Chapter 55-Her Knight

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Allowing the space to become reticent and unmoving, Newt places his lips upon mine, gingerly allowing the two wounded worlds to mend together as one, tenitively passionate with every stroke, he separates from me, although he flashes me a smile, I notice his lip trembling, frowning, I climb into the bed, adjusting my body to be more comfortable, cringing at the loud squeaks the mattress releases, I then pat the vacant spot alongside me, smiling dismally towards me, Newt climbs in, wordlessly cuddling close to me, I shift myself closer to him, wrapping my arms around him and entangling my legs within his own. I settle his head upon my chest, comfortingly raking one of my hands through his long, fluffy strands, no words are required, the presence of one another is enough for us both, my heart moans with ache when I discern a soft sniffle, clutching him closer to me, providing him strength, as he has done for me countlessly, my other hand begins tracing fatuous nothings onto his skin, frowning as my fingertips dance across his tense muscles "you should be the one cuddling up to me" he speaks suddenly "why do you say that?" I quesion. Noticing the sound of his voice cracking from his stifled sobs "I'm your Knight In Shining Armor, it's my job to comfort my Princess in difficult times" he replies, sniffling once more, my heart flutters to his words "well, you may be my strong Knight, but it's okay for you to be treated like a fragile Princess too", he clings me closer to him "I'll happily be your Knight if it means you can depend upon me for strength when no one is paying attention", he chuckles, the sound is weighed by his unspeakable sorrow, I begin sketching words upon his frame. The special mixture of words that form the being that has stolen my heart, unspoken words that define him, to strengthen his confidence in his amenability, Handsome, my consciousness begins to become weak from fatigue, my heart stabilizes, preparing for rejuvenation, Strong, I detect his muscles relaxing and his breathing level, not even his snivelling remains as he becomes silent, slumber grasping tightly upon him, Kind, I yawn, jadedly placing my lips upon his forehead as I allow my rationality to become ensnared, my Knight In Shining Armor, finally, I close my orbs, slumber reigning over me entirely. After the void of bitter night, Earth's star leisurely rises on the horizon, spreading her gold in every direction, birthing in the way that natural forces do, not requiring invitation, yet detecting her welcome, her light is her gift, bold and untamed, for anyone who bothers to awaken their soul in the dawn and witness the world awake, this is our Sun, a passionate inferno has ignited to bring warmth to creation and inspire us to seek our own beauty within, a sunrise is the warmest hues of the rainbow, the colours that bring a gentle passion to the soul. It's the summon of the skies to rise and be something astounding, a new person that's revealed to me daily as I toil to become my finest self, a sunrise is one of the most impressive sights one can ever witness, it's not only beautiful but also gifts us new hope and new beginnings, it brings joy and positivity to an otherwise dull life, my gaze welcomes the sunrise, that iris of fire so alluring in it's mascara of pure light, it reminds me of a King returning after a long absence or even my own returning to life in the morning after the night's sleep. In the morning, the Sun is bright, and the sunlight is warm and not harsh, the birds keep chirping, and the breeze is gentle, the leaves of the plants are covered from the dew drops, the level of noise pollution in the mornings are less compared to the other times of the day, under the sunrise, the apples glow more rosy than they do in the dayshine, the branches of each tree spread out, so proud of the bounty they brought and sweetness given within each one, it's a brief celebration of exploding colours, of chaos and order. Of a beauty that sprung from simple seeds blessed with mud and rain, and in a moment I'm cast in crimson, bathed in an enchanting florid glow, plenty the Sun sacrifices each dawn without question or earning of the light, I gyrate my slender fingers through the air that becomes brighter with each passing moment until it becomes a new bold day, even in an unrelenting winter, as I watch my breath rise skyward, I detect the promise of the gentle spring transfer into my blood and bone, becoming a deeper part of my very being. The Sun blooms on the horizon, golden petals stretching outwards into the rich blue, it's the brilliant flower of the sky that kindly warms our precious days, it's the invitation to a new day, that sunrise so ordinary, it's extraordinary, awestruck by the capturing display, I find myself enamored by the beauty of nature, witnessing as the golden rays of promise sprinkle onto the frail seedlings of Earth, which twinkle with early morning dew, joyful for another day, glistening aurora's of luscious trees and their endless bounties of florals enter my visuals, my entire attention is ensnared upon the sight. But not enough to were I don't notice the familiar, uneven prods of feet advancing slowly behind me, panic has no chance to become, tranquility has me under it's spell, I allow my breaths to become whisps of ghost in the morning light as I detect tender, slender fingers skimming across my arms, mounts of anxiety prickle along my skin, I close my orbs, smiling contently as the figure behind me tugs me flush against their firm chest, my face grows warm from the intimacy, my heart sputters as my mind floods with familiarity, identifying the man "hello there, Love".

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