Chapter 38-The Whole Truth

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My lips are unfit to respond, for they dangle open from sheer surprise, I merely nod my head, ignoring my shocked state, Gally stalks towards me, grabbing the second chair that also resides in the space and plants it right alongside mine, settling in beside me, finally clamping my mouth shut, I straighten my posture and fixate my gaze upon my Rose, an unpleasant silence begins to blanket the room in it's stiffling fog as we remain silent, unsure of what to say to each other, shifting uneasily, I distract myself with flickering my gaze around my Rose's stunning features. A faint smile tickles the edges of my lips as the afternoon glow from the sole window of the room trickles in, delicately brightening her face, she remains still, features frozen in emotionless, her hands nestled together on her stomach, almost resembling that of a fairtale princess "you mind telling me why she was trembling like that?" Gally questions, rudely interrupting my fawning as I face him "or are you just gonna stare at her like a creep?" He adds, unfazed, and rather unhumored, by the comment, I narrow my slots towards him, but I sigh heavily, allowing my shoulders to slacken. "We haven't exactly told you the whole truth, Gally" I begin, careful with my words, displaying he's confused, his features morph, waiting for me to continue "you see, when WICKED attacked us, they didn't just take Minho", pausing, I become uncertain if I wished to continue, unsure if they would detonate the already peeved boy before me, and also unsure if I was prepared to speak the words, they already began to inflict their torment upon me as flashes of her lifeless body invade my thoughts, curling my hand into a tight fist, I restrain myself from trembling. "They killed Rose" I finally speak, I watch as his entire face displays one of disbelief, his astounded gaze lands upon her frame, I pratically witness the questions blossoming in his head "but how?" He questions "it was the one thing you were right about when it came to her, she's special" I inform him, his brows connect as he remains confused "she has this ability, one that can physically heal her and whoever she touches" I explain, my tired gaze lifting towards her frame "that explains alot", I almost chuckle, almost "she says she doesn't remember if she had it before. Or if it was merely activated to her being in danger", I breathe out heavily "I'm honestly unsure if her ability is what saved her or if the bullet was merely inaccurate, whatever the reason, I know what I saw", an unsettling silence follows, I'm certain he's hesitating to investigate further "what did you see?" He inevitably questions, my gaze finds his, displaying the utter dispair my following words bring me "I saw her die", I chuckle heartlessly, shaking my head as tears collect in my vision "so, for six months we devised a trustworthy plan to save Minho in her honor. Not knowing she was alive and suffering as well", I pause, my knuckles are stark white from blood loss "six months, I had to live without her, if that's what you even want to call it", I chuckle once again, the emotionless sound startles me "and instead of Minho, we found her", unable to restrain myself further, I allow the tears to trickle down my cheeks "you should've seen her" I sob, encasing my hand around her left one, squeezing it, praying for her to squeeze back "how thin she was, she was so light when I carried her out of that train car. It didn't even feel like I was carrying a body, but a bloody corpse" I cry, not bothering to dry the tears that have begun to torrent down my cheeks "as if she was barely held together by her skin", I curse the brokenness and vulnerability I display towards the boy that held no kindness towards her in the Maze "how pale her skin was, as if she hadn't seen the Sun for days, or how whatever skin she had left was spotted with these huge bruises", another emotionless chuckle escapes me. "How she assumed she was hallucinating, how even sending me a tiny smile was somehow causing her unimaginable pain or how cold she felt, almost as if the cold embrace of death was already upon her, awaiting for her last breath to be taken", I summon the little strength I hold left to restrain myself from wailing fully, sniffling, I furiously wipe my tears with the sleeve of my shirt "but we didn't know the full extent of her suffering", with creased brows, Gally waits for me to continue, I almost forget he was inside the room for a fleeting moment, almost. "They held her in a room that was alongside Minho's, so I guess they grew accompanied with each other's prescence, at least that's what I'm hoping", leaning forward with his elbows rested upon his knees, Gally's stare morphs into realization "so that's what you guys meant by Lawrence not having to worry about figuring out where Minho was being held" Gally unravels "yes, that's how we were able to figure out he was all the way over here in the first place, she felt him, but it hasn't gotten this bad before", "what do you mean by that?". I exhale heavily, raking my fingers through my locks in distress "because Rose has a connection with Minho, she's feeling what Minho's feeling" I explain, watching as his view expands "so, whatever they are doing to Minho behind those walls, Rose is also experincing within her", an unsettling silence briefly shadows over Gally "that explains why she was shaking the way she was", I nod, my attention flickers to her left hand, smiling faintly as I note she still wears the wooden band I had gifted to her "sorry, I just-", I exhale shakily "I wish we had more time".

Author's info- Hello, reader! Grab your tissues. That's all. And a late Merry Christmas.

The Extirpatedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें