Chapter 71-A Shattering Sickness

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The silence that cloaks over us as we stroll down the concrete, has become unbearably tense since we abandoned the mother and her child, although I attempt to restrain my glare on our destination, my mind wavers back to the young girl and her words "it's sad that these people are bloody blind to the truth about WICKED", I discern Newt mutter from my left as we march our way down the block, I frown, despite understanding Newt can't witness it, and I nod slowly in agreement, as we stride down the second block, a burst of fraint cries snares are attention. Locking our stare as we realize they are released in the very direction we're headed towards, the waves of individuals merely glance in the direction of the screams, familiar to the point they're insensible to it, uneased by the sound, I clear my throat, straightening myself to be taller "maybe we should reroute a little" I mutter gently "to avoid the Infected at the next block or so" I explain, Newt remains silent for a few moments, I watch his chest elevate and plummet as he inhales and exhales heavily, diverting his gaze from our heading, he shakes his head. "No, we've got to get to the facility as quickly as possible, and that's our fastest route" he denies my offer, nodding slowly, I advert my gaze down the crowded concrete ahead, staring at the path that'll ultimately lead us to origin of the cries that continue to echo from down the road, bouncing off the walls of the tightly compacted buildings "are you sure?" I question him, silently praying he would alter his decision if he notices my fright and concern, but he nods, effortlessly shattering my prayers "yeah... Yeah, I'm sure", although his voice appears uncertain. I inhale deeply to mentally and emotionally prepare for what may be awaiting for us down the road "great... Walking straight into trouble, and we're not even at the facility yet" I mutter dulcetly, coercing my body to straighten itself more to the brink of raw tension, I follow after Newt as he reobtains his trudging strut, manuevering our way through the overwhelming abundance of people, as we approach the end of the block, the crossing sign illuminates, and I notice that a massive crowd is crossing from the opposite direction of Newt and I, obviously determined to flee the chaotic scene behind them. My breath hitches in the back of my throat as the person's screams amplify while we approach the third block, strolling our way down the sidewalk, I begin to notice the path becomes less clustered as the bellows increase in volume, suddenly, a WICKED van comes swerving around the corner from behind us, an ominous siren blares from the vehicle as it zooms past us down the road, screeching to a halt alongside the side of the road about fifty feet away, swallowing a ball of nervousness down my throat, I force myself to continue marching straight ahead. Eventually, the crowd of people entirely disperse, everyone that was once nearby now retreat away as much as possible, I prevent myself from gasping in horror once I realize the reason the crowds have withered, there, along the empty sidewalk, I spot a young man no older than Newt being shoved to his knees to the ground on the right side of the cement by an officer, just in front of the doors to a cafe, four more guards quickly appear from inside the van to provide aid, even from our distance, I notice the man's feverish features. I almost falter in my steps when I recognize the sunken orbs and the raven veins of death littering his skin as he screams and lashes, attempting to unbind himself from the guard's grip behind him, a woman around an identical age to the man being restrained rushes forward, only to be captured by another officer, preventing her from advancing any closer, her features are vibrant with life and appear to display no signs of disease, unlike the man on the ground, despite this, her orbs swell with tears of grief as she struggles against the guard's hold "PLEASE! STOP!". Her screams fill the air as they attempt to confine the man "LET HIM GO! LET HIM GO! HE'S NOT SICK! HE'S HEALTHY, I TELL YOU! PERFECTLY HEALTHY!" She attempts to reason with the masked guards, they spare her no heed as the man continues to struggle "YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM! HE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT! PLEASE! I LOVE HIM!", the sight sends a pang through out my chest and a shiver down my spine, I defensively tighten my hold on my Launcher as Newt and I slowly advance closer to the man and the scene, I flinch at the unearthly yowl he releases. Glancing their way, I watch as the young woman allows streams of tears to streak down her cheeks as she desperately attempts to assist her significant other "HE'S FINE! HE'S FINE! PLEASE!" The woman weeps "HE CAN'T GET ANYONE SICK BECAUSE HE'S NOT SICK! HE'S NOT!", all her words wither on the ears of the WICKED guards, the man snarls, snapping his jaws at the guards "WE HAVE TO ELIMINATE HIM! HE'S OUT OF CONTROL!" One guard yells to another, at this, the woman's orbs widen and she thrashes harder "NO! HE STILL HAS A CHANCE! PLEASE! I LOVE HIM!". "GIVE ME THE ORDER!" Another guard elevates his weapon, preparing to commit the unthinkable "NO! YOU CAN'T! JUST LET ME TAKE HIM HOME! HE JUST NEEDS SOME SLEEP! PLEASE!", the woman struggles against the guard, thrashing around agressively for freedom "YOUR'E SUPPOSED TO BE THE GOOD GUYS! PLEASE! HE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT!" with merely a senseless confirming nod from the soldier that appears to be the leader, a shot rings through the air and the body of the young man crumples to the floor, lifeless from the discharge of death that has delved into the back of his head.

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