Chapter 20-Late Night Betrayals

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Walking at a brisk pace as silently as possible, I exit the space of the rooms and enter an entirely foreign space, shuck! I have no idea where I'm going!, I curse privately, retracing my steps, I take a right instead of a left and follow the corridor, only to discover a dead end, stupid, slinthead! You never pay attention!, I rush back to where I ran and stop at an intersection, unsure where to run, anxiety fills me "how stupid does Tommy think we are? All he ever bloody does is do what he's not supposed to, it's predictable now", Newt, relieved, I dash in the direction of his voice, clinging to it avidly, his voice is low, ensuring that no one would discern him, but I do, someone snickers "yeah, we say don't go into the Maze, what does he do? Go in", Frypan, "we say don't draw attention to himself, he does exactly that", rushing into the space, I find the two, both strolling up to the car of their choosing leisurely, Newt snickers knowingly, with both their backs turned to me, neither suspect I'm there, concealing myself within the shadows, I glare at the two "and now this". Frypan walks over to the vehicle, opens the door, which causes the lights inside to illuminate the inner parts of the vehicle and tosses his pack across the passenger seat carelessly "should we both wait for him outside the car?" Frypan probes "no, I think it'd be funny if you go in the car and go unnoticed until I open the door", Newt giggles almost childishly "sounds good to me" Frypan chuckles "here, hand me your other pack, I'll throw the rest of it in the back" Newt offers "alright, just don't knock over the gasoline over there". My orbs widen as I watch Newt limp towards the back end of the car, I need to move, I'll get caught if I stay here, in a rush of panic, I slither along the shadows, careful to ensure I made no noise, holding my breath until I find a new spot to conceal myself, which is right in front of their vehicle, hidden behind some girthy boxes that hold the enticing aroma of fresh fruit, I watch as Newt opens the back door and tosses two packs inside negligently, shutting the door with a loud slam, I flinch innately. They're terrible at being stealthy, I almost giggle to myself, but restrain it, a few minutes of silence, and, for a split second, I flush with panic, assuming Newt had heard me, his observant orbs flicker to the spot where I was hiding before, but shrugs as he strolls back towards the driver's side of the car, I release my breath warily, knowing I evaded him "Tommy should be here any minute, go ahead and climb on in" Newt instructs him "got it", turning on his heels, Newt stops for a moment "and one more thing", this catches Frypan's attention. "Yeah?", "my plan, I get shotgun" Newt smirks, I roll my orbs in annoyance before his words finally register in my brain, it was his plan to leave me without so much as a warning, I glare at the boy bitterly "you got it" Frypan chuckles before climbing inside the vehicle and shutting close the door, Newt lets out a soft sigh before limping towards a small desk in the corner of the room and leans against it, his handsome features setting into a serious and dark expression that almost frightens me, he places his fingers on the lamp, now we wait. After about fifteen, twenty minutes of waiting behind the boxes, the sound of faint, but quick, footsteps echo through the space, the sound of another pair of feet is easily discerned in my ears, I watch as Thomas enters the space, fumbling as he zips his pack securely whilst walking towards the jeep "where do you think you're going then?", I'm surprised at the tone Newt utilizes, it mimicks the same impudence as Minho, flicking on the lamp, the space where the two stand is bathed in artificial, golden light, Thomas stops in his tracks, gazing at Newt in disbelief. "Newt", Thomas shuffles nervously "don't be a twat about it, I'm already in", taking the pack from Thomas's hands, Newt smirks at the boy "no, Newt, not this time", Thomas attempts to take the pack back from Newt, only to fail "it's too dangerous", Newt stops in his tracks and stares directly into Thomas's orbs "well then, we need all the help we can get now, don't we?", casually opening the door, Frypan leans forward to smile at Thomas, who huffs in disbelief, Newt hands the boy Thomas's pack and leans against the side of the vehicle blithely. Arms folded, his orbs direct towards Thomas, gentle, yet serious "you're prediction was ten minutes off, Newt, it's 1:10 am" Frypan informs Newt, gazing at the watch encasing his wrist "close enough", Newt shrugs carelessly, the two chuckle lightly "guys, I'm serious, you can't-", "and who says we can't?", me, "you never listen to us, so why do we have to listen to you? Besides we want to have a part in saving Minho too, you can't have all the adventures to yourself" Newt retorts lightheartedly, Thomas sighs, running a hand through his locks "we started this together, might as well end it that way". That's my cue, I slither out from behind the boxes, still concealed within shadows, nevertheless the boys are too distracted with their heartfelt conversation to notice me, I fix my hair and dust myself off "aren't you forgetting someone?", in perfect sync, I step out into the dim, golden beams of weak lighting of the room, folding my arms over my chest, I deposit all my weight onto one leg brazenly, glaring at all the boys, startled, they all whirl their attention towards me, faces falling in panic, smirking at their faces, I spit lividly "surprise".

Author's info- Hello, my fellow reader!! BOOM! Another amazing chapter and amazing cliffhanger!! I really hope you liked it!! Omg!! Anyone else think Rose is such a baddy right now???!! I think so!! I love this chapter mainly because it shows how defiant and independent she really is, not to mention how sassy she is!! I really loved writing this chapter! And I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! If you did, smash that voting star, leave a comment, share critique and share this book with everyone you know!! I am so pumped and ready but at the same time sad and unprepared to finally bring you guys the surprise that I promised, I won't say anything yet because I am waiting to see how many people are drawn to this book, I am super self conscious, so give me some love!! The next chapter won't be as eventful, but the following chapter will be!! Hope you like it!! Okay, I gotta go, the next chapter won't write itself! I love you guys so much! Stay safe and see you guys soon!! Later reader!!

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