Chapter 70-The Hero's Heart

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A wave of heartache crashes into me at the pleading nature of the child, attempting to not acknowledge her, I remain glaring at our destination ahead, stiffening my posture "I think we got separated because of the crowds, she's on the other side looking for me" the little girl informs me, waiting patiently for my attention, I scan the sea of faces that are on the other side of the road, locating a woman desperately searching for her absent child by screaming out her name, although the call never enters my ears due to the loud roar of bustling engines. I sigh heavily, redirecting my attention towards the girl "can you walk me over to the other side? Mommy says I'm too little to walk by myself" the little girl pleads, I notice the fearful tears gathering in her peripherals despite the collected level of her voice, after exchanging an anxious glance with Newt, I nod, sniffling slightly, the little girl startles me once more by encasing her hand around my own, I manage to flinch in shock, but recompose myself, continuing to stare straight ahead "I usually hold Mommy's hand whenever we cross" she explains dulcetly, I notice her fearful tone. I squeeze her hand reassuringly, tugging her closer to my side "you're the good guys, right? The ones who save people? Like Super Man!" She blurts out enthusiastically, gazing up towards me in admiration, a few people behind us chuckle fondly to her, but my brows crinkle together and the edges of my lips morph into a frown, despite the affectionate and slightly addling words she sends my way, she shifts closer to me, bringing her hand to her mouth, concealing her words from those around us "but between you and me, Super Man is way cooler than Iron Man". She whispers into my ear secretively, although I'm certain everyone around us can discern her, I send her an incredulous glance, confused by her random and unfamiliar words "you wanna know why?" She continues delicately, I don't acknowledge her, silently pleading for the sign to illuminate "because even though Iron Man has all these cool gadgets and indestructible suits, that stuff makes him a superhero, Super Man has none of those things, he's just a regular guy who can take down a submarine with his bare hands!" She squeals, I become fascinated now by her rambling, hypnotized even. I almost release a fond chuckle at the jovial glint in her gaze, unaffected by the horrors of the Flare "some day, I want to be just like you!", she points a slender finger towards me, I freeze, deeply impacted, not to mention nauseated, by her words, suddenly, a flash of color illuminates the road ahead and the stampede of vehicles screech to a halt, allowing us safe passage across the street, unable to endure any longer of her pleasant, but frankly appalling, chatter, I bound foward, a hastened drive guiding my feet forward, I clasp my hand around hers. Ensuring I wouldn't abandon her, once reaching the other side, I whirl my head around for the frantic woman, locating her just a few steps away, without much hesitation to confirm if Newt was following me, I march my way towards the woman, breathing heavily from the trip, I ignore the irritating twist in my stomach that causes my throat to swell with bile, I swallow it down, composing myself before I reach the woman "MOMMY!" The girl exclaims, yanking her hand from my iron grip to rush towards the woman, who gyrates around in perfect accuracy to embrace her beloved child. They embrace each other for a prolonged moment, I notice the way the woman's shoulders shake fairly, my ears discern the faint sound of her ecstatic weeping, she releases the young girl to inspect her features, her frantic gaze flickering about her child's frame, as I stare at them, a foreign detection begins to blossom within my chest, causing my heart to ache and my skull to pound, my stomach begins to swell with a detection unfamiliar to me, almost as if I longed for the reunion of a mother and daughter, at the realization of this, I straighten myself. Recomposing my insensible state as I turn to walk away, not allowing myself to be impacted even more, flickering my gaze from the sidewalk, I find Newt waiting for me, not directing any words towards me about the unintentional occurance, he motions for me to continue forward, which is what I attempt to do before my right leg it caught behind me, startled, I whirl my attention to my leg, a collection of sobs gather within my throat, stiffling my gasp when I realize the young girl is embracing my leg, squeezing to display her gratitude "thank you". I stiffen, uncertain as to why my chest appears to become heavy with grief "you helped me find my Mommy, you are with the good guys" she whispers to me, I almost forget to breathe in the tender moment, prematurely, she relinquishes my leg and directs herself to join her mother once more, but before she does, I encase her wrist within my grip and yank her back towards me, I embrace her frame, wrapping my crippling body around her innocent one, she's the one rendered immobile now as I tighten my grip on her "you are your own hero". Shocked at the sound of my voice, she remains silent, I release her slightly to stare into her orbs, not minding that mine are cloaked behind the mask, tears accumulate around my peripherals as I gingerly caress a stray lock of hair behind her ear, she'll never understand or know of the impact she has on me as I practically expose myself towards her by revealing my voice, but in this moment, crouching down to be at her level, I disregard the eminent peril, aware of our similarity "the strongest one to ever exist", with that I release her, straighten myself and stroll away.

Author's info- Hello, reader! AHHHH! I finally updated! Oh my goodness there is so much I want to talk about and so little time to talk about it. So this chapter has a clue and I will let you decide where it's at, this chapter is a major point in the entire book and you will see why, the next chapter is pretty important too! We are so close guys so don't lose heart or patience with me, you guys are gonna love, but also hate, the ending. Wow. I can't believe I am so close to ending this book! And I can't wait to finally reveal the syprise I have been preparing you all for sibce the very beginning! I hope you guys are ready! This chapter is also about girl power! Like it would be about anything else? And it also shows Rose that although there is a bunch of evil and horror in the world right now, there is also innocence and happiness! On that note the next chapter is gonna be sad! Lol! I am all over the place right now, but I promise it's all for plot development! I hope you guys loved the chapter and expect more to come! I finally have some free time so more chapters are going to appear! Vetter go, the next chapter won't write itself! Later reader!

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