Chapter 85-Between A Rock And A Hard Place

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A pair of strong arms intercept my body just seconds before I could impact the floor, the Terrors flash across my vision, obstructing it, with no sound to be heard, reality becomes a blur, I can detect my consciousness dissolving, my fingers obtain a sliver of fabric, they wrap around it tightly, desperately attempting to anchor myself as the world spirals around me, unconsciousness threatening to latch itself upon my frail figure, I detect the pair of strong arms shaking my body, vain attempts for a response, my muscles stiffen, muffled exclamations rattle within my skull, confusing my startled mind. But within all the chaos, a calming, soft whisper emerges, "Rose", suddenly, the embrace of the Terrors slackens fairly "you're stronger than this, fight it! They need you", I pinch my lids together, straining to unlatch them "Rose, wake up", I gasp, my startled body jolting alive once again, I flicker my restoring gaze around my vicinity, almost exclaiming out in shock as I find Newt's brilliant chocolate gaze staring down at me with concern, strands of his caramel locks framing around his peripherals, blinking rapidly to assert the dominance I've obtained from the Terrors, I tuck my brows together "what happened?". Newt releases a huff of relief, sending me a proud grin, one that causes my heart to sputter in it's pace "you fought them, I knew you could do it, Love", the air appears to flourish with electricity as we stare into each other's orbs, ensnared by each other's prescence, thriving upon it as the longing to link his lips with my own causes me to lessen the distance between us, in this moment, I desire to remain in his comforting arms, to forget the dangers lurking right outside the very room were in and to allow the world to wither away. "Sorry to break up the love-fest, but may I remind you we're in quite the predicament over here!", Minho's reminder of the present threat causes us to recompose ourselves from our stupor, with a delicate and mindful hand, Newt assists me to my feet, patiently waiting for my legs to stabilize as his hands overlap my own as a precaution when he notices my legs wobbling noticably, flashing him a thankful smile, I endeavor to remain upright, my brows wrinkle together, bewilderment settling in "what's wrong, Love?" Newt questions me, noticing my struggle "it's the Terrors... They're too strong". Once those words register into the air, the sound of a saw enters my ears, my gaze flickers towards the doors that Minho and Thomas both retreat away from now, watching as a shower of sparks spill from the area around the lock on the door, Newt, noticing my diverted attention and fearful expression, slowly turns around, following my gaze, only for his features to become pale with horror, he too begins to retreat away from the door, sustaining his supportive hold upon my quaking figure as his attention remains locked onto the door "any ideas?!" Minho questions. I almost collapse onto the floor again as I attempt to support my own weight, Newt swiftly catches me by my arms before I can even release a yelp of surprise, without a sound from Thomas, we all adversely divert our attention away from the door, noticing Thomas staring out the glass window I had encountered earlier, the boy finally directs his attention towards us, my stomach knots with apprehension when I notice the determined glint in his orbs "maybe" he replies "there's no bloody way we are jumping from this height!" Newt exclaims, already realizing Thomas's intentions. "Rose just had a bloody attack because of how bloody heigh we are and you want her to bloody jump?!" Newt argues, his grip on my back tightening "we have no choice, Newt, I know how she is right now but we can't let them capture us again, we didn't just get this far just to get this far!" Thomas retorts, the volume of his voice increasing "ROSE CAN'T EVEN BLOODY STAND BECAUSE THOSE TERRORS ARE OVERWHELMING HER BODY!" Newt roars, Thomas falters, flickering his gaze towards me "it's true" I murmur meekly, despite the thought of having to jump, I understand Thomas's determination. Noticing the intense exchange between the two boys, I realize I'm be the only person both of them will respect, so I release a heavy sigh, straightening myself as I divert my attention towards Newt, noticing the clench in his jaw as the flare in his nostrils "Newt", instantly he diverts his attention towards me, features softening instantaneously "Thomas is right", his features flash betrayal momentarily, only to conceal it beneath his concerned stare, but I notice it "we can't let them get to us, I won't go through that again", Newt caresses my cheek "are you certain?". I shake my head "that's a definite no, but we have no other choice", his gaze flickers between my orbs, momentarily hesitant "okay, Tommy, we'll follow your lead", Newt flickers his attention towards Thomas "thanks, Newt", Newt nods, jaw clenched "what's your plan?" Newt questions, Thomas flickers his gaze around the room, lingering his attention upon a circular metal container right beside him "okay, I need you and Minho to take this container and throw it out the window" Thomas instructs, Newt devises to move forward, only to forget he's supporting me "what about Rose? She can't stand". Thomas purses his lips together, searching for a solution, when it appears he locates one, his gaze doesn't connect with Newt's, I notice his cheeks become flushed with a rosiness, but I'm suspicious of my own vision as the contrasts of night spilling into the room and the twinkling lights of neighboring buildings conceal his expression "let me hold her", I notice Newt's gaze narrow "Newt, we don't have time to waste" I urge him before he unlatches his mouth to protest "Thomas will keep me safe, I trust him", I divert my attention towards Thomas, now certain of the blush in his cheeks.

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