Chapter 8-Flakes Of The Past

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Uneasiness thrives in me as the guard opens a pair of double doors, revealing our mode of transportation, a train, but as I gawk at the long line of cars the train harbors, I'm shoved forward roughly for staring too long, we both stroll towards the train as another masked guard patiently waits for us, guarding the front entrance of the car, once we reach him, he places heavy metal cuffs around our wrists and ankles, long heavy chains connect them to each other, we really are prisoners, once they click securely, the guard jerks his head, motioning us inside. We begrudgingly step in, the low lighting shocks my orbs, but after blinking rapidly, my vision adjusts, only for a stifled gasp to escape my lips, two rows with two seats line the sides of the car, leaving a slender walkway through the middle, all rows are filled with teenagers all varying in age, but they all appear to mirror my starving state with their protruding bones and sulken, fearful orbs, they dare not gaze up, fearful of the guard who pushes us past the rows, I allow my orbs to flicker off to my right as we pass Aris and Sonya "right here". We stop at a row near the back of the car, Aris and Sonya are a couple rows ahead of us "ladies first", I slide into the seat with blank orbs, allowing the guard to secure the chain connecting my wrists and ankles to the ceiling of the car, leaving me little room to move, Minho slides in beside me, mumbling incoherent curses towards WICKED, the guard, the Betrayer, anyone who has done us wrong, the guard ignores him and cockily strolls back towards the entrance, it's open door allows early morning sunlight to slither through. After a few more teenagers enter and are secured in the seats behind us, another guard strolls in and the door shuts with a loud bang, abandoning us in a gloom that makes it difficult for us to stare at the person ahead of us, after a few tense moments, the car shifts and the gears beneath us whine as the train begins to move, a rhythmic thump of the lazy wheels fills the car, slowly revving until we detect the train zipping down the track, uneasy and fearful silence fills the car, no one speaks, not that anyone has the energy. My optics gaze straight ahead into the back of the person seated before me, only moving when the train bumps from the uneven terrain the tracks are on, occasionally, the guard will stroll down the isle, threating us with his cocked gun, but as he leisurely strolls towards us, he stops, chuckling to himself beside us, I refrain from gazing up at him "hey, Mark, come look at this", the other guard, Mark, prods over to us, his heavy boots thumping loudly against the floor "what's the matter, Jack?" Mark probes, his tone displaying his annoyance at his partner, Jack. "Is that really Her?" Jack whispers, obviously intending for me to discern him "looks like Her, check her out", before I can react, a rough hand harshly grabs my chin and forces me to gaze at the masked man, I shift uneasily to the detection of his orbs drinking my features greedily "my gosh, it's Her" Jack gasps, I whip my head from his grasp, glaring at him defiantly "and a fiesty one she is" Mark growls seductively "just the way I like them", Jack chuckles as he leans in closer to my face, a harsh blow impacts my cheek. My head twists to the left as my entire right cheek flares with pain, growing warm from the impact, a rough hand obtains my chin again, coercing me to gaze at the man who slapped me "it's such a shame, you know? Before this you had unimaginable power, respect and beauty, now look at you, reduced to nothing more than a hideous bag of bones", "DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO HER THAT WAY!", the moment the words are uttered, I know there's rue behind them, Jack shoves my face away and strolls over to the boy who dared to defy them. Aris, his features set with rage and defiance, suddenly, Jack inflicts a blow to Aris's face, his balled fists impacting the young boy's features harshly, another blow follows, causing Aris's head to whip to the right, then left, Jack obtains a head of hair and yanks it so that Aris could stare at the man, I restrain a gasp when I notice Aris busted lip and black buldge forming around his left orb, sputtering from the blood dripping from his lower lip, Aris growls at the man wrathfully "if you know what's best for you, Subject, I'd keep my mouth shut". With a cocky smirk, Jack strolls back over to his partner, who stands with his arms folded "no fair, you always get to do the fun stuff", chuckling, they both stroll back towards the front of the car, leaving us in peace "you didn't have to do that", with my head hanging low, I ensure my voice is dulcet in the otherwise still air "you would've done the same for me", I restrain an angry glare directed towards him "doesn't change the fact that what you did wasn't only stupid, but also futile" I snap acidly. A momentary silence follows "what did they do to you?", the probe exits his throat unevenly, breaking upon impact to the cruel air "the unspeakable", a more prolonged silence looms over us, a blanket of uneasiness, but the whir of a device enters the space, jolting everyone "Train 1, be advised, you've got boarders at the rear, taking out a truck now", with fairly tucked brows, I watch as the guards behind to cock their weapons and strap them closer to their chests "what's happening?" I probe gently, unsure if anyone discerned me "it's them, our friends, they're rescuing us".

Author's info- Hello, reader! BOOM! Anothwr great chapter and amazing cliffhanger!!! Man, anyone else hate WICKED at this point? Cuz I know I do! Anyway, I have been waiting to write this scene for a long time, the Great Escape!! Or not so great, anyway, I really liked this chapter mainly because it ahows how much Rose has changed, and she isn't the only one who sees it!! And just to confirm, I will be writing the rescue mission in Rose's point of view!! But don't worry, I have a little surprise for you in the next chapter!! I hope you guys are loving the book!! If you are, smash that voting star, leave a comment, share your critique and share the book with everyone you know!! I love to see you guys get so excited over my book!! It really motiviates me!! Anyway, I gotta go, the next chapter won't write itself and I am really excited for it and the following chapter!! You guys might cry, just letting you know ahead of time, and it might be confusing but I will try to ensure it isn't. I love you guys! Stay safe and healthy!! Later reader!!

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