Chapter 32• Relevation

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July 30th

July 30th

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I️ dont know what Justin said to Talia but her whole attitude has shifted. She got a job, she's been looking for an apartment, and for the most part she's kept to her self and has been nicer to everyone. Chres thinks Justin just finally stopped babying her and snapped on her ass. I truly believe it, Talin thought about going with her but he wasn't Gonna leave Lorenz and he enjoyed living with us. He already knew he was welcome to stay as long as he wanted too as long as he didn't start acting an ass. Corahn and Taija had been really home sick lately even though they were only a couple hours away. Taija was gonna drive down with Cj and Cari but she would need Corahn or someone to drive with her for the baby. He was helping his team with the little league summer camp. My baby boy was just so home sick and sad he was even thinking about ending his basketball career and everyone knows Corahn loves the game of basketball.

Baller baby 💗🤞🏾: mommy I can't take much more of this 😞

Mommy😍👩‍👦: you got one more week to go then you can come home until the season starts again. 😘 This is your dream baby, I know it's hard being without everyone but you gotta stick it out. This is what you always wanted.

Baller Baby💗🤞🏾: I've been trying to stick it out, I can't anymore though. Just me, CJ, Cari and Tai ain't enough. I'm used too a big family just my little family I made is depressing mommy. My sons all lonely and wants to be around his cousins, Tai ain't got no friends out here she lonely when I'm gone. Nobody has even Met Cari yet. I miss my brothers and Sisters so much man. I miss a lot being in the NBA, I'm tired of getting updates on everybody and everything going on I wanna actually be apart of everything. I'm hurting and suffering, I'm a loose my mind out here by myself like this. I just don't want anybody to be disappointed in me, you guys all got me this far in the first place I don't wanna let anyone down.

Mommy😍👩‍👦: I know baby I know. One more week though and if you really don't wanna do it anymore then don't sign that contract. Do what's best for you and your family baby. If you wanna come home then come home, no one is going to be disappointed in you baby. You made it, you're still making it baby, you got 3 championship rings, MVP last year, a wife and kids who love you dearly, and a family who supports you in whatever you do. Come on home baby. 😘😘😘😘 we love you baby boy!

Amari climbed on the bed with Junari following behind him. I placed my phone down shaking Chres cause I knew that was who they were here for. Junari came and laid against my legs rubbing the exposed skin on my leg.

Me: hi nanas baby.

Junari: papa up?

Me: he needs to get up huh?

Amari: DADDY!

Chres: aye boy calm yourself down.

Amari: you said you'd take us to the store.

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