Chapter 87-Liquid Revival

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My body appears to be floating in a soundless abyss, unaffected by my own weight, gravity is unable to touch me, the freedom of the burdens on my shoulders lessening is nothing but pure euphoric, my lids unlatch, my vicinity around me is blurred by a liquid haze, jumbled together to form this chaotic display of colors, the twinkle of fireflies is the only illumination within the darkness, my senses have been robbed from me, transforming me into nothing but a mere untethered form floating in nothingness, I wish to remain here, with my locks flickering around me in a brunette blaze. To remain boundless by the unrelenting pressures of this life I'm responsible for, to ignore the shadows of two forms above me that merge into one, I allow myself to be ensnared by the tranquility of the gloom around me, it causes my lids to shut and my mouth to almost unlatch to release the restrained air within my body, but with the single caress that skims the fingertips of my left hand, the spell shatters, causing me to recompose myself and my senses to startle awake, revived by the touch, my once drunken mind thrives with activity. Whirling my attention towards the origin of the hand to investigate, I almost scream as I discover Newt floating alongside me, lids pinched together and cheeks plump with air, gradually plummeting towards the seemingly endless void below, without hesitation, I manuever myself to swim towards him, only for my legs to remain dormant, not performing the command of my brain, I attempt once more, only for my legs to remain unresponsive, I latch my lids, pinching them together as Terrors overwhelm my body, precisely striking my legs, their hold becoming stronger, causing them to become paralyzed with numbness, I press my temples. Coercing myself to dominate over the Terrors, not allowing myself to succumb, suddenly, a miraculous determination swells within my chest, I unlatch my lids and propel myself towards Newt, my arms and legs stroking me towards him effortlessly, the tense muscles within my shoulders relax once I realize my legs are gliding me across the distance separating me from my Newt, upon reaching him, I loop his right arm around my neck, flickering my worried gaze around his features, noticing his struggling state, with my determination overpowering my entire body, I begin to launch myself towards the surface. Sparing no effort to thrust myself upwards with my legs and my unoccupied right arm, gradually inching towards the surface, I smile joyfully as I notice my advancing progress, but as I begin to realize that the surface is just a few more strokes away, Newt's weight begins to overwhelm my body, now as I thrust, I don't accomplish any progress, I begin to slowly plunge back towards the depths, thrusting more frantically now, which only worsens my weakening state, I realize that Newt's own weight is causing me to slowly sink further into the depths, this causes me to struggle harder. That's when the pounding begins, my freezing limbs begin to numb, the water wraps around my body like fingers, pulling me further away from the surface, I release prescious bubbles of air as I struggle even harder, my chest begins to sting, demanding more air to match my labor, when no air is provided, my chest appears to become tight, clenching it's muscles to restrain any air that remains, this only causes me to display a painfilled grimace, desperate for more air as I persistently stroke myself upwards, determined to reach the surface, but pain strikes my chest. My thrusts are not as strong, weaker as my body strength begins to diminish, my lids threaten to flutter close and my body urges me to rest, I understand I can't, but any efforts I employ are in vain, my position sinks downward, unable to continue, my strokes and my struggling stop, allowing us to leisurely plummet back down, I sense the life draining from me and images of everything I'm about to lose flash across my mind, my eyes flutter close in defeat as I realize that I'm fading, memories begin to flood my mind, vivid and genuine. The water becomes still, much like my mind, blanketing me in it's calm nothingness, my muscles slacken, the pressure in my chest remains, but all my weariness is gone, nothing remains except the images flickering in front of me, a single tear slips down my cheek to mingle with the surrounding water, a luminescent light, waving figures with no identities, images of the Glade, laughing, blissful faces, one last image glows radiantly, Newt, his youthful smile and charming laughter, and then, it slips away, abandoning me with nothing, my consciousness has perished, the world is forgotten, my life has expired and darkness reigns. Suddenly, my body is roughly yanked upward, unable to unlatch my lids as fatigue weighs them, I allow myself to be handled, unable to retaliate, my body continues being yanked upwards rapidly and soon, a world of sound enters my ears, a loud gasp sounds right next to me and I detect myself gliding across the surface of the water, my body is then gently settled onto a firm surface "come on, Rose, come on", I gasp, sitting up to regurgitate all the water that has invaded my lungs, a hand rubs my back soothingly as I cough. Sputtering out any remaining water with a violent cough, I relax against the body, inhaling and exhaling heavily to regain my stolen air, finally unlatching my lids to gaze upon my savior, Thomas's brown gaze stares down at me worriedly, he releases a lengthy breath of relief, caressing my face "thought I lost you there for a moment" he laughs weakly, examining my features with a gentle gaze "you okay, Rose?" He questions, at first I don't respond, desperately attempting to refill my avid lungs, but when the muscles in my chest relax and my lungs are replenished, I raise my thumb in response.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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