chapter 27|| To Tell You The Truth

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this nigga bout to gettttt it.

Me: keep on talking Chase

Chase: lick my balls

Me: *gets up* what was that ?

Chase: and I repeat LICK MY BALLS

I jump in his lap purposely kneeing him in his dick. I grab his hands putting them behind his head. I start biting his neck and he hissed in pain.

Tyrin POV

Kaevon: Ty! ty! Ty ! Tyrin Asia Weston!

me: moooove.

I rolled over burying my face in the pillow instantly falling back asleep. I felt her climb into the bed and snuggle into my chest I put my arm around her pulling her closer. her lips pressed against mines and I kissed her back sliding my tongue in her mouth she moaned and I smirked pulling away.

me: baby go to sleep.

Kaevon: Asiaaaaaaa

me: definitely not getting shit calling me Asia.

she went into my boxers before I could stop her she grabbed it making me groan. she then started stroking my dick while sucking on my neck.

shit my baby or not I'm bout to fuck baby momma today. I got on top of her pinning her arms down staring into her eyes i pecked her lips. she bit her bottom lip and I kissed her softly, I ain't even go fuck her, I'm a make love to her and show her how much I really care about her.

Khalia POV

Lorenz had been in the bathroom for an hour and I don't hear anything or smell anything. Talia was in her room taking a nap. ( we're going to act like navadius was never born and Crystal has Cardiea )

I knocked and knocked no response. I tried opening the door and it was locked I went to my purse taking a credit card out I slid it through the door and it opened. I immediately started crying rushing to his side he had white foam coming out of his mouth, and blood leaking from his nose. as i got closer i seen a needle stuck in his arm and a little baggie of cocaine I rushed out grabbing my phone calling yn.

me: Yn! I'm scared I think Lorenz is dead! he had a drug overdose!

Yn: what?! call an ambulance I'll be right over!

after calling an ambulance I rushed back into the bathroom and put his head in my lap looking for a pulse he had a pulse but it was weak. Yn rushed in turning the shower on I helped her drag him in and he slowly opened his eyes and then started spazzing out. Chres came in with towels he dropped them and restrained Lorenz.

Lorenz: I fucking hate you Khalia! I should kill your ass !

Chres: chill!

he slowly started going in and out of consciousness I went to the door and opened it for the paramedics. they came in and put him on a stretcher strapping him down Yn got in the back of the ambulance with him. I got in the car with Chres and he drove to the hospital.


Jaemoni POV

I honest to god think this family has a fucking problem, some way some fucking how we all pick up a damn addiction, whether its weed, cocaine, lean, mollys, heroin, alcohol, sex, at least one of us have had one of these addictions, I'll be the first to admit my addiction it was sex I went to rehab got my fucking prioritys straight. Lorenz on the other hand is just like Desiree heroin & cocaine addiction, he's been to rehab 3 fucking times for this and gets hooked right back on the shit.  Khalids was addicted to prescription pills, molly, & lean. Chase was an alcoholic. Kaevon was hooked on cocaine for a quick second and quickly put a end to that shit. and here comes drama I'm really not in the mood for bullshit so I will knock this bitch Crystal the fuck out.

Crystal: what did you do to him bitch!?

Yn: Crystal sit the fuck down.

Crystal: no! this bitch did something to him!

me: you a disrespectful ass bitch, you know that? I'm a even more disrespectful ass nigga though so sit the fuck down before I sit you down.

Crystal stared at me, basically trying me then she turned around and smacked Khalia, Kadice and Khalia started swinging on her ass I grabbed Khalia sitting her down.

Yn: baby you Ok?

Khalia: I'm fine.

Chase picks up Kadice sitting her down before security comes. I sat back down then Khalid & Mya came in, he hasn't been answering his phone for anyone I don't even think he noticed us in the waiting room.  he was to busy talking to the receptionist. when he turned to go to the elevator Mya noticed & pointed he noticed us and stopped.

Khalid: what happened?

Chres: Lorenz overdosed

Khalid: that's my key to leave.

he pressed the button for the elevator, and got on.

Khalid POV

do I feel remorse for him? eh a lil. feel guilty? hell no that shit caught up to his ass, the nigga snorts cocaine then shoots up heroin right after, this shit was destine to happen. I already know he's not going to survive this, how I know? my old friend Jason died of just heroin overdose but he was using 3x as much as Lorenz. We're here because Jaraya has a doctors appointment Mya is trying to be supportive, she's a lil jealous but she's trying so I give her that.

Jaraya: late again.

me: don't nag me fat ass

Jaraya: Mya get your boyfriend before he gets hurt.

Mya: get his ass.

she picks up the stapler opening it and she started shooting staples at me. I dodged a few from hitting me in the face I grabbed the stapler taking it out her hand closing it and putting it back.

me: bae you just go let her shoot staples at me?

Mya: what did you do last night?

me: nooo that was payback.

Jaraya: what happened?

Mya: the other day me and Keyon poured a CUP of freezing cold water on him cause he wouldn't wake up, so while I was in the shower he poured a whole bucket of ice on me.

Jaraya: you wrong Khalid

me: shut up or you go be next.

our family doctor Ms.Reese walks in she hugs me smacking my chest making me wince. she sat down setting up the monitor after asking Jaraya a couple questions she turned to me mugging me I laughed.

me: is there a problem Trish?

Ms.Reese: I'm a snip your balls you come in here with another baby.

Me: you need to snip dads balls.

Ms.Reese: that was done when your mom got her tubes tide..... why aren't you in the room with your brother anyway like everyone else ?

me: is it wrong for me to say I know for a fact he's going to die?

Ms.Reese: why do you say that?

me: cause if he does make it out this hospital all he go do is go right back to sniffing that shit up his nose and shooting up, he's going to kill his damn self.


What you think?

Khalid too negative ?

Tyrin & Kaevon making love?

Jaraya and Mya getting along?


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