CHAPTER 27■ better

644 22 4

June 21st.

Jewel POV

Jae has had this really jealous streak lately when it comes to me and Rico. When he's out with one of us or when we're all together it's always someone we usually don't pay it any mind but lately Jaemoni has been snapping at anyone who approaches trying to talk to one of us or talking shit. It's not a normal get out my face, he full on snaps and puts fear into people. So me and Rico decided to get him relaxed and talk to him about it.

Jaemoni: what's this about?

Me: get in, and stop asking so many questions.

Jaemoni: y'all naked?

Me: get in.

He groans stripping out his cloths getting in the Jacuzzi with us he looked between the two of us sighing he put his head back closing his eyes.

Jaemoni: I'm listening.

Rico: your jealousy and anger is showing it's ugly ass lately.

Jaemoni: oh my bad for not wanting any one approaching my significant other's on bullshit.

Rico: don't do that, we get it Jae we're yours just like your ours we get jealous too and mad when people say shit Jae but we can't go around reacting and making an ass out of our selves all the fucking time.

Jaemoni: I'm just irritated by the same shit constantly happening.

Rico: it's going to continue to happen as long as we're all together, it doesn't matter what they say about us.

Jaemoni: it may not matter to you Rico but it matters to me!

Rico: why Jaemoni! Why the fuck does it all of a sudden bother you so much? This shit has been going on for years we've been called all types of things since we decided to out our relationship in high school.

Jaemoni: look at how they treat Jewel! Fuck me I don't give a fuck about what they say about me I never fucking did! This is about how they fucking treat Jewel you may not give a fuck what they say about her but I do!

Rico: what makes you think I don't give a fuck about what they say! She ain't just yours Jae! You not the only fucking one that loves Jewel!

Jaemoni: then fucking act like it!

Me: Stop! Get out of each others fucking face and stop!

Jaemoni: fuck this conversation! If it's such a fucking problem you two be together divorce me Rico! I don't care anymore I'll fucking leave!

Rico rolled his eyes and I got out following behind Jaemoni. He was in our bedroom putting on dry cloths. I stood in the door.

Me: Baby stop.

Jaemoni: no fuck that baby shit! You guys want me to stop Right? I'll stop and be fucking done with the both of you.

Me: Jaemoni really? Are you really going this far over what just happened, talk it out!

Jaemoni: I'm tired of talking shit out! I'm tired of being the fucking bad guy on everything that has to do with this fucking relationship! We never speak on the wrong shit Rico does! We never speak on shit but me!

Me: Baby, just calm down and sit for a second.

He sat on the bed biting his bottom lip. I grabbed his hands which were shaking from his anger. I kissed his cheek.

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