093 - Help not wanted

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Evelynn didn't stick around long and she said that we should just look around this place - we didn't even search for long till she said she found her. But she hasn't said anything else other than just a message for all of us not to worry anymore.

It didn't sound good at all.

Akali then walks up running her fingers through my hair, "You don't need to worry - she said she will find her and she did."

I nod, "Problem is that I thought there was something I could do and it didn't help at all."

"Ahri... I think I could talk to her," she sits down next to me, we are both sharing the view of the city, "I don't think anything I went through will be the same for her, that she would even find that connection between the two of us."

I give her a weak smile, "Maybe you can do something I tried to... not everyone responds the same way."

"What do you think is the problem?"

I take a deep breath, "A lot of things - it isn't just one thing for her I think. From her parents... to her situation. But... I don't know anything about her past so I don't really have anything solid."

She interlaces her fingers with my hand, "Maybe... people like her need to be left alone to sort it out themselves because they think they have been alone all this time, but it kills them thinking they can't do anything for themselves."

I then ask her, "And that is why she hates it when people try and help her?"

"It is possible," she lifts her shoulders with a furrowed brow, "I can't really say for sure."

My phone then rings in my pocket, I don't waste any time answering the call, "Evelynn?"

"Hey," she sighs, "Sorry for taking so long to call, Ahri snuck out somewhere last night and has been at my place - definitely in a better mood than last night but she isn't exactly happy with me telling you about her situation either."

"At least she is fine."

"I... fine is just one step away from being a total wreck. Whatever. It is something I can be happy with for a few moments," I hear someone talk in the background, "I am letting the people that spent a couple of hours run around to find you that you aren't missing."

"She says she is sorry."

"She can tell us herself," I counter.

"You can tell them yourself," she then sighs, "(Y/N)-'

"If you have to sigh just to say my name this feels like something bad is about to happen."

"Sorry for asking that of you - I shouldn't have and I know that you are probably blaming yourself for what happened last night. I thought that when I saw you help Akali that way you would be able to do the same for her."

"It happens I suppose-"

"It might just have cost your relationship with Ahri," she says.

"Her words?" I ask.

"I... I can't speak for her."

I then look at Akali who gives me a pained expression, she must be able to hear the conversation, "I can't help people that don't want to be helped, even then I don't think I am someone that even knows what to do in that situation."

"You aren't on your own there."

"Thanks for letting me know."

"Will you tell the other girls?"

"I will," I reassure her.

"Are you okay?" she asks me.

"Why even ask me that?" I scoff.

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now