Chapter 23-Sneaky Makeouts

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(Warning! Sexual Content!)
"Besides", he takes a step forward, I step back, only for my back to collide into the side of the mountain, I attempt to steady my breathing as he leans closer towards me "we both know you can't stay mad at me forever, Love", I shudder with delight at the tone of his voice, for it's, dare I admit it, dangerously attractive, an exhilarating thrill slices down my spine as I exhale shakily "you wanna bet on that?" I counter "oh, I'm counting on it" he provokes me further "don't underestimate me, Newt, especially when it comes to my self-control". I instigate him "let's see about that", suddenly his lips crash onto mine, instantly he moans upon contact, I curl my hands into fists, surprisingly restraining myself from easing into him, my fingers ache to be in his locks as his hands roam my body, tracing my curves suggestively, I supress a moan as he squeezes my bottom gently "watch your hands, Mister" I warn him breathily, severing our lips, although the euphoric adrenaline urges me to link my lips with his once again "you brought this upon yourself, Love" he taunts, he squeezes my bottom. Only this time he lifts me off the ground facilely, innately, my legs wrap around his torso, warmth flooding my cheeks at our position, my back rubs harshly against the rough terrain of the side of the mountain, but it's disregarded to me as he rubs himself against me, my body losing reign as our genders graze each other, his lips trail along my chin and slowly, but certainly, guide their way towards my neck, I gnaw my lip as he nibbles the skin of my shoulder, unable to sustain my ornery any longer, my hands uncontrollably rush towards his wild locks. Curling into them as I allow my mouth to release sounds of inexplicable pleasure, his nibbles grow more possessive and rough, I whine as he sucks my skin harshly, his hands run along my legs as I buck my hips into him, he moans loudly from the impact "we both know I won, Newt" I whisper dulcetly, my lips grazing the skin of his ear, I detect him shuddering against me "I always win", I plant my lips upon the fading bruise from the previous intimate night and attack it, not an ounce of refrain in my actions. He thrusts roughly against me, I moan loudly, cursing my weak state, Newt's lips leave my skin, in that moment, a sudden emptiness invades my body, I attempt to ignore it, he smiles at me gently, gingerly caressing my cheek "I really am sorry, Love", I mimick his kind smile, almost ignoring our intimate position "I know, Handsome", he grins bashfully "I care about you" he states, the confession almost sounds odd compared to the one he had spoken earlier, but I smile nonetheless "I care about you", I place a delicate link against his lips, savoring the taste of his lips. Aversely, I remove my lips from his "we should probably go, they're waiting for us" I inform him ruthfully, he places a tenderhearted link against my lips, nibbling my lip vampishly "okay, let's go, Love", setting me down on the ground, I detect my face warming intensely as he friskily slaps my bottom, I send him a playful glare as he intertwines our fingers together, strolling back towards the car, I ignore the larky smirk that Frypan directs towards me "all better now?" Frypan jests, I orbit my orbs "yes, all better", Newt's hand slithers around my waist. Pinching my side gently and caressing my cheek with tender lips "Fry, what do we have to work with?", the boy rubs the back of his neck worriedly "not so good, me and you brought shotguns and hand held guns, Thomas only brought a hand held one, we have about six water bottles, four jars of canned goods and two packs of parishables" Frypan informs us, his orbs flash an apologetic glance towards me "Rose didn't bring anything, no weapons or food", I send him a piercing glare "yeah, like I had time to prepare for you guys wondering off" I defend. "Yeah, I know, but that doesn't change the fact that if something happens in there, you are left unarmed and we have to ration our food", I nod, my ire replaced with agreement "okay, here's the plan" Newt begins, snaring our attention towards him "Frypan, you're most experienced to navigate through the tunnel since you've been training with Vince, so you are at the driver's seat", Frypan nods obediently "I will be next to you with the heavy weaponry in case there are any obstacles in there", I shift uneasily at his words, rubbing my moist palms nervously. "And Tommy, we will leave you with you with your hand gun in case anything gets too close for me to shoot at, and you also have the most important job", Newt's orbs flash towards me "you have to protect Rose with your life, if it gets hairy in there, you allow yourself to get hurt, not her, ya hear me?" Newt emphasizes, his orbs deadly serious "it's okay, Newt, nothing is gonna-", Thomas is cut off when Newt steps in front of him, orbs gazing straight into his soul with unimaginable solemnity "enough of your optimistic klunk, Tommy, alright?. I need to hear only five specific words from you, and those words better answer me correctly right now, will you protect her?", leaning in dangerously close to Thomas, Newt awaits patiently, I find myself somehow attracted to Newt's protectiveness towards me, it causes my insides to flutter "I will protect her, Newt" Thomas finally speaks, orbs frantic with nervousness "with your life, Tommy?", Newt's brow flicks upwards in a swift motion "with my life", easing, Newt sends Thomas a gentle, thankful grin "good that", as everyone eases gradually from the tension, I find the opportunity to speak "yay! Going into the lion's den!".

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