Chapter 33-Fear The Walking Dead

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My entire body is thrown sideways as the car begins to whiz down the road, the rugged terrain causes the car to squeak in protest, jolting us roughly around, once I notice the gun slips slightly from my captor's otherwise iron grip, I spring into action, launching myself at him, throwing my entire body weight onto him, havoc erupts from behind me as I attempt to pry the gun out from my captor's hold, scratching away at his fingers, causing him to scream, but just as my slender fingers wrap around the gun, a fist slams against my cheek bone. Flung from the sheer force onto my bottom, my entire being flares with wrath, I spring to my feet, charging for the man, blinded by my rage, I ignore him raising the gun at my face once again, but Thomas dives in front of me, nearly falling over as the car jolts once again, he swiftly latches onto me, preventing me from tackling the man once again "LET ME GO, YOU SHUCKING SLINTHEAD KLUNK FOR BRAINS!" I curse fervently, thrashing around in Thomas's hold "WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! SHE'LL STOP, MAN! SHE'LL STOP!" He exclaims, ensuring to keep me shielded from the gun. Extending his hand out in surrender, meeting my captor's gaze "SHUCK YOU, YOU SHUCKING SHANK! WHERE ARE OUR FRIENDS?! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING US?! LET MY FRIENDS GO!" I scream, allowing spit to fling towards the man, enraged by my defiance, the man raises the gun once again, the evident click of life entering my ears "SHE'LL STOP! SHE'LL STOP!" Thomas exclaims frantically, flailing his free arm around as the other keeps me at bay, his orbs link with mine, pleading towards me "won't you, Rose?", I scoff at the authoritative tone he harbors towards me "shoot me, slinthead, I dare you". Glaring with unhindered wrath, I glare deep into his insecurities, latching onto them, flashing a wicked smile as they expose themselves to me, his orbs widen in horror and he drops the gun, allowing it to clank idly on the floor, smirking smugly, I recline comfortably against the side of the truck "keep your friend in line, we don't want to hurt you because you are valuable to him, but we will protect ourselves, with or without orders" the man hisses through clenched teeth, inspecting the fresh wounds that litter his hands "'him'?" Thomas probes curiously, though worried with suspicion "who's 'him'?". Twenty minutes drag along for the van to eventually slow to a wobbly halt, the man in the passanger's seat slips out from the van, along with the driver, and eventually, within seconds, the back doors burst open, distorting my face as blinding sunlight pours inside the unlit van, I hesitate, lingering as Thomas and Brenda uneasily climb out, my captor shoves me forward, snarling towards him, I aversely slither out from the van, my face morphs into confusion as I absorb my surroundings, examining the strange concrete facility, my orbs wide with awe. Stray rays of sunlight beam through the collapsed portions of the roof in the center of the room above us, the vast open space reminds me much of some kind of abandoned parking garage, my gaze is drawn towards the speckles of people that stroll by, unbothered by us as they carry out their daily routine, a second van pulls up alongside the one we were just in, but before the masked man in the front seat could climb out, the back door is forced open and another man topples out onto the ground "WHERE IS SHE?!" A familiar voice shouts, Jorge. I jump from his frightening tone, grabbing the man from his collar, Jorge begins to relentlessly punch the exposed skin of the masked man "Jorge, I'm here!" Brenda exclaims, rushing towards the man "wait, Brenda!" I exclaim, devising to sprint after the girl, only for the armed individuals to begin shouting, one even raises a gun to my head, stopping me dead in my tracks as I raise my hands in surrender "woah! Wait!" A familiar, accented voice exclaims, Newt springs from the back of the van, hands raised in surrender as he dashes for me, gallantly standing in front of me. Protecting me from the gun, blinded by rage, Jorge screams into the face of the masked man, pulling back his arm for another ruthless blow, only for Brenda to grasp onto his arm "I'm here... I'm here" she reassures him, face falling in relief, he shoves off the now bloodied kidnapper "relax, everyone" the same full masked man that stared at us from earlier speaks sternly, adjusting his pack and gripping his gun securely "we're on the same side as you" he informs us nonchalantly "'same side as us'?" Thomas bites harshly, shoving off a guard. "And what side do you think that is? Who are you people?", the man stares at us, orbs flickering around our group, an antsy knife trails along my spine as his gaze lingers upon me, Newt, noticing my discomfort, shifts ever so slightly to block me off from the odd man's gaze, the other guards shift their stares from Thomas towards the man, I assume he's the leader of the mission from the way authority radiates off him like a foul odor, I glare at the man suspiciously before averting my optics towards Newt, his brows creased tauntly in an uneasy manner. "Okay, is someone going to say something or are we just going to stand here looking shucking jacked?" I snap bitterly, the man chuckles dulcetly, the sound roots the hair at the back of my neck to elevate proudly "same old Rose, you haven't changed one bit", confusion flares across my features, slithering out from behind Newt's protection, I narrow my slots at the man, odd familiarity settles in the pit of my stomach "how do you know my name?" I probe him suspiciously, he sighs heavily before peeling off his mask to finally reveal himself, my breath hitches and the entire room falls silent "Gally?".

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