Chapter 22-Pessimistic Tunnels

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"Looks like no one has been here in a long time" I mumble, furrowing my brows as Frypan leisurely drives through, what used to be, a health check point, a recalcitrant shudder runs through my body as I stare upon the faded, broken signs along the rusty fences and the withered, abandoned shelters, warning us of the dangers of the Flare, the symptoms and the ways to avoid the disease that is slowly swallowing the entire world, looking ahead, I swallow nervously as the jeep approaches a menacingly gloomy tunnel, I rub my moistening palms on my thighs, shifting uneasily. DO NOT ENTER UNTIL RECEIVED HEALTH CONFIRMATION, the warning hangs from the mouth of the tunnel on a sole screw "Fry, stop the car" Thomas whispers, fearful that any louder he would awaken chaos, obediently, Frypan allows the car to slow to a stop "pitch black tunnel that holds no sign of life, that's always a good sign" Frypan jests "scratch exploring a scary tunnel off the bucket list" I join in as Frypan takes the key out from the ignition, the rumble of zest wanes from the car as Thomas slowly opens the door, climbing out with his orbs trained upon his map. I open my door and crawl out, my feet stomp upon the sandy terrain, my orbs trailing along the outlines of the moutain until they land upon the rim of the cave, the four of us all cautiously step towards the cave opening, glancing around at our disturbing vicinity, Newt, with his hands on his hips, squints his orbs at the eerie path "that's where you want us to go?" Newt probes sassily "it's the only way", Thomas and me share a nervous glance "not to sound pessimistic or anything", Newt's orbs shift towards Thomas. "But if I were a Crank, that's definitely a good bloody place to hide out", I frown at his words, allowing my orbs to flicker towards the boy, only to find his orbs trained upon me, I divert my orbs, my frown deepening, Thomas stares ahead mutely, Newt squints at the Sun as it persistently beats down upon us, licking his lips as he sighs deeply "we should prepare ourselves", this gains everyone's attention as we all direct our orbs towards him "just in case" Newt frowns in repel to his own words "Tommy, find out what's on the other side of that cave. Don't want any bloody surprises, ya hear me?", Thomas nods in confirmation "Frypan, think you could see how many weapons we have on us? And think you'll be able to drive through that?", Frypan nods compliantly, strolling back towards the car "Rose, come with me to see how much supplies we have in case any injuries occur", I nod, grumbling lowly as I follow behind Newt towards the car, silently, I obtain Thomas's pack and rummage through it, only finding four water bottles, a few stashes of bagged foods and a small gun, I disregard the gun for Frypan to inspect. Moving on to his pack, although my orbs are trained upon my hands, I detect Newt's heed upon me "want to say something?" I snap at him "I really wish you hadn't come with us", instantly I cease and glare at him "and I really wish you hadn't tried to leave me behind without so much as a goodbye" I retort, he sighs, raking his hands through his locks "I'm sorry, Love, I just want you safe" he explains "and I just want you to trust me" I scowl at him "I do trust you, Rose". I send him a glare "then why? Why did you leave? I understand that you want to help Thomas and you want to keep me safe, but don't I have a right to the peace of mind that you said goodbye?" I argue, sending him a loathing glare "what if something happened to you? What if you got hurt? What if-", I halt, almost unable to continue "what if you died, Newt?", I link my serious orbs with him "what if you died and you left me without saying goodbye? What if you died and left me there alone thinking you would surely return?". I choke as tears begin to arise "you promised you would stay by my side no matter what, that even when everything is confusing and suspicious, that you will trust me as I trust you and that we'll endure this reality as we do everything, together" I emphasize gravely, a sole tear slithers down my cheek "and you broke that promise, Newt" I choke, he lowers his head ruefully "where you go, I go from now on, got it?" I snap spitefully, he nods, clenching his jaw as if to hinder him from arguing any further. Arms crossed, I huff, still peeved "Rose?", I link with his orbs "were you", he pauses, as if struggling to release the words "awake the entire time?", analyzing the pure terror in his gaze, I realize the best decision I can enact is to not reveal that I was indeed awake to hear him confess everything "no, I woke up to use the bathroom and found that you weren't in bed, I caught on to what was happening and went searching for you by following your voices", I sway my hips sassily "like I said, you guys were unimaginably loud". He sighs in relief, his orbs softening "good that", I scoff at him, only I conceal the true reason behind it "Love, I will spend the rest of my life to apologize for what I did, but please don't stay mad at me, that's not how I want to spend these unpredictable days with you", I huff, agreeing aversely "I'll forgive you, if you promise that where you go, I go" I bargin stubbornly, he smiles slightly, obtaining my hand with his, allowing his slender fingers to loop around mine, merging together flawlessly and effortlessly "where you go, I go".

Author's info- Hello, my fellow reader!! OMG!! I'M STILL ALIVE! Yes, I am!! And I am back and better than ever!! These first few days of summer were absolutely crazy and busy and I wasn't able to update for a while and that made me really sad because I left you guys hanging there for a hot minute!! But I am so glad to be back! I just hope you guys can forgive me!! The first week of summer was jam packed and I had not time to write this amazing book!! Now that things have calmed down, I am back!! I hope you guys loved this chapter as much as I loved writing it!! Anyone else love the small story I created for Frypan's origin? I sure did!! I really loved how it turned out!! I cannot wait to see what happens next!! And I am just going to tell you this as a heads up, the next chapter is a bit steamy and it might be a bit violent and dark for you younger readers, so if you wish, you can skip ahead! But for those of you who live dangerously and read the next chapter, you have been warned!! The next chapter is going to be amazing!! I know it!! Don't forget to comment, smash that voting star, share your critique and share this book with everyone you know!! The more readers the better!! I probably should get going! The next chapter isn't going to write itself!! I will see you guys next chapter!! Can't wait!! I love and appreciate all of you!! See you later reader!!

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