Chapter 83-Dodging Bullets

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I glare towards the woman dressed in ivory, wishing for my narrowed gaze alone to destroy her, composing himself from his daze, Thomas withdraws his weapon, precisely directing towards the woman behind all this chaos, realizing his intentions, she elevates her hands in surrender, the sight causes me to smirk triumphantly "do it, Thomas" I whisper mercilessly towards him, flickering my gaze from him to Paige "this is for you, Rose", I smile ruthlessly when my ears discern the definite click of his weapon, patiently waiting for him to discharge it, but before he can, I notice someone emerge in my peripherals. "THOMAS! NO!", Newt also realizes the eminent threat towards Thomas and without a moment of hesitation, we yank him towards the right and into the hallway I marched into previously, Thomas releases a single bullet, but because of our intervention, I discern it clanking against the iron walls inaccurately, seconds later, a descent of bullets follow, one whizzes inches in front of my face as I sprint down the hallway, not releasing my grip on Thomas's right forearm, swiftly turning towards the left, we enter a hallway crowded with Reasearchers, who enter a panicked frenzy at the sight of our trained weapons. "MINHO?!" Thomas screams, whirling his weapon around deliriously "MINHO!" I join him "where is he?" Thomas questions me "he's closer now", suddenly, WICKED guards advance towards us, the charge of their Launchers entering my ears "THOMAS! WATCH OUT!", without hesitation, I discharge my Launcher towards the men approaching us, two are impacted and are launched to the floor, jerking unnaturally on the floor, Newt discharges his weapon assisting me as more approach our group "TAKE A LEFT, THOMAS!", following my instructions, unfaltering, Thomas sprints down a narrow hallway with me and Newt right behind him "MINHO!". Sounds of our retaliating Launchers infuse the air as we remorselessly unload our Launchers onto the men in front of us, effortlessly evading their returning artillery as we mindfully turn towards the left, our gaze trained on the WICKED guards "klunk" Thomas curses, discarding his weapon onto the floor to unsheathe a small handheld gun from his pocket, the three of us retreat our way down the hallway, breathing heavily as our adrenaline levels soar, as we retreat further down the hall, I'm almost unaware of the two WICKED guards that appear at the end of the hallway beside us. "ROSE!", simultaneously, Newt and Thomas both discharge their weapons, both of the guards instantly slump lifelessly onto the floor, staring at the two boys with a wide gaze, I send them a brief nod to display my gratitude, diverting my attention back towards the hallway in front of us "KEEP GOING! HE'S CLOSE! THE NEXT HALLWAY!" I yell as an outbreak of WICKED guards enter my view, I unleash my Launcher upon the masked individuals in a savage manner, Thomas and Newt join me, our gunfire torrenting down upon the advancing guards all whilst we continue to retreat from them. I flinch as a wave of bullets whiz inches past me "THERE'S TOO MANY!" I scream as I continue to blast my weapon, noticing the increasing amount of WICKED guards at the entrance of the hallway "GUYS! GET DOWN!", shoving Newt and Thomas into the hallway alongside us, I notice a single guard convulsing on the floor in front of us as we flatten ourselves alongside the right side of the hallway, flinching as bullets ricochet against the walls unrelentingly, I heave as I slump against the wall, reloading my Launcher and adjusting the loose strands of my hair behind my ears. "Shuck, I'm almost out!" Thomas curses "then save your ammunition, I'll handle this!", without allowing him to protest, I manuever my way around the corner of the hallway and discharge my Launcher, mercilessly allowing my gunfire to plant themselves on any masked individual in front of me "DIE! YOU SHUCKING PIECES OF KLUNK! I scream, watching as many of the guards topple to the floor, suddenly, a strange noise enters my ears, almost causing me to flicker my attention away from my mindless slaughtering "GET BACK!" Newt yells, throwing a strange object down the hallway, securely wrapping his arms around my stomach. Swiftly yanking me around the corner to be beside him, Newt blankets me with his protection by concealing me with his own body, not a second after, an intense, eletric blast explodes down the hall, showering the hallway with bolts of unrestrained electricity, although I cower into Newt from the intense blast, I gawk at the luminescent display of colors with a wide gaze, awestruck for a brief moment, we all rise to our feet, struck for a moment by Newt's brilliant idea that has the entire group of WICKED guards convulsing uncontrollably on the floor. "Brilliant idea, Newt!" I squeal, throwing my arms around his neck, he blanches from the sudden gesture, but eventually returns it "yeah, thanks, Buddy", Newt chuckles as he releases me, mirroring my bright and proud smile "come on, we don't have a second to waste" Thomas mumbles as I untangle myself from Newt, we both nod in agreement and begin to scramble away from the scene of our crime, but as I pass the unconscious WICKED guard on the floor, I pause for a moment, noticing the loaded firearm on his belt "Rose! Come on!" Newt urges me as they turn to the left. Ignoring my conscience screaming at me to ignore the weapon and continue forward, I manuever my hand towards the gun, wrapping my fingers around the dangerous weapon, I rise to my feet, admiring the glistening surface, allured by it's beauty, surprised by how natural the weight is disposed upon my hand, frowning as I realize this weapon is fatal when wielded, shaking my head to dispose of the pessimistic thoughts bubbling in my skull, I hesitantly secure the gun to my waistband, sprinting down the hallway to catch up to Thomas and Newt "YOU TWO, FREEZE!".

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