Chapter 43-Trusting Gally

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Newt tugs me alongside him as we stroll through the tunnel, illuminating the path with apprehension "guess I was too busy worrying about what might hurt you to see you were in danger", I frown at his words "you were just trying to look out for me" I palliate the bitter comment towards himself "but you almost got hurt" he mumbles distantly "but I wasn't, and you can thank Thomas for that", I glance behind me to assure myself Thomas was left unharmed, as I do, Newt mumbles something incoherent under his breath, leaving me to wonder what he spoke. When we catch up to Gally, I notice he stands alone in the total darkness, vulnerable to a Crank attack "thanks for letting me borrow the flashlight, Mate" Newt thanks as he transfers the object from him to Gally, who nods to his words "no problem, you needed it more than I did, what happened back there anyway?" He questions "just me being clumsy as always" I grumble adversely "well, there's no time for being clumsy down here, we need to keep moving before the window closes" Gally informs us sternly, I orbit my optics towards him "stay right behind me at all times. And maybe we'll get there in one piece", with that, we begin trudging through the thick sewer waters that rush past us, contorting my features to repel, I attempt to ignore the smell that attacks my nose, Newt groans as he too scrunches up his face "this is gross" he complains "I take it back, I think I'll stay behind" I quip feebly, Thomas and Newt both chuckle towards me "you'll only experience this once in your life, Rose, enjoy it" Thomas chuckles fondly "maybe I'll enjoy it more if I throw some at your face". Thomas gasps, feigning his shock towards my words "you wouldn't", I smirk and gyrate my head to face him "try me, you said enjoy it, what better way to do that than with a good laugh?", unsure if I was messing with him, his smile turn into a frown, giggling towards him, I redirect my attention forward, Gally leads us around a corner, with Newt, me and then Thomas all following behind, he flashes his light upon a strange object beside him, a rectangular box with various buttons beckoning him, pressing only one, the entire hallway illuminates in artificial light. Deactivating his flashlight and stuffing it into his pocket, Gally continues, remaining unfazed, unlike the rest of us, the gentle hum of machinery flutters around us as we stare momentarily, silently thankful for the bright lights "stay with me, we have a ways to go" Gally instructs soporifically, trudging through the thick, tarnished water, we trail after him, still a bit weary, we remain silent, uncertain if we were allowed to speak, I diligently watch the strings of lights as they flicker precariously, threatening to abandon us in darkness once again "hey, Gally, how'd you end up with a bloody Crank for a roommate?". At the sudden question, I send Newt a questioning glare, although I respected Newt and Gally were friends long before I came along, that didn't faze the fact that Gally hurt me, in ways no one else has, not even the Betrayer, although I sustain my stone cold expression forward, I silently listen to the conversation between the two "actually, I owe that Crank my life", astounded, I raise my brows, but reobtain my stoick glare "when Lawrence and his crew found me, they could've taken me back to WICKED or traded my life for a few bottles of serum. Instead he offered me a place and something worth living for", frowning towards his words, I almost ponder to them, almost, "what's that?" I question as I redirect my attention forward, Newt instantly shuffles me behind him in preparation for danger as Gally flashes his light upon whatever I spotted, a dark, rotund hole presents itself before us, beckoning us all to fall prey to its abyss "wait here" Gally instructs, facing us "I'll be right back", frowning, I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him charily as he ducks into the gloom. His body disappears within seconds of crawling in, the only indication of him is the flicker of his flashlight, which also disappears after a few moments, confused, Thomas trudges forward, I stroll to be between Newt and Thomas, uneasy about the sounds that crawl into the tunnel from behind me "what the heck is he doing?" He probes skeptically, searching for any sign of the boy, frowning when he finds nothing, Thomas turns his back towards the hole, facing me and Newt "do you think we can trust him? After everything he's done" Thomas probes us "that's a firm no" I answer. My gaze bitter and unrelenting "what other choice do we have?" Newt argues, shrugging artlessly "out of everyone I'd thought you'd hate him the most, he almost killed Rose, Newt!" Thomas exlaims dulcetly, fearing it may draw unwanted attention towards our vulnerable group, Newt shifts uneasily to the reminder "look, I hate him just as much as you, Thomas, maybe even more so, but he is the only one who can get us to Minho, that's all that matters, once we do, we can be as mad at him as we want, but for now, there are more important things". To my words, Thomas deflates a bit, probably privately expecting I would agree with him "now, I know neither of you will believe me, but there was a time Gally was a true friend of mine, if I trusted him, then you both can too, even if it's for a moment" Newt urges us tenderly "maybe if I shave his eyebrows, he'll feel exactly how I feel right now", frowning, but also unable to restrain themselves, Newt and Thomas chuckle to my words, easing the tense atmosphere that has seeped into the tunnel "I hope you're right, Newt".

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