Chapter 63-The Interrogation

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"Come here" Gally motions for Newt, informally leaning back onto the table behind me, I watch emotionlessly as Gally shoves the Betrayer into the lone chair before us, he scowls towards the girl, retreating a few steps back, he nods to Newt, with his jaw clenched and narrowed stare, Newt swiftly tugs the burlap sack off of the Betrayer's head, tossing it to the ground and limping towards the chair I stand beside, settling in as he leans forward with his elbows deposited on his knees, the Betrayer, attempting to reobtain her breath, flickers her gaze to each of us. Shock and confusion display over her alluring features "what the-? How-?" She wheezes, vain in conjuring up a full sentence, for a brief moment, her gaze lands upon me, I glare towards her, wishing for my stare alone to destroy her, she cowers away from my stare, only for her orbs to widen at the towering, muscular boy before her "Gally?!", he doesn't acknowledge her panic, nonchalantly leaning against the table on the other side of Frypan "listen, we are going to ask you a few questions, and you're going to give us the answers, got it?" He snaps flatly. "We know WICKED has Minho, we're going to get him back, and you're going to help us", distorting her features in confusion and frustration, her gaze flickers towards Thomas "wait- you don't actually think you can get to him, do you?" She snaps incredulously, Gally, quickly striding in front of the traitor, grasps the empty chair beside him, swinging it forward to place it right in front of the Betrayer, he settles in on it backwards, folding his arms on the backrest, searing into her soul with a stern glare "don't look at him, why are you looking at him?. He's not gonna help you" Gally retorts, obstructing her view of Thomas, I smirk at this, my fingers find their way into Thomas's locks, gingerly combing through them in a soothing manner, I notice him slacken fairly "look at me", the Betrayer purses her lips together, staring at Gally for a few moments "you don't understand, you guys can't get to Minho, it's impossible, not to mention you have no idea where he is" she attempts to reason with us "that's not why we have you here, Slinthead, if it was a problem figuring out where he was, we would have asked". Appearing to experince a lack for words, the Betrayer furrows her brows together "we know exactly where he is, we just need to know how many Kids you have storing in that sector", Gally smirks confidently, reveling in her confusion, her gaze flickers towards Thomas momentarily "twenty eight" she mumbles "where do you store the Bliss you extract from those poor Kids?" I chime in, sending a loathful glare her way, puzzled, she adverts her attention towards me "the Serum is in the Third Sector, the same one the others are in" she elaborates, shifting uneasily from my silent wrath. "But what would you want with that-", "none of your business" Gally interrupts, muttering in a blunt tone, shifting her gaze back to Gally, the Betrayer straightens herself to be taller "listen, my answers mean nothing because you will not be able to get inside the building without getting caught, no matter how much you know about where things are located, they have scanners throughout the entire facility, only people with confirmed fingerprints as a staff member are able to get through them-", "that's where you're going to help us" Thomas explains "we need you to help us sneak past those scanners. We just need one confirmation in the system", Gally, with his wrathful glare remaining on the Betrayer, shrugs apathetically "do we really need her?" He questions, rising to his feet and striding towards the table behind us, my attention follows his body, my only reaction is the quirk of my brow, Gally slides his chair back before obtaining the scalpel on the tabel, tossing it into the air before catching it with ease "I mean, all we really need is her thumb" Gally growls, advancing towards her menacingly, realizing what Gally's implying, the Betrayer shuffles away from him. Her orbs widening in terror, an appalling smirk tickles the edges of my lips, relishing the petrified features she displays towards us "Gally, stop" Thomas intervenes, swifting rising to his feet and grasping the intimidating boy's arm, halting him in his tracks "we really don't need her, we just need her fingerprint" Gally retorts as my smirk morphs into a frown, loathing the amount of precious time we're exhausting "but that isn't part of the plan" Thomas retaliates sternly, tugging Gally away from the Betrayer, sending Gally a suspicious glare when he refuses to surrender "Gally" Thomas warns. Rolling his orbs, Gally eases slightly, very slightly, "you don't understand, my fingerprint is not all you need to elude the scanners-", "you figured that out on your own, Sherlock?" I snap rhetorically, folding my arms over my chest, shifting my weight upon my left leg to be closer to Newt "we know that we are tagged" Thomas continues, ignoring my remark, I narrow my gaze, detecting a strange pang in my chest as he hesitantly strolls towards her, crouching down to her level "that's why we need you", she stares into Thomas's orbs for a few moments, an evident frown on her lips. She shakes her head, that's when my resentment begins to boil "Thomas...", clenching my jaw, I understand the Betrayer won't surrender her information compliantly, so, mutely, I stroll over to her, snatching the scalpel from Gally on my way over to her, I shove it into my pocket, morphing my bitter stare into an emotionless one, I place a tender hand upon Thomas's shoulder, jolting, he gyrates his attention to me, everyone becomes uncomfortably silent, I detect their reverent attention for the girl who's suffered more than they understand collide harshly into my back "mind if I try?".

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