Chapter 12-A Crude Awakening

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"That doesn't really help much, Handsome", his face reddens at the compliment, chuckling bashfully "it's the new camp for the Right Arm", with widening orbs, I whirl my head away from Newt, gazing upon my friends, Aris, Sonya, Brenda, who all smile in widely towards me, my orbs linger upon the one who spoke, who dashingly grins towards me "hey, Rose" he greets me "hello, Thomas" I huff out in disbelief, his grin widens "glad to see you got some beauty rest, not that you really needed it", I detect my face warming from the subtle compliment before I can stop it. "Glad to see the months without me haven't been too harsh on you, I honestly thought you'd go mad" I smirk lightly, he chuckles subtly "same old Rose" he smiles brightly towards me "same old Thomas" I quip, sticking my tongue out at him playfully "you haven't changed a bit" I grin, he chuckles bashfully "none of you have" I gaze around the room "other than your hair being longer than the last time I saw you" I candidly inform them "yeah, it takes me forever to style this greatness", Frypan flaunts his, slightly longer than usual, hair. I chuckle lightly towards him "it's good to have you back, Rose" he smiles towards me "good to be back", but my orbs flit around the room, scouring for someone I thought would also be present, with tucked brows, I gaze at Thomas "where's Minho?", the atmosphere of the room changes instantly, although my orbs search for the answer to my question, no one gazes at me, only furthering my fear "Thomas" I begin, my voice trembling "where's Minho?", he sustains a rueful expression towards the floor "he's not here" Newt informs me tentatively "then where is he?" I snap. "He's with still with them, he's still with WICKED", my orbs widen in horror, I begin panting loudly as my mind becomes wild, ignoring the pain in my stiff bones, I jump from the bed and stroll out of the tent, hollars of my name and protests to my sudden movement are ignored as my orbs scour the camp for the one person I needed to converse with "VINCE!" I yell lividly towards him as my orbs land upon him, the man, who was conversing with a man, turns towards me, he pats the man's shoulder as I storm over to him. He opens his mouth to greet me, only for me to obtain his collar and continue storming my way through camp, I ignore the worried and addled glances that are directed towards me as I literally drag the camp leader towards a more secluded tent for privacy "do you have any idea where you are taking me?" Vince probes "not one bit" I growl, he sighs "head towards the boat, if you want privacy, that is where my office is", I redirect my path and head straight for the massive boat that is settled tranquilly on the water. I notice how rusty the boat is, hinges squeal with every small wave that bashes against them and the entire structure groans lazily, I dismiss questioning the barely seaworthy vessle and step inside "take a left, then right", I ignore the annoyed tone in his voice and follow his instructions, upon entering a more secluded room, I toss Vince inside, the entire group following behind me, staggering from the toss, Vince glares at me as he pats his pants down, with clenched hands and resolute orbs, I gaze at the leader "we have to get Minho back" I speak sternly. Vince chuckles "well, hello to you too, Rose, glad to see you haven't changed a bit", the group pants slightly behind me due to the scare and journey I forced upon them "we don't have time for this, tell me your plan on rescuing Minho" I growl curtly, a warm, comforting hand encloses around my own, easing me slightly, I glance at Newt, sending him a small smile, one he returns "we don't have one, we don't even know where they are taking him" Vince informs me "we don't even know how they managed to take Minho in a separate car without us noticing". Sighing, the frustrated leader pinches the bridge of his nose "what were the guard's positions? Maybe you can help, you were inside the same car after all" Thomas probes, with hopeful features, everyone patiently waits for me to unload my information "there were two guards when you guys attacked, but one left to go help the others destroy you guys", I clench my hands furiously, only for another to overlap my own, I gaze down, smiling at the warm hand that's wrapped in a familiar ruby scarf, it's tint unfazed from the tedious months, it's ends severed unevenly. With a faint smile, I direct my attention back towards the group "I remember the guard becoming uneasy, and then the whole train jolted forward, things get fuzzy after that" I inform them "what do you mean, Love?" Newt probes "I mean that when the train jolted forward, I hit my head on the back of the seat in front of me, I was on the verge of becoming unconscious while you guys were probably saving us", Vince groans vexedly "thanks a lot, Thomas, now because of you, she doesn't remember anything", I tuck my brows together as Thomas hangs his head. "Tommy here's the one that came up with the idea to sever the train using a bomb" Newt informs me gently, I gaze at Thomas in awe "seemed like a good idea, bomb had probably too much kick in it" Thomas mutters apologetically to himself "no, Thomas don't blame yourself", he lifts his gaze to meet mine "those links connecting the cars were made of some kind of super steal, making it hard to cut through or melt from the elements, so, not only do I think that was a good idea, I think it was shucking brilliant".

Author's info- Hello, my fellow reader!! BOOM! Another great chapter and amazing cliffhanger!! I hope you guys like it, although I had to change my previous idea up a bit since what I wanted to do would've ended up with me going over the word limit (oops)!! But I really hope you liked it, cuz I loved writing it!! This is getting so good!! I cannot wait for the later chapters!! If you know what I mean (wink)! I'm glad to have my character back with the group, I missed writing all of the group's reactions, and I really hated writing for Paige and Janson (gagging uncontrollably)! If you guys are loving the book as much as I am writing it, smash that voting star, leave a comment, share your critique and share this book with everyone you know!! And just to be clear on any confusion, yes, Rose remembers everyone, she's just a bit shocked that she's even looking at them at the moment, which is why I didn't use names until later on, after the fact that she woke up!! Also, is anyone glad to have the old Rose back! I mean I was laughing at the first interaction she had with the group and now poor Vince!! I just hope you guys understand why she is acting like this!! And if there is any more confusion, I hope to get it settled next chapter or the one after that one!! Hope you guys enjoy!! I really want to see this book take off!! Well, I gotta go, the next chapter won't write itself and it's gonna get good, you'll see!! I love all you guys!! Stay safe and healthy!! Later reader!!

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