Chapter 49-The WICKED Fortress

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Scaling the towering barrier wall of the Last City took much longer than I'm comfortable with, I loathe to audibly admit that my legs and arms are reduced to sore bags of bones, although my outer extremities are pleading for me to rest, I cling to the side of the wall I shuffle against now, resisting the urge to glance over my shoulder towards the frightening fall that lurks beneath me "don't look down, Love" Newt warns "not gonna do it any time soon" I chuckle weakly, the howling wind frolics with the long, healthy brown strands of my hair. I falter slightly when I discern the faint noise of radio chatter from above us "try to stay quiet, if they catch us now, it's all over" Gally warns delicately, we all silence ourselves, allowing the menacing atmosphere to surround us, Gally veers off to the left, with Newt, me and Thomas following after him, ascending up a small flight of stairs, my body slackens, relieved to finally have a change of scenery, reaching the top, Gally leads us towards the right, my breath hitches as I tail after Newt, orbs wide as I gaze out beyond the edge of a balcony. If it weren't for the railing preventing me from tumbling towards my death, I would be enchanted by the fascinating sight, before us the towering buildings are less intimidating, but remain regal in their majesty "there it is" Gally murmurs, leaning against the railing, gazing out towards the center building that stands prouder, and much taller, than the rest, I step back, distrusting of the feeble, rusty railing to protect me from a gruesome, untimely end "if WICKED has Minho, that is where they're keeping him", my back impacks the wall behind me, my hand curls into a tight ball. Quivering from the height below, instinctively, Newt notices my condition and maneuvers over to me, intertwining our fingers together as he rubs my arm soothingly, even silent, he comforts me, I grin faintly "Lawrence has been trying to find a way in for years" Gally informs us robotically, oblivious of me and Newt alongside him as he crouches down towards a strange compartment before him, unlocking it to reveal a foreign object concealed within, straightening himself, he rests the object upon the railing, securing it with a definite click, leaning periously close to the edge, he peeks through the object. Newt gazes at me, perturbed, knowing well enough I'm not enduring properly, so he places a tender peck upon my forehead, as soon as his lips graze my skin, my entire body alleviates visibly, aware of my improved state, he connects our lips together, their passionate strokes are brief, but appreciated, he sends me an encouraging, yet understanding grin once he disconnects himself from me, leaving our hands connected, Newt steps away from the railing, standing by my side "the place is crawling with soldiers, they got surveillance everywhere, scanners on every floor", I clench Newt's forearm concernedly. Already my mind is preoccupied with Minho's wellfare "sounds like a bloody fortress" Newt snaps bitterly, I share a glance with him, but when he redirects his attention to the seemingly unfeasible journey to rescue Minho, I notice his hand twitching, tucking my brows together I devise to question him, only for Thomas to speak before me "but you have a way in, right?", Thomas remains buoyant "I might", this ensnares my attention "you 'might' the klunk you mean 'might'?" I snarl towards him "yeah, Gally, you said you could get us in there, we're following your lead here, we're trusting you" Thomas argues. "Although some of us wonder if we really have to do that" I mumble, Newt sends me a scornful glare, I ignore it as he entraps my shoulders, keeping me at bay as I advance lividly towards Gally "okay, let's get something straight first, or else, there's no point in continuing any further", Gally sighs heavily, I watch as his hands fumble with each other nervously "look, I know what I did, okay?", we remain silent, I notice his gaze flickers towards me, albeit with remorse "I may not remember some of it, but I know. I see Chuck's face every time I close my eyes", I swallow the collection of grief that threatens to escape my lips, but I remain composed "I'm not saying we have to be friends, and I'm not asking for anyone's forgiveness, whatever higher force that exist knows I haven't deserved it, but I'm asking if we put it behind us, because we all want the same thing", Gally gazes out sorrowfully towards the main WICKED building "after this we can go our separate ways and never speak again, but until then, none of this works unless we trust each other". Gally glances towards Thomas, then me, the scowl upon my features has remained unchanged, unaffected by his words "okay" Thomas finally surrenders, but the clench his jaw and his tightly clenched fists reveal his immense reluctance, Gally faces towards me, searching for some rationality, but I give him none "I don't trust you, I never will, but for the sake of Minho, I won't snap your neck no matter how intrusive the thought is" I growl "well, it's a start" Gally mumbles "now, about our way in, take a look", Gally motions Thomas forward, he gallantly steps in front of the object. Gazing through the scope, but after mere seconds, I watch his features fall, his jaw clenches as his orbs become cold, darkened with disbelief "Thomas? What is it?" I probe him gently, advancing closer towards him, concerned as his entire body stiffens "I said, I had a way in, I didn't say you were gonna like it", I scrunch my features addledly "wait, why? Thomas, what is it?", Thomas remains silent "it's not a what, it's a who", growing vexed of his vagueness, I leave Newt's protection and dare to step towards the railing, gazing through the scope myself, but my breath hitches and my entire blody flares with vengeance, thriving upon an unrelenting wrath that has yet to be satisfied, my hand clenches at my side "Love, who is it?" Newt probes me innocently, unaware of the impending war inside me "it's her, our only way in, it's Teresa".

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