Chapter 31-Being Hunted

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Not wishing to attract any unwanted attention, we attempt to stroll calmly through the crowd as we're physically able, but when I detect Newt stiffen behind me, I gyrate my concerned orbs towards him "Newt?" I probe antsily, gazing around frightfully when I notice him scowling suspiciously, his gaze doesn't meet my own as he glances off to the right, into the sea of faces, he then faces the left, gazing past me and examining the countless people that surround us, he tugs me closer to him, jaw clenched as his orbs sharpened from the invisible threat, my heart pounds with fear. Nurturing my worry as his hand coils tensely around my waist "Newt, what's going on?" I query nervously, placing my hand upon his chest, feebly attempting to gain his attention "we're being followed" he growls lividly, his orbs refusing to link with my own, instantly my face falls and my heart rate spikes "what?" I huff out fearfully, instantly tensing up "don't turn around, try to act like everything is normal" he instructs tensely, straightening myself stiffly, I attempt to not react to the detection of someone glaring at my back "it's the man from the caravan" he informs me. His hand is strangling my side "don't let go of me, no matter what" I whimper softly, his hand eases and begins to rub soothing circles on my hip "they won't hurt you, I won't let them, I promise" he reassures gently, in my peripherals, I spot a masked figure who crudely shoves past the crowd of people, quickly making their way towards us "he's not alone either" I inform Newt, he stiffens instantly "and I'm sure there's more where that came from" I whisper ominously, I jolt when I detect something warm and comforting upon my cheek. I ease slightly when I realize Newt's lips are upon my cheek, warming the skin of the area instantaneously, a tickle of electricity numbs my cheek momentarily, although my heart skips a beat and warms at the comforting gesture, worry lingers "we gotta catch up with Thomas before they do" I inform him, his hand slides off my hip and wraps around my hand "where you go, I go" he confesses kindly, I send him a thankful smile "I care about you" I confess dotingly "I know" he smirks, I roll my orbs playfully before I dive into the crowd. Limping as fast as he's physically allowed, Newt nudges through the crowd, tugging me to be right alongside him, his iron grip disrupts the blood flow to my hand, but in the moment my senses are heightened with anxiety, enraged, protesting individuals aggressively push and shove, greedily attempting to weasle their way to the front of the crowd, I gaze behind me to reassure myself we had evaded the mysterious and menacing man, only to be rudely corrected as his piercing gaze hammers into my own as he stalks towards us, slithering through the crowd effortlessly, driven by sturdy resolution. My orbs widen and I redirect my attention back towards our heading "we need to hurry, he's gaining on us" I inform him worriedly, becoming more agressive, Newt begins to shove people out of his way with his free hand "move outta my bloody way!" He snaps, a shade of panic glazing over his optics, but the hue dissapates as he finally catch up with the rest of the group "Thomas!" I exclaim antsily, instantly obtaining his attention "we need to get the bloody Glade out of here and right now!" Newt exclaims frightenedly "look!", Newt gazes back, curious, the group follows his gaze. Their faces drain of blood and horror strikes across their faces the moment they realize what's conspiring, Jorge's gaze jolts from one masked man to another, readily unsheathing his gun from beneath his coat, but before any action is done, and long before Thomas can verbally respond, a voluminous alarm blares from within the Last City's walls, the entire crowd flinches at the sudden noise, and a little too swiftly, the entire space becomes deathly silent, furrowing my brows together, dread begins to knot in my stomach "what's going on?" I probe worriedly "something's definitely wrong". Newt exchanges a unsettled glance with Thomas, suddenly strange contraptions arise from the top of the towering walls, red spots of light disclose life as the face of the odd, unsettling machines angle themselves towards the crowd, my breath hitches as realization settles within my once dormant mind, crudely awakening my senses, allowing my every nerve to respond with utter terror "please tell me those aren't what I think they are!" I exclaim, horrified, in perfect timing, the first missiles are deployed, sending explosions of dirt and lifeless bodies into the air "GO! GO! GO!" Thomas screams, I twist on my heels. Sprinting towards the opposite direction, coercing me to excellerate, Newt gently, but sternly ushers me forward "RUN, ROSE! AND DON'T LOOK BACK!", something odd and unsettling occuring within that moment, the thunderous booms of the missiles digging into the soil mere inches from me dim into a gentle hum, the screams of the terrified that once filled the air muffle in my ears, the only thing I discern is my shaky breathing, although my mind is in a frenzy, unclear and lacking stability in this chaotic moment, I narrow my senses down to what I'm most familiar with. My survival instincts, I clasp my lids shut momentarily, allowing myself to be shoved around in different directions, I steady my hazardous breathing and sharpen my mind, once my orbs unlatch it's as if I'm merely back in the Maze with the Grievers, I bolt through the panicked crowd as fast as possible, I tetter time and time again as the very ground beneath me quakes from the violent explosions behind me, and I take note of their enclosing proximity to me, the Earth rummbles out as a explosion erupts from a few yeards to my left, nearly sending me flying into the air.

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