Chapter 24•

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May 20th.

Talin POV

So I decided to pop up on Raquel cause I just wanna know what the fuck she was thinking leaving me at the hospital. Funny part about it is she doesn't even know I found my family. She won't even know who I am unless she comes to the realization that I look like my dad.

I walked up to the door ringing the doorbell a few times before stepping back. A big ugly looking nigga opened the door with a mug on his face.

Me: Raquel here?

??: Raquel! Some lil nigga at the door for you!

A few seconds later she appeared at the door and he walked away. I looked her up and down I couldn't lie Raquel was gorgeous most definitely would have been proud to call her my mother had she not did what she did.

Raquel: can I help you?

Me: yea, yea you can by telling me why you left me in the hospital.

Raquel: what are you talking about?

Me: how do you not recognize me when I look just like him?

Raquel: Talin?

She reached out to touch me and I backed up. I grabbed her left hand cupping it into both of mines.

Me: just tell me why? Why did you neglect the three of us? You were supposed to be our mother you were supposed be strong for them when our father took his life. But you wasn't you couldn't even be a mother to me at all, why?

Raquel: I couldn't deal with the guilt of knowing you possibly weren't Lorenz's and I didn't wanna find out afraid that you'd be Michaels.

Me: so you left? Carried on with your life and had another baby with my father while still fucking that nigga? You real foul Raquel and the fact that you still with him after everything is worst. Talia told me about the way he looked at her before, your fucked up cause I know you seen it. I'm done here now I got my answers. Have a nice life. Oh almost forgot something.

I snatched the necklace off her neck with my dad's ashes in it that bitch ain't deserve to have it. I kindly walked down the porch steps getting into Talia truck that she let me borrow. She was standing shell shocked with tears rushing down her cheeks. I had no sympathy for her, she had no sympathy for Talia, me, Renz, or Savion. How do you have four kids and abandon all of them, she may not have abandoned them from jump like she did me but as soon as our father wasn't around anymore neither was she. Same for lil Savion, when her dad left her he took Savion and she didn't care to even try and be in her life anymore.

Justin POV

After the other day it's like Talia's attitude was fine for the rest of the day, and the next morning I come home from work and she got this funky ass attitude with only me. It's been like that every since to the point where I don't even speak to her when I leave and come back in cause who the fuck is finna keep dealing with that shit? If she wanna be childish and not talk out whatever problem she has with me, I'll just ignore her ass. I'm honestly tired of her doing this all the time like I'm doing something to her and I don't even be doing shit.

Junari was laying in my lap sleeping while Tasani laid across my chest. Having twins especially twin daughters was a handful especially when ones a bigger daddies girl then the other. Junari don't be wanting to share me she's been like this since she was born, so sometimes Tasani starts crying when she don't get attention from me And Talia won't even try and help the situation. She legit just brings Tasani to me and walks away like what the fuck? I strongly consider breaking up with Talia, I love her to death I'd do anything for her no question about it, it's just this attitude she's been having towards me isn't right. Why be with me if you act as if you don't want to be with me? I'm no longer begging her and pleading with her to tell me wassup I'm tired of that, I shouldn't have to do that every other day. I've gotten to the point where I'm finna just move out and say fuck this relationship and just be a single man and take care of the twins. If she doesn't want this then that's all she has to say. Cause I promise you I will no longer fight for this shit, seems like I been fighting for it since I was 16 that says a lot.

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