Chapter 36-The Frightening Bargain

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In that fleeting moment, my orbs flicker towards Gally, unsure how to respond, but I straighten my back and stare straight into his gaze "my name is Elizabeth, you can call me Lizzy" I reply, Newt's breath hitches dulcetly beside me, but I ignore it, the man cackles, shaking his head slowly, in a flash his hand wraps around my throat and he effortlessly lifts me into the air, my feet dangling a few inches above the ground, my wide orbs glance around at my group, praying for assistance, they all remain frozen in place, fearful of the insane, yet powerful man. "DON'T LIE TO ME!" Lawrence shrieks, tightening his hold around my neck, I whimper airlessly, gasping for air as my hands grasp onto his wrists, the sole thing anchoring me to conscious reality "it's very rude" the man purrs, leaning his face closer to me "now, I'm gonna let you go, but you will tell me your real name, or else you'll have to find some other way into the city", bringing me closer, his orbs peer into my startled soul "deal?", I nod my head rapidly, my lungs already begging for air, he finally releases me, I plunge towards the Earth. Landing on my feet, I avariciously absorb the air in the room "tell me your name" Lawrence demands "I... Already... Told... You", wincing at the inflammation that explodes within my throat, I continue to lie towards him "last chance, Miss", the man roughly grabs my chin and forces me to face him "TELL ME YOUR NAME!" He screams, causing me to flinch timorously "it's Rose, my name is Rose" I divulge, the words tumbling out from my lips swiftly, strightening his back so that he's no longer towering over me, Lawrence chuckles grimly "did Gally put you up to this?". I rapidly nod my head, eagerly divulging as I struggle to level my breathing "well, at least I know his head is in the right place" he mumbles as he strolls away from me, Newt rushes over to me, I remain still as he attempts to link with my gaze, but I stare dejectedly beyond him "after he reported seeing you and demanded to rescue you, I was afraid he'd gone soft or lost his mind", the man returns to his previous placement before he had engaged with me, I don't bother attempting to restrain my shivering hands. Newt takes note of my traumatized state and kindly encloses his hand around my own, flinching out from my dazed gaze, I finally link my orbs with his, sending me a comforting smile, he begins to rub my knuckles, which are white from blood loss "other than your great first impression" Lawrence snaps sardonically, gaining our attention "why should I help you? How would it benefit me?", Thomas remains unaffected, sustaining a stern gaze towards the Crank "I can get you exactly what you need", Lawrence scoffs "and what's that, exactly? What is it you think I need?". "Time" Thomas mumbles, shifting his gaze towards the dangling liquid bag "as many drops as you can get", Lawrence smirks "oh, really?" He chuckles, shaking his head in a subtly irritated manner "you and I both want WICKED to collapse, if you help us, I can give you exactly that", the Crank's gaze runs up and down Thomas's body as he steps back, an eerie smile stretches across his face "alright" he surrenders simply, I detect a wave of relief wash over me, so much so that I allow the release of air that follows, however, the unsettling smirk remains. "For now, you can only take three with you, the rest stay here", instantly I share a panicked glance with Newt "it's just to make sure you come back, insurance if you will" Lawrence smirks "do we have a deal?" He questions, offering Thomas his rotting hand, strange, bludging veins branching off his fingers, gazing back at us for a mere moment, Thomas displays an unreadable expression, he returns his attention towards Lawrence and grasps his hand, shaking it to seal the agreement "now for a different matter of business" he begins, releasing Thomas's hand "we need to figure out where exactly your friend's being held". Exchanging a glance and a knowing smirk with Newt, apprehension radiates off our frames "I wouldn't worry about that, Lawrence" I inform him, crossing my arms over my chest "and why not?", just as those words reach my ears, a sharp pain strikes my spine, inflicting severe and ineffable pain to initially spring across my back, shrieking out in alarm, my entire body disables, causing me to crumple to the ground, abandoning me in a symphony of pain, one part of my being wailing, the other parts rapidly answering with distress of their own. A buzzing in my ears amplifies to a roar, the room begins to disappear as ebony splotches appear, millions of needles sink into my tender flesh, hooking to prevent any hope of removal, a corrosive ache that lashes at my back and surges across my entire body, branching out like lightning, lacerating every inch of my being from the tips of my fingers to the ends of my toes, grimacing and hissing through clenched teeth, I restrain myself from wailing out in torment, delirious from pain, I began to pray for the ceasing of this suffering, through all the chaos, Newt's presence never leaves my side. I detect myself convulsing fervidly, my already liverish sight begins to worsen as my orbs roll into the back of my head as I fight to remain awake, but just as I'm about to succum to the torture, a ginger voice enters my ears "it's okay now, Love, you can scream", and that I did, I unleashed vocally the internal pain that was occuring inside me, curling my hands into tight balls, my throat begins to burn from overuse and tears begin freely leaking from the rims of my oculars, unable to endure any longer, I succumb, rooting everything to become insensate.

Author's info- Hello, reader! BOOM! Another amazing chapter and cliffhanger!! Oo things are getting good. So I have decided that I will have a little tender moment between Newt and Gally from Newt's perspective!!!! I really want to make it perfect because this may be the last time I do something like this and I really love writing in his point of view!! And I really want to display the tender and bitersweet moment between him and his believed to have died friend!! Hope you guys enjoy and if you think you could give me any pointers or how to make the conversation interesting, let me know immediately!! I really want to see what you guys come up with!! But hope you guys enjoyed the chapter I gave you guys! Kinda cut it close but hey, I published!! Can't wait to see what happens next!! See you next chapter!! Later reader!!

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