Chapter 67-The Brave

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"Sometimes I wonder if you have this urgency to always end up in a fight when I am not around", rather unamused by his remark I orbit my optis towards him "well then maybe next time don't leave me alone with someone you know is gonna end up with a bloody nose" I retort as I inspect my uniform once more, cursorily flickering my orbs along the frame "you're just mad because she tried converting you over to the dark side", I snicker to this, sending him a playful glare "what exactly did she say to you to get you all riled up, Love?". I freeze in fumbling to unbuckle the button of the jeans, turning towards him "she tried tricking me into thinking that regaining my memories would somehow help you", at this he stiffens "that it would reveal the key to the Cure or possibly something to give you more time", I notice how stiff he's become, so I stroll over to him, placing a comforting hand upon his right forearm "and you said no?" He questions inquisitively "of course, I would never help WICKED after everything they've done in the promise for a Cure" I reply confidently. "Not even if it meant more time for me?" He questions, whirling around to gaze onto me "not even then" I respond candidly "that's my girl" he smiles, causing my own to blossom onto my lips as he tenderly caresses my cheek with his hand, glancing down at me enamoredly "you mean, girlfriend" I tease him, he chuckles bashfully, lowering his head "I guess that makes you my boyfriend", he swiftly tugs me flush against his chest, shocked by the motion, I gasp, planting my hands firmly against his chest "I guess it does, Love", I'm thrilled by his tone. Facilely becoming bashful by his words, I glimpse up towards him through my long lashes, a content smile tickling the rims of my lips, melting into his touch, I close my orbs, relishing in the ginger handling of his fingers, but when I do, I detect his fingers slithering across my skin, they graze the surface of my lips, causing my breath to hitch and my orbs to open, he doesn't acknowledge my reaction, intrigued by the smooth surface of my lips, his index finger glides across my lips as he manuevers his hand downward, sliding his tender fingers down my neck. Exhaling shakily to his leisure movements, I fixate my attention upon him, his gaze follows his hand as it slithers down towards the rim of my shirt, connecting with my gaze, a silent request for permission is sent my way, with the slight nod of my head, Newt slowly slides my shirt off my body, casting it to the side, my upper body becomes exposed towards him, my heart races uncontrollably, but it's wanes when I realize his attention never diverts from my own, flashing him a bashful smile, my hands steer towards his maroon jacket, emotively sliding it off his frame. My hands navigate towards the hem of his shirt, crinkling the edges, comforted by his enamored smile, I mimick his actions, diverting my attention to his orbs, although my gaze threatens to flicker towards his frame, he then delicately tugs me closer to him by curling his fingers around my slender frame, maneuvering his fingers to the button of my pants, my breath hitches in the back of my throat, my orbs widen in realization, unbuttoning my pants and allowing them to sink to the floor, he allows his gaze to adore every inch of me. Absorbing every defined curve and protrusion with care, cherishing my exposed body, I mimick his actions, gingerly unbuttoning his pants, they crinkle to the floor worthlessly, with a wide gaze, I flicker my gaze about his body, planting my hands upon his firm chest, smiling at the rapid pound of his heart, we remain there, mutely relishing in each other's intimate warmth, unbothered by our exposed bodies, flush against him, I allow my hand to slither across his chest, outlinging his defined physique with mindful strokes, regarding the bare terrain with curiousity, matching his leveled breathing "you never cease to amaze me". Flashing him a bashful smile, my hand pauses when I notice the vanishing scar on his collar bone, I gingerly caress the withering wound "Newt", the summon is frail, almost brittle in the silent atmosphere "yes, Love?" He replies, I detect his gaze upon me "I'm scared" I inform him, connecting with him visually, he encases his hand around my own, squeezing it soothingly "it's okay if you are, Love, we're all scared, I'm scared, if you ain't scared, you ain't human, being afraid is not the absence of bravery, but to hold the capacity to overcome fear is bravery. Fear holds two meanings to it, Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise, the choice is yours", I allow his words to resonate in my mind "what if we fail? What if we don't make it to Minho? What if you get worse? What if I have an episode whilst on the mission?" I retort fretfully "all will be well, my Rose, I understand it's hard to fail, but it's worse to have never tried to succeed", he elevates my hand towards him, placing a comforting peck onto my skin "I'm going to be okay, Love, you'll see. Our plan will work, I'll make it to Minho and be fixed up good as new, you'll see", I throw myself into him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck, unbothered by our exposure towards each other, more focused on his comfort, he returns my embrace, combing his hands through my hair comfortingly "I care about you more than life itself" I state fervently "and I care about you more than anyone has ever cared for anyone" he states, I chuckle, sniffling back the tears that have gathered in the rims of my vision "well, there's one exception".

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