Chapter 66-The Temptation

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Indecipherable, and frankly vulgar, murmurs escape my lips as I adversely storm my way towards her, an evident frown weighing my lips, turning my head back towards Newt, taciturnly pleading for him to follow after me, he merely encourages me with the display of his two thumbs, I send him an unamused glare before I orbit my optics and redirect my attention to the Betrayer, contorting my features into a glare once more before halting a few inches away from her, analyzing her unmoving body and emotionless gaze suspiciously "thank you for letting me talk to you, Rose" she begins. My unwavering glare is her reply, she shifts uneasily "it means a lot to me", "this better be something important, or else I'm leaving" I threaten, unaffiliated by her words "of course, I understand whatever I may say to you won't make a difference between how you view things, but it may waver how you feel towards me", I chuckle sinisterly towards this "I will never waver in my indifference towards you, not with everything you did" I snarl "not even when I hold the Cure for Newt?", I falter, but I refuse to display any emotion "what are you talking about?". She folds her arms over her chest, I loathe the spark of cognizance that radiates off her like a foul aroma "I know, Rose, I would have to be pretty ignorant to not recognize the signs of the Flare when I have been experimenting with Infected people" she informs me "well, I agree with the ignorant part, but I honestly have no idea what you're on about" I refuse to disclose any information towards her "surely you know, he wouldn't keep something like that a secret from you", I narrow my vision towards her "maybe to protect me". She sighs out exasperatedly "I know you know, Rose, it explains why you got so violent during the interrogation, it's because Thomas was wasting valuable time that Newt doesn't have", I shift my weight onto my left leg, defiant towards her attempts to understand my actions "I did that because I really don't like you", she deflates slightly, but recovers "be that as it may, but you used to care for me, you protected me and connected with me the moment I arrived in the Box" she retaliates "that's because the girl I knew to be my friend didn't try to enslave innocent Immunes for a nonexistent Cure". She falters, advancing closer by a hesitant step "I know what I did was wrong, and I'm genuinely sorry about what happened, but please, just listen to what I'm about to tell you", I linger, preparing for her words, realizing I'm waiting for her, she reaches into her pocket to obtain an object, displaying it towards me in her right hand, I inspect the strange object, curious to it's circular shape and golden liquid inside, it's roughly identical in size to the object we discovered in a Griever back in the Maze. "What the klunk is that?" I question, baffled by the strange object "well, the Researchers I worked with called it 'Project Anamnestic', they rarely spoke about it but I discovered they invented this when they sent the first Glader into the Maze" she elaborates "what does it do? How's this the Cure for Newt?" I question her "Rose, this little contraption is the key to you retrieving your lost memories, and with that, you'll understand how you can Cure Newt", my features contort into realization, I exhale in disbelief "you're lying, it's impossible to regain our memories, WICKED ensured that". Advancing closer towards me, she displays no trace of effect to my words "which is why I was able to retrieve my memories before we entered the Scorch?", I narrow my vision towards this, adversely realizing she's correct "this is what they gave me, a single dose of this brought it all back, unfortunately you guys disrupted the process by saving me, so my memories are leisurely returning to me", I delve into her gaze, searching for any evidence of deception in her orbs, my arms unfold and slacken at my sides, my orbs widen as realization slams against me. "But why me? I thought I was a lost cause because I failed all my tests" I question her "you did, you failed all the tests for evidence of the Cure, but you did pass the test for something much more valuable than a Cure, your blood holds something far greater than anything I could possibly fathom, maybe it might not be the Cure, but it might be the very thing that provides the one thing Newt needs", I elevate a single brow towards this "and what is that?" I question "time", I freeze, my mind immensely activated by the many thoughts sprouting within. "If you remember everything, you can figure out how to save Newt, not only that, your memories may hold the very solution to ending this war and prevent the loss of millions, you could join WICKED and achieve untold greatness", at this I stiffen, my hands coil into fists and I detect my wrath fermenting, realizing this, the Betrayer retreats back, addled by my sudden change of behavior "you know, for a second I thought you were actually trying to help us" I inform her, despising the vulnerability I'm displaying "I am trying to help you". My rage escapes me in a flash "no, you're trying to save your own skin! You don't care if people die or if Newt's Infected! You don't care that I'm tormented day and night because of what you did at that compound! AND YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT MINHO! ALL YOU SHUCKING CARE ABOUT IS WICKED!", I launch myself towards her, only to be thwarted by a pair of strong, familiar hands "LET ME AT HER! LET ME AT HER, NEWT! SHE'S GOING TO KILL MINHO LIKE SHE KILLED ME! I WILL NEVER HELP YOU, YOU SHUCKING TRAITOR! I HATE YOU!".

Author's info- Hello, reader. Okay, I am a bit uncertain about this one, but you know what, what the heck. So, I am gonna try to explain mainly becauss if I do I might convince myself this was a good chapter. So, Teresa managed to steal a vial from WICKED that has the ability to return the memories that the Gladers have lost from the Memory Wipe. And she's tempting Rose into regaining her memories so that WICKED could finally have the Cure they were looking for. Now Teresa does remember, but as stated the Gladers intervened before the process could finish so her memories are coming back slowly instead of all at once. So she thinks by giving Rose the vial, Rose may remember something from her past that could save Newt from the Flare. But you see, Rose realizes that if she goes with this, she's only proving the one thing she will never agree with, that it is because of WICKED's torture that they were able to discover that Rose may hold something far greater than the Cure. So by agreeing to regain her memories, Rose is also unintentionally defending WICKED's actions because they were the only reason the discovery was made. That is why Rose is denying Teresa's offer, and also because she doesn't trust Teresa no matter the benefits Teresa tempts her with. I think. I'm just gonna stick with that for now. But you guys, it is gettinf so close to the ending, I don't think I am ready, I hope you are because it's gonna be a heck of a ride. You are gonna cry your eyes out and I am so sorry in advance! See you next chapter! Later reader!

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