Chapter 34-Old Friends

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"Hey, Greenie", the four of us gawk at Gally in complete shock, seemingly aghast, my hand curls into a fist as the memories all come crashing back, ire slowly begins to suffuse my being, becoming more wrathful by the second, I attempt to control myself for fear of not wishing to cause harm from the armed men around us "but... How?" Frypan mumbles gently, staring at the boy in disbelief, Gally exhales, his shoulders slackening from the invisible weight of the truth, he shifts his gaze towards Frypan, prepared to speak, but before he can, Thomas suddenly charges towards Gally. In a flash, Thomas's fist strikes the side of Gally's cheek as they both impact the concrete ground, immediately, the surrounding men aim their guns at Thomas, Newt dashes towards the boy in a panic "Tommy! No! Stop!" He exclaims, pinning Gally down, Thomas pulls back his fist, ready to strike the boy once again, but Newt quickly slides onto his knees beside Thomas and clasps his hand securely onto Thomas's raised arm, all the while I stand a few feet away from the fight, frozen from shock "wait! Tommy, don't! Calm down, alright! Just calm down!" Newt urges desperately. Watching as Thomas's fists quakes with fury, Newt prevents him by utilizing all his strength "he killed Chuck" Thomas snarls through clenched teeth, a pang slices at my heart at the mere mention of the fallen boy's name "I know, I remember, I was there too" Newt pants "but I also remember he was stung and completely out of his mind" Newt reminds Thomas frantically, orbs darting towards the men that surround them, guns steadily aimed at the two of them, warily stepping forward, I train my gaze on the men around us, although their attention flickers towards me momentarily, they allow me forward. My footsteps are muffled against the firm flooring, delivering me to the three boys "calm down, alright?" Newt pleads delicately as his orbs flicker towards me, I kneel down beside Thomas's left, hesitating for a moment, I gingerly lay my hand upon Thomas's, which is tauntly clenched around Gally's collar, flinching from the sudden contact, Thomas whirls his attention towards me, my heart nearly shatters when I note the faint pools that accumulate around the rims of his orbs, sending him a smile that taciturnly spoke words that I couldn't speak, I begin to rub his rough knuckles. Effortlessly pacifying him, I watch as his outraged features slowly alleviate, I ignore the flutter of unrest that arises within my chest at the warmth of his hands, after delaying momentarily, Thomas roughly shoves off Gally, rising to his feet, me and Newt mimick him, stepping back slightly, Newt kindly rests a hand upon Thomas's shoulder, without much thought, I link my hand with Thomas's, once again diverting his loathing gaze from Gally, who grunts as he crawls to his feet "alright, I clearly deserved that" Gally mumbles "does anyone else want to have a go? Frypan? Newt?". In a flash, my right fist whizzes through the air and impacts Gally's face before I could even contemplate what occured, the impact sends him to the ground once more, the men once again begin shouting and train their guns towards me now, groaning dulcetly, Gally attempts to crawl to his feet once more, motioning for the men around us to stand down "that was for Chuck" I growl bleakly, my leg launches through the air, colliding with Gally's stomach, not harsh enough to root any damage, but ruthless enough to send my message "and that was for everything else" I mumble. Glaring at the man as he slowly rises to his feet, wishing my mere gaze could somehow induce the pain he afflicted upon me "you know this guy?" Jorge probes, wishing to break the tense atmosphere, Frypan, remaining dumbfounded from the entire ordeal, nods his head slightly "you could say he was an old friend of ours" he replies, Gally's orbs flicker downward slightly, frowning faintly, Newt breathes heavily, I clearly witness the mechanics in his head whir, overhelmed from the thoughts in his head "but-but how?!" He exclaims "how is this possible?! We watched you die!". Gally, shifting his gaze towards Newt, shakes his head "no, you left me to die", the image of the spear impaling Gally's chest flashes across my mind, this causes me to fidget uncomfortably, the tenseness in the atmosphere is so heavy it weighs down upon my chest, deeming it a struggle to breathe, attempting to steady me, Newt politely places a hand on the small of my back, his fingers almost indistinctly rubbing soothing circles upon my skin "then why save us?" I probe charily "listen, if we hadn't taken you and your friends, you'd all be dead right now". Gally explains, I remain scowling at the man, untrusting of every word that leaks from his lips, his orbs flicker between me and Newt, causing me to stiffen "what are you guys doing here anyway?" He questions, Newt, taking note of my uneasiness, allows his hand to slip away from my body, standing a little taller "Minho..." He begins, unable to prevent his voice from cracking with deep ache "we're trying to get into the city, we were attacked by WICKED six months back and they took him, we believe they have him passed those bloody walls, so we're here to get him out". Gally nods understandingly, lifting a defined brow "I can help with that", I narrow my slots towards the boy, searching for the evident lie in his claim "come with me" he instructs, turning on his heels "we're not going anywhere with you" Thomas states, planting his feet firmly to the ground, pausing in his tracks, Gally turns back towards us and shrugs negligently "that's fine with me" he states flatly "but if you really want to get into the city and save Minho, you need me", sharing a peeved glance with Thomas, I understand one thing for certain, and it leaves me internally conflicted, Gally is correct, again.

Author's info- Hello, reader! BOOM! Another great chapter!! On a roll so far! Let's see if I can keep it up! So, I know for a fact that I won't be publishing Fridays or Saturdays, but that is mainly it, I will try (emphasis on try) to publish every day besides that, if I don't, that just means I am busy and will certainly publish the following day, things are gonna get hectic now that I am trying to apply for college and stuff, so please be patient! I really want to finish this book already that way I can work on my surprise for you guys and other projects as well!! I've also really wanted to go back to my old books for this series and edit them!! To make them more professional and clean!! Now that I have changed things for this book, I really want everything to fit perfectly in place!! Hope you guys are excited!! Because I am!! Anyway, Gally is back!! Whoopee!! (Sarcastic) not hating on the guy, sometimes he may be right, but at the same time, he kinda weird and creepy, but that's just my point of view! Anyway, hope you guys loved the chapter and I hope you guys are strapped in for the next ones, I really want to try to have a moment between Newt and Gally, but I honestly don't know what to write for that encounter, but hope you guys are ready! Next chapter is gonna be really climatic for the story! See you guys there! Later reader!

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