Chapter 46-Navigating The Last City

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Together we had ascended above ground in one piece, the ladder had lead us into an abandoned building, which is where we reside now, preparing to enter the streets of the city, Gally informed us that in order to reach the building Lawrence secluded as a secondary base, we had to navigate through a massive patch of the city, peeking my head out from the side door that's secluded at the end of a dark alleyway, I watch, amused as the bustle of the city crowd remains undisturbed, ignorant of our brewing overrule, I shut the door carefully behind me. I cross my arms over my chest, jutting out my hip as I whirl my attention towards the boys "here", surprising me, I raise my brows, but my features morph swiftly, scowling at the hoodie that's kindly presented towards me "you might need it" Gally mumbles "I'm not cold" I refuse the hoodie crudely "you might not be, but you need to hide your identity" Gally retorts "we all do, don't we?" I question, arching a brow towards him suspiciously "yes, but you're the one that escaped, you have a higher bounty on your head than the rest of us". Grumbling incoherent curses, I adversely take the hoodie, tugging it over my head, concealing my features, I scowl as the fabric burns my skin, hanging loosely around my slender frame, sending him a glare to display my loathing, I cross my arms over my chest once again "whatever you do, don't let anyone see your face", I nod, frowning "let's go", encasing his hand around my own, Newt sends me a reassuring smile, although, he doesn't conceal his distaste towards me wearing Gally's hoodie, opening the door and holding it open for us, Gally leads us out into the alleyway. Closing the door behind us, Gally strolls down the alleyway and unpretentiously merges into the crowd, sharing a nervous glance with Thomas and Newt, we follow after Gally, inelegantly entering the crowd as well, unintentionally bumping into the person beside me, they send me a hateful snarl, mumbling an impolite curse towards me, placing a hand upon the small of my back, Newt remains alongside me, clenching his jaw as he allows the lewd man to brush past me with a rough shove, not wishing for unwanted attention that may arise if he were to confront him, I send him a smile. Admiring the discipline he held by doing so, his hand encases around my own as I allow my gaze to flicker about the crowd, wary of all the individuals that stroll past us on their routine, many are clothed in fine fabrics, the glitter of prescious jewelry glints in my peripherals from women, not to mention the polished shine of shoes and expensive golden watches worn by men, only the rare few wear these pale blue masks, I restrain a scowl at the lavish lifestyle that's presented towards me, a gentle key of sweet notes enters my ears. I gaze up towards the sorce of the sound, a large sign is suspended above me "fifteen minutes to mandatory curfew" the gentle warning of a robatic woman enters my ears "please proceed home in an orderly fashion, remember, this is for your own saftey, we rely on your honesty, thank you for your compliance, WICKED is good", I snarl lowly at the words, but remain on my journey forward, as we stroll, we notice a station where a tense guard checks the people in the line before him for any symptoms of the Flare "Faction Checks" Gally informs us. "All you gotta do is sneeze around here and you get kicked out, that's the price of paradise, I guess" Gally mumbles disdainfully, we continue strolling past the bustling crowd, veering off towards the right towards an isolated road, glancing around us warily, I notice we are the sole beings traveling across the road, my already tense shoulders tighten at the menacing sound of patrol car wails that float upon our group threatingly "don't worry, no one comes up here anymore, you're safe", sharing a confused glance with Newt, I frown "why not?" I probe him suspiciously "you'll see", my frown deepens. I notice something strange about the road we're on in the distance, but my vision fails me as I squint my lids to investigate what, scowling, I abandon my futile attempts, but as we continue forward, my breath hitches and my heart begins to clench with worry when I realize the road is abandoned because it's left unfinished, a massive gap severs us from the other side of the road, which continues forward, as if undisturbed, Thomas and Newt invesitage the gap, whilst I remain far away from the drop as I cross my arms over my chest. "So what now, Gally, got any more ideas in that head of yours?" I snap bitterly, directing my attention towards the boy behind me, who rests his hand upon his knees "a few", I crease my brows together towards this "make some room, Boys!", without further warning, Gally rushes past me, my wide orbs watch as he barely brushes past Newt and Thomas, who manuever out of his way, and jumps, leaping across the vast gap, I release an unintentional yelp as I helplessly watch him soar over the space, when he lands effortlessly onto the other side, I ease. Huffing out slightly "YOU'RE UP!", my orbs widen "WAIT! WHAT?!", not allowing me to protest further, Newt leaps across the gap, I rush forward, skidding to a halt at the edge, my breath is hindered within my throat by trepidation as I watch him fly over the opening, I ease noticably when he lands safely onto the other side, Thomas jumps next, abandoning me alone on the other side, shuffling closer to the edge as I peek below, my heart sputters uncontrollably and I yelp in alarm, backing away, my hands quiver violently as my breathing becomes unsteady with dread.

Author's info- HELLO! I'M NOT DEAD! YAY! ANOTHER CHAPTER! I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG! AHHHHHH! Amyways, hope you guys enjoyed it and to give you a small heads up, the next chapter has depections of an anxiety attack but it is a mild one so tread carefully! I won't put a warning at the beginning like I usually do because what is occurring isn't an anxiety attack so I see no need for a warning, but I have pulled my inspiration from the feeling so I will just give you a heads up! Also, there will be a clue in the next chapter! See you there! Later reader!

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