acting an ass.

Me: won't even talk.

Micah: even better.

I rolled my eyes and leaned my head against the window. Why couldn't I have just stayed home with Dad? Fuck my life. We soon pulled up to the beach and she parked and I grabbed my towel following her as she walked I scrolled through Instagram until we got to them I simply waved at everyone but Justin I hugged him and he hugged me back.

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