Chapter 18-A Night To Mend

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(Warning! Sexual Content!)
Never in my existence had I known self-consciousness, I will admit I am shy and not as confident as most girls should be, but in this intimate and pure moment, the rope of nervousness curls into a knot, unsettled in my stomach, sweat dots my forehead, their source isn't from the intimate position I'm in, fingers tap against my skin, my breath hitches, I flinch, freezing as his fingers slowly move down from my cheek to my stomach, my heart revs as his fingers brush my chest, fluttering at the kind touch "perfect", he glides his fingers across my body. Outlining my every curve and protrusion, resting on my upper thighs, I note the small tears that pool around his orbs, I smile down at him as I place my lips onto his again "handsome", I trail my lips down his chin, tugging at his jeans, he unbuttons them, grunting out vexedly as he struggles to unclothe himself because of his limp, I chuckle at him softly, my face warming to the sight of him almost bare, although I can't help but stare at his gender, which is protruding out proudly, my orbs widen at the massive size. "Flawless", smashing my lips onto his again, I unbutton my jeans and slip them off of my legs, straddling his waist between me, curling my fingers into his locks, I shift, moaning dulcetly, his lips leave my own as they trail across my neck, I exhale shakily, my entire body exploding with euphoria as he sucks my skin, uncertain if I would allow him to "mine beats for you" I whisper into his ear, tightening my coil around his waist, I whimper softly as he sucks harder, thrusting into me, I begin to decend into complete, blissful madness. The mull of our collision only hindered by two sheets of weak fabric is intoxicating, I divert my lips to his collar bone, sucking fairly, a loud, involuntary moan escapes him, I chuckle lightly against his skin "you're making this hard for me, Love" he informs me, his voice shaky and filled with desire, tugging my undergarment roughly, I smirk against his skin as I suck harder, another moan, his lips glide across my skin, leaving a wet trail of ardor behind them, my skin burns with every delicate kiss, my reign of self control becoming fragile by the second. I place a kind peck upon the small foreign gash on his collar bone, noticing his breath hitching momentarily, I place my lips upon his, lingering, savoring the moment, for it's just me and him, nothing else is important, we weren't refugees hiding in a rusty boat that we prayed was seaworthy, we weren't WICKED subjects that have suffered the unspeakable, we weren't teenagers that were deprived of memories and abandoned in a Maze filled with Grievers, we weren't rodents to be tested on for a fictional Cure, we were merely two souls who wished to never lose the other. "We should go to bed" I whisper faintly, allowing my lips to aversely remove themselves from his, huffing loudly, he nods his head, agreeing, sliding off from his chest, I awkwardly cuddle into the blankets, concealing myself from the rest of the cruel world, scooting to be closer to me, Newt deactivates the light in the room, covering us in darkness, despite the horrific encounters that I have witnessed, Grievers, Cranks, death even, they weren't what kept sleep from me, it's the boy that's so close behind me his warm breath tickles my earlobe, my senses enhance for him alone. His tepid skin gently enclothing me in security and palpable zeal, hands delicately placed upon my arms, which are tucked into my chest, fingers indistinguishable in their coiled mess, my chest aches from the rapid thump of my heart, although he's behind me, I feel as if he were miles away from me, as if those links weren't of pure ardor but gestures of farewell, humming a foreign and meaningless tune, the ocean assists us with slumber, droopy lids threaten to close, tender, plump and warm lips graze the back of my neck "goodnight, Love", I detect his body easing behind me "goodnight, Handsome". The gentle groan of the bed stirs me from my light slumber, I groan dulcetly, cursing whoever wasn't allowing me rest, my lids refuse to open, tossing onto my right side, I attempt to reobtain sleep, but as I outstretch my hand slightly to place it upon Newt's chest, I'm dismayed and shocked to locate only bedsheets that harbor his residual warmth, I struggle to flitter my orbs open, grogginess being unhelpful, but as soon as I'm able to witness the scene in front of me, I'm wide awake, Newt fumbles with his pants warily, cursing. With tucked brows, I watch him, too exhausted to probe why he's awake so early, he grabs his shirt, I nubble my lip, smirking as the muscles in his back flex, but they are concealed from my orbs by his shirt, uncertain what he's doing, but also curious, I remain quite, but frown as he attempts to hide the faint bruises that litter his neck and collar bone from our intimate night, he rakes his hand through his locks, muttering softly when he locates a weak knot, sighing heavily, he turns around to face me, panicking, I latch my orbs. The sound of Newt limping towards the bed where I lay roots my heart to pound in my chest, it suddenly feels strangely arduous to keep my orbs shut and breathing steady, the ginger skin of his fingers brush away a lock of my hair behind my ear "I know we had promised to never leave each other's side back in the Scorch, and you may not know this but I whispered it to you after that Crank attacked you in that hotel", he chuckles dismally "it's not like you can bloody hear me now, but just know this, Love, I'm sorry".

Author's info- Hello, my fellow reader! Um, for once I have nothing to say, just trust me that everything will fall into place once this is done, please don't be angry, all things are connected for a greater meaning, but next chapter is going to be my favorite because it shows how tough Rose really is, but for now, I have no words, no sexual desires were fulfilled in this chapter, but they still feel whole nonetheless, that is the truest kind of love that you can find, things are going to feel hopeless beyond this point, so grab your tissues and get ready, I really hate how things turn out after this because this is the only scene of peace in the entire book, I am crying with you too, share the book, share a comment, vote and share critique! I lvoe you guys and I better mentally prepare for what is coming, you should too. Later reader!

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