Chapter 40-Grave Consequences

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Thomas's Point Of View
I'm unsure if the statement was to reassure Newt or myself, either way it doesn't lessen the unbearable menace that lurks over Rose, Newt stands, only for him to groan, returning to his seat, wincing as his hands attempt to massage his wounded leg, I watch him, saddened by the depressing sight "you hurt yourself when you carried her, didn't you?", he chuckles humorlessly "and I'll do it again without hesitation" he replies "Newt, you should go rest in the hallway, she'll be livid if she finds out you hurt yourself because of her, not to mention guilty". Sighing heavily, Newt nods, agreeing "okay, but alert me if there is any change with her", Newt glares into my soul as he rises to his feet, ensuring to engrave the order into my head "of course" I reply, shifting uneasily from his glare "I'll be right down the hall", with that, Newt leaves the room, I wait momentarily, listening carefully as Newt's uneven footsteps begin to grow distant, lingering longer for reassurance, sighing heavily, I finally bring myself to touch Rose's cheek, unable to identify the strange emotion that begins to stir within my chest, I sigh. "You're gonna be okay, you have to be", I curse the twinge of vulnerability that slithers into my tone, swallowing the sobs that threaten to escape me at the sight of her unmoving body "if you aren't, I don't know what we'll do without you", I allow my fingers to gingerly glide across the skin of her cheek "what he'll do without you", a magnet begins to tug me forward, beckoning my lips towards hers "what I'll do without you", I'm effortlessly hypnotized by the unfamiliar feeling arousing my senses that tugs me forward, but as I brush her lips with my own, I refrain myself. I ignore the exhilarating euphoria that spreads along the skin of my lips, easily affected by the mere brush of her own, I privately curse my selfish actions, knowing well they would have grave consequences, exhaling shakily, and heavily, I put some distance between my lips and hers, knowing if I hadn't, I wouldn't be able to control myself any longer "please wake up, Rose" I practically beg of her "we need you", I almost begin sobbing as she remains lifeless "I need you", with those words, I press my lips against her forehead. But just as I do so, her body jolts with life, in a mere instant, her entire body quakes with pain, her brows connect together and her lips grimace, hissing behind her clenched teeth, panic attacks my rationality as it takes a laggard moment for my brain to process what is occuring, I distance myself from her, gazing down at her worriedly "NEWT! NEWT, COME QUICK! IT'S ROSE!", instantly the door bangs open, revealing a worried Newt behind it, he quickly limps to her side, frantically examining her features as they become agitated "WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER!" He questions me. "I DON'T KNOW! ONE MOMENT SHE WAS ASLEEP, THE NEXT SHE WAS CONVULSING AGAIN!" I reply, we both watch powerlessly as the frail body of our dearest family member convulse beyond her own control, blood begins to ooze from her left nostril, I could even see her pupils roll into the back of her head behind her closed eyelids, foam begins to froth at her mouth and her hands curl into the wood of the table "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!" Newt questions frantically "I DON'T KNOW!" I reply just as frantically "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!", we both direct our attention towards the door. Finding the entire group standing in the doorway "IT'S ROSE! SHE'S HAVING ANOTHER ATTACK!" I yell, redirecting my attention towards the unfortunate girl, then she begins to yell, never in my remembered life had I heard her scream, I've heard her cry before, which in my opinion was nothing as agonizing as this, if anything this is worse, this is soul crushing, her mouth unlatches to release painfilled cries that startles the entire building we reside in, her shouts strike right at the center of my fragile heart, piercing the tender skin, I almost audibly whimper. "SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!" Brenda exclaims "LIKE WHAT!? WE'RE OPEN TO IDEAS!" I scream "WELL YOU CAN'T JUST DO NOTHING AND STAND THERE!" Gally roars "GOT ANY BETTER IDEAS! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HELP HER!" I scream "STOP!", everyone falls silent, mouths wide open in alarm and their stares hopeful "Rose?" Newt questions "PLEASE! NOT MINHO! PLEASE! HURT ME INSTEAD!" Rose screams, suddenly, her body becomes lifeless, during it all, a single tear escapes from her "not Minho, please, not him" she sobs, remaining asleep "Minho...", we all stare at her sorrowfully, unsure of how to help her, suddenly she inhales loudly.

Rose's Point Of View
Like a poisonous plant, dark and barbed, wrenched from my heart tearing away at life and ripping holes in my soul, healing has finally come, the trauma is tamed, my life is no longer dominated by the toxic relationship, but in my memory, there remains the image of the event that nearly terminated my life, my body detects being hot, as if the fibers of my skin were being torched by boiling microscopic nettles, the hooks that have sunk into my skin uncurl, begrudgingly allowing reality to slither it's way into my conscious mind. The sharp pain in my spine withers away, allowing my outer extremities to detect once again, not dulled by the pain anymore, the buzzing in my ears quiets to almost nothing, allowing the room to gradually appear in my vision, although my mind is activating slowly, lethargic from dormancy, I unlatch my orbs, inhaling greedily, a blinding light stings my brittle sight, causing me to hiss, but when I blink away the drunkenness overwhelming my senses, my breath hitches and my heart sputters to a stop, smiling almost distantly, I gaze up at the first person that I witness "Thomas".

Author's info- Hello, reader! BOOM! Another amazing chapter and amazing cliffhanger!! Omg, so this book is incredibly special, not just because I finally wrote in Thomas's point of view, but because for once, Rose wakes and speaks Thomas's name first! Ooooo, you know what that means! I'm not gonna say anything else, I want you guys to figure it out on your own! Also, did anyone else love the little moment I wrote between Gally and Newt? I wonder what they are talking about. I hope you know and if you do then you better prepare yourself, things are about to take a toll for the worst! Sorry in advance! I hope you guys are loving the book!! If you are smash that voting star! Leave a comment and share this book with everyone you know! I am not mentally ready for what I am about to do, and believe me I have thought long and hard about it. But just know, all things I write for this series happens for a reason! I hope you all will forgive me and understand!! See you next chapter! Later reader!

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