chapter 18• Change for us.

811 31 6

March 19th

Tashari POV

I harmed my brother, I called my uncle and my mother who I both love dearly bitches and said I hated them, I lost custody of my baby girl, I'm constantly being belittled by someone who is supposed to love Me. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. Sometimes I don't wanna live then I think about my daughter, uncle, and brother and how they would feel I could never do that to them. I cause them enough pain as it is. I'm leaving tomorrow all my stuff was packed and sent off to Kaevons in Houston it's time I make a change for the better.

Trent came into the bathroom looking angry as usual. He laughed looking me over. I had on blue jeans, black timbs, and a black Nike jacket. I sighed knowing he was about to start something unnecessary just because. I was about to go with Nashawn I apologized to him a couple days ago and told him everything that's been going on. He forgave me because I'm his only sibling and I need him more then anything or anyone. My brother is my everything. I also apologized to my uncle because after my father was gone he stepped up and became my second parent he forgave me too and told me if I ever disrespected him again he was gonna kick my ass. He never told my mom what I said that day and I actually went to see her and sat and talked with her for a full day which made me happy she's the one who suggested I go down to Houston.

Trent: where you going?

Me: to see my brother.

Trent: didn't I tell you to get a restraining order?

Me: I don't care Trent. He's my brother, my only brother at that I refuse to lose my brother because of you. I lost too much already.

He smacked me across my face and I stood pushing him away from me. Let's get something straight I was raised never to let a nigga put his hands on me. So every time Trent got bold and put his hands on me we fought until he gave up fighting me. He grabbed me by the neck and I put my thumbs in his eyes pressing hard and he let me go. I stood back to my feet and again he smacked me and I fell to the floor I quickly got up before he jumped on me and grabbed my taser out my drawer I quickly turned it on he walked up on me about to grab Me and I pressed the button pressing the stun gun to his abdomen he fell to the ground shaking. I tossed it in my bag before I started to kick his face fed up with him. Not realizing someone had Entered my home I lashed out when someone grabbed me carrying me out the bedroom and out the apartment. Finally hearing the voice I realized it was Trent's bestfriend Jay I calmed down. He hugged me tightly as I cried into his shoulder.

Me: I swear to god I hate him, Jay.

Jay: I know Shar you leave tomorrow right?

Me: yea I told you that.

Jay: I'm going with you.

Me: huh?

Jay: I'm going with you, our daughter needs us both.

I cried more thinking of our daughter. We walked down the stairs and he opened the passenger door of his red mustang. I got in and he shut the door going back inside and grabbing my things. A few minutes later he came back out putting it in the trunk he got in handing me my phone and wallet. He looked over at before he grabbed my face leaning over kissing me. I kissed him back feeling that spark I never had with Trent. Me and Jay had a bond, a connection, a child together, not to mention he loved me even through my difficulties and my problems he was there. He pulled away looking at my neck he shook his head starting the car.

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