Chapter 61-Becoming Less Broken

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Concealing my face within my hands, I begin to unwind all the emotions I have been vainly attempting to subdue since I discovered Newt being Infected, the limitless tears stream down my cheeks and onto my hands, hot against my frigid skin, with no words spoken, Newt elevates my face so that I could link my gaze with his, with a troubled frown, he gingerly wipes the tears from my cheeks, attentive orbs providing meaning towards his movements, I snivel in attempt to compose the powerful wails that threaten to escape me "it's true, you can't fix me" he speaks. His words floating gently within the unmoving atmosphere, in a delicate manner that alleviates the weight in the room "I became extirpated the moment I decided death was more tolerable than living in a Maze", I allow all my attention to rivet onto him as he continues to soothe my fragile skin with his thumbs, our faces mere inches apart, I melt into his touch, anchoring my unstable emotions to his touch as I close my orbs, for it alone is what has kept me sane "but I feel less broken when you are with me", my tearful orbs open. Connecting with his own tearful stare, he swiftly merges our bodies together, tender hands embracing my body, clinging to the fabric of my shirt, with trembling lips, I allow myself to embrace him back, clinging onto him as if it would be the last embrace we would share, exhaling shakily as more tears threaten to escape me, I press my face into the crook of his neck for comfort, wishing to conceal the broken girl I'm slowly becoming, we remain there for a few moments, his hands rub my back soothingly, tracing meaningless nothings onto my back, I smile faintly. Beautiful, I cling tighter onto him, thankful for his reassurance, Strong, I begin to collect myself, sniffling my tears away, Hopeful, grinning faintly, I retract myself from his slightly, connecting with him visually "I care about you" I state, my hands crinkling his shirt, Mine, "I care about you, Rose", he leans forward, gingerly pressing his lips against my forehead, I sigh contently, detecting all my unresolve, the menacing worries and fears of the uncertain, begin to perish with his lips, he retracts only to lean his forehead against my own, exhaling heavily "we should get back to our assignment". With that he retracts himself from me and strolls back towards the racks, shuffling through the uniforms to find any that may be valuable, I mimick his actions, mindlessly scouring through the stained uniforms "what's your favorite color?", the question is sudden, so I'm expecting the incredulous stare that Newt gives me "if I'm being honest, I don't exactly know that much about you, just that you're everyone's anchor and you were one of the first Gladers" I explain, fiddling with the uniform before me, examining it I find no evidence of wear or tear, alongside with no stains, I obtain it. My heedful orbs glimpse over the stature of the uniform, smiling faintly as I stroll over to Newt and press it against his chest, comparing the uniform to his frame "well, that pretty much sums me up, Love" he chuckles delicately "well, understanding that we are in a romantic relationship, I have a right to know the deep stuff about you" I retaliate flirtatiously "and you think knowing my favorite color qualifies as 'the deep stuff'" he chuckles once again, his face contorting in a manner that causes my heart to flutter "well, you can't blame a girl for trying". He snickers to my response "you know of my past, doesn't that count?" He questions, subconsciously, my gaze flickers towards his leg "that's what I call the 'bad stuff', it's deep, but it doesn't say anything about the person you were before, if anything, it just reveals how you became the person you are now, there must be a boy who has a favorite color in there somewhere", I poke his chest comically, smiling as the ruby uniform matches his stature "you know, what makes you, you", I examine the uniform once more "my favorite color is red". My gaze connects with his, a brittle smile tickles the edges of my lips "well, then it's a good thing this uniform looks like it would fit you" I quip feebly "so it does" he chuckles "what's your favorite color, Love?" He questions me, I stroll away from him and place the uniform on a separate rack away from the rest "it's blue" I reply candidly "like the blue in Aris's eyes?" He questions curiously, I gyrate my head to face him, pondering to his words "no, more like a cloudless sky on a crisp, sunny day kind of blue". A distant reminder slithers into my head, requesting to be noticed "much like the skies that displayed over the Glade on those rare, tranquil days", a smile appears upon his lips to my response "even after all this time, you still have a way with words" he compliments, even now he manages to cause my face to heat from his praise, silently, I begin shifting through the racks once again, smiling as I find a dark azure uniform that's suitable enough for my slender frame, but also beneficial in concealing my feminine physique "what memories do you have of us?". I don't connect my gaze with his as I place my uniform alongside his "you mean before the Maze?" I question him, I notice him nod in a confirming manner in my peripherals, my smile begins to grow at the recollection of the dreams I've had "I know for a fact you made me unquestionably happy" I respond, he listens intently as I attempt to tend to a small dirt stain on my uniform "like I'm doing right now?" He quips as I whirl my face towards him, snorting at the way he scrunches up his face in a teasing manner "you're getting there".

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