chapter 11 • Tough Love

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May 7th

Khalid POV (in mm)

Watching my twin sister practically fall apart at the seams makes me sad. She puts on this front for the kids but I know she's falling apart. This is the third time she's miscarried since the twins well technically two miscarriages and one actually was born a liitle boy Khayin Nathan Weston-August but he came out barely having a heart beat from the umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck 3 times. He lived all of two days before one of his lungs collapsed slowing his heart beat and eventually completely stopping. That was 3 years ago and I can honestly say I never seen Kaevon or Tyrin so broken and distraught it got to the point where Kaevon needed therapy bad and Tyrin got put onto the six floor after having an emotional break down. They really wanted to take Tyrin to a mental home but nobody was letting that shit happen especially not mommy and momma Ty.  Tyrin starts therapy tomorrow while Kaevon just fucking refuses to get help.

Me: it's go be alright Kae you got the twins, Tyin, and Kemoni they need you. Can't leave them hanging and we don't need you and Ty having emotional breakdowns again so while your ahead call your therapist and set up appointments for you, Ty did it. I know you don't like it but you need it sis I just don't want you to fall apart again. We twins when you hurt I hurt I love you Kaevon I just want you to get better sis if not for yourself then for the kids. If you need to take a little vacation with Ty to clear your heads then let me know I'll watch the kids.

She cries more into my shirt nodding her head I held her close blinking away tears. Don't think I'm playing when I say I hurt when she hurts. She's my twin sister we came out the womb together what she feels I feel something effects her it effects me to it's just unnatural for me not to feel hurt when she's hurt.

Kaevon: I relapsed Khalid.

Me: you did what? Come on Kaevon we talked about this shit. Tyrin go flip the fuck out.

Kaevon: don't tell him it was only once.

Me: it only takes one time to become addicted Kae you know that shit.

Kaevon: just please don't tell him.

Me: I can't do that kae I know you more then you know your self your not going to quit. Your more like Lorenz then you think I dont wanna loose another sibling to drug addiction. I won't let the shit happen.

I could hear someone stomping up the stairs I know it was Ty cause he was yelling her name. We were sitting in the bathroom where I had found her sitting on the floor crying. Tyrin came into the bathroom breathing hard, fist clenched, fact red. With a bag of cocaine in his hand. One time my fucking ass it took everything in me not to punch her dumb ass in the nose.

Tyrin: your un fucking believable! You using!? I tried with you man! I fucking tried and you start using!? I dont give a fuck how fucking bad it hurts you don't turn to snorting crack up ya fucking nose!

I looked down at Kaevon as she balled up in my lap sobbing.

Me: Who the fuck did you get it from!?

She shakes her head I stand up staring at her as she looked down.

Me: tell me right fucking now Kaevon for I slap your dumb ass.

Kaevon: Tylin .

My jaw clenched and I turned watching as Tyrin punched the wall 4 times making a big ass hole. What I didn't expect was for him to try charge towards Kaevon I bumrushed him into the hallway wall before he could grab her.

Me: chill!

I made sure he was calm before letting him go Kaevon sat against the wall crying saying sorry to Tyrin repeatedly. He stood over her lifting her head up I watched as tears fell from his eyes he shook his head removing his hand from her face he backed up and she got up quickly grabbing his arm he snatched back shaking his head.

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