011 - Coincidence

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Snuggled up into a blanket, she stares with narrow eyes at the TV as I eat my breakfast, "You sure you don't want anything to eat?" she nods, "I am a hundred percent sure. I am probably just going to go to bed anyway."

I chuckle, "Suit yourself," she glances over at me.

"Why are you taking that with you?"

I glance to my side to see the guitar in its case, "Heard there is something about a music class so I was going to try and get myself signed up for it - I checked and some of the instruments inside are old and I'd rather use something that works."

"Yours is electric."

I nod, "There will be an outlet."

"They allow that?"

"It's no different than an acoustic," I roll my eyes as I lift myself, "Want something to drink at least?"

"I bought coffee," she calls out.

"I'll take that as a yes," I smile to myself as I quickly make her something as I get ready to walk to school, Matty can't drive me around forever so I should at least get that little bit of exercise in.

Carrying over her cup, she grabs it with both hands and plops it in her lap as she holds it with the tips of her fingers. It is very cold for absolutely no reason... yesterday was fine but I even had to pull out a scarf for when I am walking.

"Wait wait wait-" she almost climbs out of the seat, "Why though? You never ever use that thing to play for anyone else and only ever use it when you are bored out of your mind."

"Is it really that strange that I want to get better?"

"I mean... why now after all the time I tried to get you to?" she narrows her eyes rather dramatically, then her face lightens up, "Is there someone you want to impress? There isn't there? I knew it~"

Not answering her, I grab my stuff and start walking, "Wait!"

"I'll see you later, enjoy your day!" I call after her as I leave through the door.

If she found out the reason it'll not be as special I guess... that and she would be upset that the only time I took interest in this thing even further is just so that she could become better. It isn't true but that is how she will see it.

In the elevator, my bag is on my back and my case in hand. I packed some strings as well because I doubt they'd be happy if I played that thing. So I can fix up the acoustic in that room. The door slides open two floors down from mine revealing a duo. I step to the side pull my stuff closer to my body.


Lifting my gaze to look them in the face, "Kai'Sa? And..."

She gestures with her thumb, "My dad."

With a serious expression, "Good morning."

I offer my hand to shake his, "Good morning, sir."

He grabs it and gives it a tight squeeze, Kai'Sa then asks, "What is with the case?"

"Uh - guitar. Akali managed to twist my arm a little bit too much so now I am going to have to establish the music club thing."

He then nudges her with his elbow, "You should try to attend if you aren't too busy with dancing-"

"Nope," she says quickly.

"What why?" I then look at her, "Are you saying you can sing as well?"

Twisting her lips to the side, she was clearly never ready to talk about it as she only lifts her shoulders, "Not really."

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now