Chapter 1-Hard To Kill

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Third Person Point Of View
Heaven is beautiful, so happy and bright, there is perfect beauty in its everlasting light, all the grief and pain is over, every restless nightmare has passed, the relentless journey has come to an end, you can finally rest, a slender figure forms, merging into view like the adjusting lens of a camera, revealing the picture of beauty to all, a young girl stands alone, long locks the color of healthy bark travel down her back, her slender figure is healed of any hardship, cured of the disease known as life, her soft, beautifully chestnut orbs unlatch. Her optics swell in awe, her mouth slightly agape, at first she is confused, muddled as to where she is, but another figure approaches her, she doesn't detect the dagger of fear slice down her back, so she is calm, entrusting as the figure comes closer and focuses into her view, a stifled cry of realization escapes her, familiarity washes over her as she watches a young boy with a head of wild, curly brown hair stand before her, his wide smile brightening his chubby cheeks as he dashes for the girl, happy tears accumulate around her lids. She hastefully hurles her entire body towards the small boy, their bodies collide, but they don't pay heed to it, their arms are wrapped around each other the moment their bodies are given proximity, they both collapse to the ground, rivers of happy and relieved tears stream down their cheeks, the moment is bittersweet, for them to finally be reunited, only for them both to have lost the battle between life and death, their whimpers of how much they missed each other escape their trembling lips "Rose" the young boy cries, cuddling close to the girl, clinging to her shirt. "Chuck", a teary cry escapes from the back of the girl's throat "I missed you", the girl chuckles sadly, releasing the boy slightly to gaze upon his unchanged features "we all missed you", when she arrays the slightest twinge of confusion, the younger boy whirls around to gaze behind him, the girl follows his line of sight, only to gasp when she witnesses a group of figures standing just a few feet before them, their outlines don't array their identities, but she knows some of them must be her friends, although that doesn't hinder the desire for the identity of the rest of the figures. "But before I introduce you to them, you have to open this", the girl gazes down at the boy as he presents a small object in his hands, a small wooden box covered in a ruby hue lays in the palms of his hands, the wood is carved with intricate designs of delicately carved roses with their stems and leaves weaving around the small box, a small label with the girl's name informs her that the box belongs to her "what's in there?" The girl probes warily "the final piece to make you whole again". Intrigued, the girl elevates her hand to obtain the small box, guiding her hand charily towards it as if it would bring harm to her, but she finds it difficult to bring her fingers any closer, leaving her fingers close enough to graze it, she tucks her brows together in confusion, forcing her hand to move, but it remains inches from the box, she grunts in annoyance, even utilizing her other hand to somehow build enough force for something that should have been easy for her, but she struggles to get her hand to follow her brain's command to move. "I'm sorry, Rose" the young boy pities her, the girl stares at the him in confusion, still attempting to bring her rebelling hands closer to the box "maybe it's for the best" he smiles sadly "wait, what?", but before he can respond, the girl is flung away from him, her cry echoes around her and the heavenly glow of eternal rest dims into the harsh ebony of reality, the last thing she espies is the sad expression on the young boy's face, the wind rushes around her, causing her loose clothing and hair to whip around, harshly, the girl impacts the ground.

Rose's Point Of View
The life that filled my dormant and empty lungs is nothing more than a whip of reality that ensnared me from eternal rest, with hungry gulps, I inhale, alive, activated like a mere machine, in sync, my orbs unlatch, swollen from the abrupt life that dominates my once stiff body, jolting awake with heightened senses, as I exhale, the blurry blanket of grogginess clouds my vision, but wanes with a couple of flutters of my lids, my stirred chest relaxes, happily filled with air, but I pant dulcetly, the first emotion I detect is utter confusion. I allow my orbs to flit around to absorb my surroundings, my limbs somehow not responding to the activity of my awakened state, menace cloaks the odd space that I reside in an eerie azure tint, tracing along the edges of the space to define their unfriendly curves, the gentle mechanical hum in my ears doesn't go unnoticed "welcome back", with swollen orbs of confusion, I whirl towards my left, the face before me is a mockery to my very existence, a statement that I would never be allowed my well-deserved rest, familiarity blankets the features of the face. But friendliness will never glow off their features, anger fills me like a raging fire as I glare up at the one who had terminated my life, with curled fists that turn white from my repressed anger and with optics flaring hatefully, I wish to somehow destroy the person in front of me with only my gaze, although subjected to a world of confusion and grogginess from my sudden awakening, I growl lowly at the rotund, azure orbs that happily sacrificed my very life for a fantasy, leering at the proud smile upon their plump lips "hello, Betrayer".

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