Chapter 13-Writing The Wrongs

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Thomas smiles towards me, rooting me to nod towards him "anything else?" Vince probes, desperate for more, I scour my fuzzy, useless memory, my breath hitches when I remember something "he took Minho", my voice is quiet as my mind runs wild with the hazy memory "the guard watching us took Minho" I repeat, unsure if anyone discerned me "he went through the back of the car", "but that doesn't make any sense" Vince mutters to himself "the guard couldn't have left through our side, we had Newt, myself and Thomas looking out the entire time", I ponder to this. "Shuck!" Thomas exclaims, slamming his balled fist on the table, radixing everyone to jolt and gaze at him questioningly "that shucking slinthead that almost shot me! He and the other kid were in charge of guarding the left side of the car!", ignoring the fact that Thomas was shot at during the rescue mission, I silently watch as his features become more defined with his anger "how much you wanna bet they didn't look at their door once? The only time that side was probably glanced at was when Vince and I were hooking the ropes up on their side!".  Newt glances at Thomas in warning "they're new to this, Tommy, just like we all were at one time", with this, I watch as the anger slowly leaves his body, only abiding by the curled fingers of his hand "that would explain why the chain next to Rose didn't look like it was used by anyone, it was properly undone and not cut through by one of us", my lips are tugged down by a frown "nice to know six months were wasted because of some inexperienced Shanks" I mumble "they weren't wasted, we found you", Newt's hand tighten around my own. I attempt to match the smile that illuminates his features "you didn't think I needed to be found", his orbs flicker downwards and his smile fades "now that that's settled with, we have a new problem" Vince informs us, his orbs flicker over the group "we have no idea where WICKED took him", he frowns "I might", ignoring the unsettling detection that arises with everyone's heed upon me, Vince guides me to a wobbly table with dying wood, Thomas, panicked with hope, fumbles to open a map that he unsheathes from his belt, smoothing it out across the table, he looks to me buoyantly. "Point to where, Rose" Thomas employs, I stare at the map, unsure how to read it "you can do it, Love" Newt inspirits, squeezing my hand, I squeeze his back as I flit my orbs over the empty map "how do you know she can even read that thing?", the argument that ensues muffles out in my ears, only discerning my soft breathing, my brows tuck, a vigorious magnet draws my orbs towards a spot of the map that's left unmarked, bare of any trails mountains and train routes, suddenly, I detect myself being flung out from the room without even moving. I pinch my orbs shut and curl my hands into fists, unable to decipher the odd detection, but it wanes before I can study it, sighing dourly, I unlatch my orbs, only for them to widen in horror, a WICKED guard stands before me, gun pointed directly at my face "move", he motions me forward, shock and confusion spreads across my body, but my fear dominates, I stagger forward, with hands bound behind my back, I'm pushed to my knees "we're searching the area, but they're probably long gone now", a foreign voice enters my ears. Fearfully, I gaze up, Janson strolls towards me "oh, they're not going anywhere", Janson smirks down at a boy before him, I shift, attempting to gaze at the boy "Thomas didn't get what he really wanted", my breath hitches when the boy elevates his head, Minho, Janson displays a device to him, the lines that trace across it reveal it's a map "see this?, that's where you're headed", he points to an empty spot on the map "The Last City", I detect myself being launched again, pinching my lids shut, I curse the repulsing detection that arises within my stomach. A hand gently places itself upon the small of my back, instantly, I unlatch my orbs and gaze around my vicinity addledly, but once I notice the patiently waiting gazes of my group, I realize I'm back upon the boat in Camp New Horizon, I gaze to my left, finding Newt smiling upliftingly towards me, allowing his hand to rub my skin tenderly, a chill runs down my spine at the touch, for my body had been deprived of it, I gaze back at the map, pointing directly at the vacant spot where the Last City supposedly is located "there". I'm at first confident, but with Vince's questioning gaze, I detect my confidence waning "there's nothing there, Rose, we've searched that area, twice" Vince emphasizes "yes, you did, but you didn't search underground", all heed distorts to confusion "what are you on about?" Vince probes "I mean, the only reason you never found them is because you weren't looking in the right place, the Compound I was taken to was underground, no wonder you couldn't track WICKED for months, they were traveling right under your noses" I reveal, all the faces in the room morph into reverent admiration. "If WICKED can build entire Compounds underground, who's to say they didn't build tracks underground to secretly travel?", the entire group ponders this "it's a few hundred miles from here" Thomas observes "here's the plan, we take all that can fight, we'll make our way to the location here", Thomas traces a path with his finger "and we'll return within a week", Vince frowns reprovingly "a week? It took us six months to get here!", Newt sighs heavily "he's right, Tommy, we can't stay here forever, especially now that WICKED has us back on their radar, we're vulnerable".

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