chapter 16• I'm Sorry

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September 12th.

Kaevon POV

I regret every wrong thing I did to Tyrin, I regret leaving my kids, I regret fucking with Vinny again, I regret using, I regret hitting Winnie. I just wanted to clear up everything and talk to Ty I love him to death but I excepted him being with Winnie and I was wrong so many different times with him I just had to apologize and make sure theirs no bad blood between me and him or me and Winnie. They both forgave me but Winnie is being a bitch and me and Ty we're working on a friendship I know he still feels away about everything but he's trying to be my friend.

I leaned over the rail looking down at my baby's playing on the beach Kemoni came around and Tyla won't say anything to me but he will let me touch and hold him he doesn't run away from me he even spent the night with me last night.

Kemoni: mom come get in the water with us.

Me: I will after I talk to your dad.

Kemoni: alright.

He ran back to the water as Tyla clung to my leg looking up at me. I picked him up and he laid his head on my shoulder I kissed his cheek.

Tyla: *whispers* can play on your phone momma?

Me: of course baby.

I pulled my phone out handing it to him as he laid on my shoulder playing subway surfers. I seen Ty exiting his car with Flex following behind him Flex ran to me and I bent down letting him lick my face I rubbed his head before he ran off to the water. Tyrin stood next to me with his back against the rail he kissed Tyla forehead and Tyla smiled continuing to play the game.

Tyrin: price told me about the talk y'all had.

Me: he wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that.

Tyrin: well he told me, offing yourself ain't the way to go.

Me: I know.

Tyrin: Tyla go sit on the blanket.

Tyla held up the phone basically asking if he could take it I nodded putting him down he ran to the blanket. I looked towards my left Tyrin turned my body towards him.

Tyrin: I'm serious.

Me: I am to, I know better I know the pain it causes I went through that pain watching my niece cry for her father I wouldn't put my parents through that again or put my kids through that.

Tyrin: are you clean?

Me: I'm clean.

Tyrin: stay that way cause the moment I find out your using again I'm cutting all ties Kaevon and I mean it.

Me: I made a promise to my son I'd do better and I am.

Tyrin: alright now down to more serious issues.

Me: before you ask where I'm finna be staying I'm staying with my parents for now.

Tyrin: then what?

Me: I'm a get a job and save up then when I get enough I'm gonna get a condo so when the kids want to come over we have our own space.

Tyrin: looks like you got it all figured out.

Me: sort of just trying to get my life together.

Tyrin: well I'm proud of you for getting your shit together.

Me: I'm proud of my damn self.

Tyrin: so when you go start job hunting?

Me: I won't have to do much hunting.

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