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Your head leaned back against the edge of the tub while you allowed yourself to sink deeper into the soak you made. You'd lit a few candles and put a fruity face mask on to start a good self-care Sunday. Your earbuds pressed firmly in your ears with good tunes lulling you into a peaceful-

"Why did my music stop?" Your eyes shot open. "Why is my phone ringing?" tapped at your earbud, declining the call and going back to your soak. It rang again. "Can it not be the commission again? Days later? Is that too much to ask for? Am I asking for too much?" You ripped the bandaid off and answered the call.


"Are you dead?"


"Are. You. Dead?"

"Faust, get off my phone." You sucked your teeth.

"Do you remember-"

"When you tricked me into signing a marriage contract and went so far as to have it signed by a judge? I do, what about it?"

"Grow up, I'm doing you a favor."

"Suck my dick, Akira."

"I'll bite you."

"What do you want?"

"Before you interrupted me." They scoffed. "I was asking if you remembered the company party from a few years ago."

"Which one, Akira, I went to like, three."

"The Christmas one."


"That's interesting. It crossed my mind at the gala and I thought-"

Not that you had anywhere else to be in particular, there were a few places you knew you'd rather be that evening. There next to Faust fake laughing with a few heroes, or in your apartment getting your lesson plans ready for the next day, or anywhere else honestly. So many options. You sighed, eyes glossing over the lobby full of heroes, employees, and an obnoxiously large tree. "I'm going to get another drink."


"Uh, yeah, I need something to make this suck less." You turned for the bar, "Want me to grab you something?"

"I'll pass." He waved.

You guessed you were taking too long to come back when Akira came and took place next to you. Reclining with both elbows on the bar, his head tilted towards you. "Changed your mind?" You asked, having already taken a seat waiting on the tender to bring you your order. "Nope. It sucks less over here."

"Ah." Your brows raised, watching your drink be placed in front of you, you mouthed a thank you. "All this," Faust motioned with his hand, "Stuff, the festivities, the pleasantries, the superfluities, the-"

"Say one more word that ends in 'ies'," You side eyed from your drink, the glass teetering on your bottom lip. "Do it, I dare you."

"Tell me you want to leave and we'll leave." He sighed.

"So I'm your scapegoat."

"I wouldn't say that."

"Mhm. 'Sorry, guys, my date's not feeling too good. We're gonna head out.'"

"I planned on using different words."

"I bet so," You reached over, pulling a piece of fuzz off his shoulder. "I like this color on you." You said about his rust colored top, flicking away the little thing of lint. "You should wear it more."

"Is it the open bar holding you hostage?" They asked, brow raised. "That's one reason." You chuckled, peeking over your shoulder. Not there. You looked over the other. Found him. "Over there." You nodded in the direction. Faust looked around your form, scoffing almost immediately. "What? You want All Might's autograph?"

Time in a Tree (All Might x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now