Chapter 54-Shards Of Fault

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The irrational pacing of my feet has smoothed out the uneven flooring, nothing, not the mere concerned whispers of the others enter the room, an exasperated chestnut gaze follows my frantic movements, shoulders slackened, although my movements are vigilant, and quite frankly annoying, my lids weigh with the demand for rest, but the attempts were in vain as the mechanisms of my mind remain operating at an untamed pace, my lower lip is gnawed upon by my teeth as my fingers fumble with themselves, my entire body's alive and thriving upon my unrest, many illogical fears being the main cause. "When Gally said to get some rest before we initiate the plan, I'm sure this isn't what he was talking about, Love", although thrilled Newt's mereiment remains intact, it bounces right off me "I know, I can't seem to turn this shucking brain off" I mumble, continuing my pacing, unfazed "what seems to be on your mind, Love?", finally directing my attention towards him, I stroll over to him, he's settled upon a fethered mattress with a squeaky bedframe, the room is modestly lit by a single lightbulb, bare gray walls surround us and a steel metal door for privacy. The only furniture in the space is the bed and a worn closet settled alongside the right side of the door, bearing a variety of small and large weapons, providing protection for a possible stray Crank attack, then there's the corroding sink beside our bed, which is nestled at the back of the room, Gally assured us we had filtered water, although I've become incredulous to his words, then there's the broken filthy mirror dangling precariously above the sink, it's primal compared to the lavish metropolis just a few yards away, but it's all Gally had to offer for the time being. After our moment on the rooftop, Newt's words have engraved into my evaluating mind, he remains leaning forward on his elbows, hands clasped together, I've been pacing for a few minutes, ignoring Gally's suggestion to obtain rest, crounching down before him, I place a hand upon his knee, becoming ashamed for my provoking curiosity "I've been thinking about what you said, about your situation", careful words wishing not to enrage him escape my lips, if he were, he shows no indication, so I continue "you said that you've known for a few hours, do you know exactly when your arm started to feel funny?". His gaze clouds over to his pondering, flickering to the floor, he meets my gaze when ready "my arm started hurting after our encounter at that health checkpoint", at the mention of that, I shudder, but a thought enters my mind "but, that doesn't make sense, you didn't get bit" I present to him, his brows furrow "apparently that doesn't matter if I'm not Immune like the rest of you", I shake my head "then you would've gotten sick long before this, we were exposed long before that tunnel, so it can't be that" I argue. "Why are you so avid on this?" He snaps, I notice how his orbs have become slightly darker, I calm my worrying thoughts, squeezing his knee, I watch his gaze clear once again "I'm just trying to figure out the why and how, Newt, but if you want me to stop asking questions I will", he shakes his head "no, keep talking to me, it helps distract me from the pain", I nod, glancing towards him uneasily "all I'm saying is, the only possible way for you to have gotten the Flare is..." I falter, realization crashing in. Linking my gaze with his, the blood rapidly drains from my face as my features drop from dread, the gentle crinkle of his brows indicates his confusion as I detect my heart rate rising steadily "the crash", he tenses, this only furthers my intuition and fear "Love, stop", my gaze becomes clouded over with the memory of the scene "you had to break my window to reach me when I couldn't unbuckle myself", my breathing becomes unsteady as discernment slams right into my chest "you don't know what you're talking about, Love", I ignore him as my mind races turbulently. "You promised that I wouldn't get cut by the glass, and I didn't", I don't even realize his breathing has escalated as my mind is plagued by unraveling "just leave it", my orbs finally clear as I realize how obscured his have become "that explains why your condition is rapidly deteriorating", "I said, 'leave it'" Newt growls towards me, voice strangely inhumane and raspy "why you just barely started experiencing symptoms", "leave it!" He exclaims, I notice the raven vines that inch along his neck, pulsing a poison that's slowly devouring his humanity "you used your right arm to break my fall. Which coincidentally is the same arm that the infection is based around, which leads to my decipher", he huffs laborously as I cautiously scoot away from him, fearful of him "that's why you're sick, you got cut by the shards of the window you broke when I fell on your arm, not to mention that open wound was exposed to the contaminated air of that tunnel", finally he composes himself, steadying his untamed breathing, his dark gaze unblemishes, unchained from their bondage, tears accumulate around my rims as understanding settles in "this is all my fault" I realize. My lip begins to tremble as I stare upon him, guilt slashing into my chest, unrelenting upon my withering state "come here", it's not a demand, but a stern summon, I advance closer, setting myself back to my previous placement, he exhales shakily, blinking away the oncoming tears "this is not your fault, Love" he assures me, kindly caressing my cheek "I was chosen to endure this burden, no one else, if that means fighting till my last breath is drawn or till I win the battle, then so be it, a fate worse than death is more tolerable knowing you won't endure it".

Author's info- Hello, reader! BOOM! Another amazing chapter! My gosh I am gonna go cry in the corner right now! Despite this being probably the lowest chapter in the entire book, this one is definitely my favorite! The last one two was my favorite! I cannot with the relationship these two have! And their bond is only going to get stronger! So, yeah, Newt has the Flare. I know. I've been battling with the ending because although I wish to write out what I really want, I can't write out the worst part of the book. But I kinda have to in order for what I want to happen happen, I will say this book is gonna have a major twist that will surely make you sob, but just know that all the things that happen in this book are for a reason, I promise! The next chapter is a real good one that will surely make your heart melt! I mean, I started squealing like a pig whilst writing it! Well, I better go, the next chapter won't writ itself! See you later reader!

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