005 - Evelynn

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Rubbing the back of my neck I lift myself to my behind. Then with a yawn, I glance around with narrow eyes - I can tell the room is a mess but I didn't leave it like that the moment I went to bed which must mean someone came in to get something.

I lift myself out of the bed, rubbing my eyes out as I open the door to my room, turning on the light in the hallway I tread down the hallway. The fluffy and soft rug underneath my feet makes it feel so nice to drag my feet.

Peeking around the corner I can see my brother lying on the floor. With a glare, I walk up to him and tap him in the ribs with my toes till he wakes up, "What the fuck were you trying to search for in my room?"

He groans as she swats my foot away, "Leave me alone."

Getting annoyed quickly, I sit down on the couch and drop my heels into his lower back, "Dumbass-"

"Ack," he lifts himself quickly as I almost fall off of the couch, grabbing me by the ankles he shoots me an angry stare, "Why the fuck would you wake me up like that?"

"The same reason why my room looks like the way it does."

Narrowing his eyes, my feet against his chest as he then twists his lips to the side, "Dunno. I was probably too drunk to know what I was doing - no wait I was going to my bed and I think you beat the shit out of me in your sleep."

"I don't recall waking up to do that," he then lets go of my ankles, he looks like shit and as if he has been drinking since a few hours ago, "Hectic night?"

He nods, "Know how it is with College and celebrating the new year of school," then with a yawn, "Want something to eat? I am starving and hope that place is open this early."

I twist my lips to the side, "Probably not. Are you trying to say we don't have food in the house either?"


"Jake you are a colossal disappointment."

"Ahh but you see that means it is super easy to impress my sister, yeah?"

I lift myself, "Clean up this place and then we can think about breakfast, I have school as well and I know you are going to skip today so you might as well clean up before spending the rest of the day in bed."

"Right - right."

I roll my eyes as I claim the bathroom before he stays in there for a few hours - he has a stomach of steel and I have no idea how this kid hasn't gotten any sort of intoxication or came home without being kidnapped... or spending the night in jail.

Rubbing my temple as I strip and get into the shower. Considering he wants to eat I should do my best to get done as soon as possible before he just ends up not washing and going in his alcohol and sweat-stained clothes because he is starving.

Who is taking care of who here?

Stepping out of the bathroom I spot him busy cleaning up his mess, "I'm done if you want to clean yourself up... please clean yourself."

"I was going to," I can hear him roll his eyes.

Shaking my head as I make my way back to my room. Going to open the curtains, the entire room is a mess with my closet being open with random clothes just lying everywhere. I don't even know what he was doing... probably realized this wasn't his room after someone started kicking his ass.

I dry my body as I sit at the edge of my bed, staring emptily at the window as the sun hasn't even started to rise. My alarm says it is 5 AM so we can head to the breakfast restaurant down the street and get something to eat before I start heading to school.

Not wasting any time getting dressed, I slip on a pair of socks, pants, a skirt, and my shirt. Then immediately help clean up the rest of the house as he heads to take a shower. Luckily the rest of the room is clean and I just have to fold my clothes and toss the rest that feels dirty into my washing basket in the corner.

Fixing my hair into a loose ponytail, pulling the end over my shoulder I shoot myself a smile. I notice the painting above my bed, then glance around as I chuckle at the thought that their room hasn't changed since those two left us here.

I even said it would be mine but I never got around to changing it from its drab peachy and brown colors. Though the carpet makes up for most of it - I hate being cold.

"Uhhhh I just want to climb back into bed - this year is definitely not worth the effort," I grab my phone and pull my jacket over my shoulder and drag my bag behind me to the front door.

Scrolling through my phone, I glance at a few messages as I scroll past them. If this Liam kid asks me one more time about Ahri I am just going to tell her this kid is seriously just trying to cope with the biggest crush so just break or make his heart already.

Seriously annoying.

Deleting his messages I tuck my phone in my skirt pocket as I see my brother staring at me with a smile, "Ready to eat?"

"Where do you get your energy?"

"No clue," I turn to open the door as I follow him outside, and onto the streets, "Though I am really starving and nothing would be as awesome as having a stupidly large breakfast and the strongest coffee I can handle."

"Your metabolism is something else, Jake."

He then smiles widely, "I should become a chef - though I haven't cooked anything in my life."

"Which is why we stock up on instant noodles and hotdogs?"

"You don't ever complain."

"We aren't in a position to complain," I roll my eyes, "Get yourself a girlfriend that knows how to cook."

"How about you get a boyfriend that knows how to cook, I need like a little brother to hang out with because you are just a pain. Always resorting to physically harming me for your own satisfaction... sadist!"

I tuck my head between my shoulders, I really sometimes wonder why I go out with this kid, "Keep it down. Will you?"


"I am not a sadist. You are so thick-skulled the only way to get anything through you is by trading blows," then twisting my lips to the side, "Besides that is your fault for trying to wrestle with me when I was younger."

"And now you just start clawing at me the moment I try to have a little fun."

Reaching the place, I greet one of the waiters with a wide smile, "Stopping by for yet another morning," she walks to me as she gestures for me to follow her.

"You two sure love eating here," she then peeks past me, "Hey Jake."


She giggles, "Looks like a rough night for him," then as we sit down she asks, "I am going to assume it is usual for both of you? Coffee for both and the champion breakfast special for him."

"Make that two, I have quite an appetite today."

She nods as she writes it down, "Be with you two in a moment."

"Think she is single?" he asks me.

Pulling out my phone as I state, "Have you tried asking?"

"I mean it would be weird if I just asked. I have a crippling fear of being disappointed."

"Mom and Dad have the same thing when it comes to you."

"Not fair," he pouts at me, I then laugh as I shake my head.

"Just ask - no point in wasting time. Get a lot more answers when you are not busy beating around the bush."

I don't like people that can't be straight with themselves. It annoys me to no end. A pet peeve yeah, but why rely on others to get something for you when you know you will never be satisfied unless you hear it yourself.

It's like being scared to do anything.

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now