Chapter 44-Tommy Loves Trains

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The apprehension returns with those words, and before long, I spot a figure advancing towards us "hey, it's clear" Gally huffs from the journey, an unamused expression weighing his face towards the floor, not bothering to check if we were indeed following him, he birls away from us and crawls back into the murky opening, sighing heavily, I mentally prepare myself for the tight space "ladies first?" Thomas quips uneasily, I send him a glare "go ahead then, Thomas" I tease him back, chuckling, whilst shaking his head, he follows Gally, adversely crawling inside the space, sighing heavily, I follow after him. I bend my body so I could trek through the tunnel, the familiar uneven footsteps behind me reassure me Newt followed after me, we remain silent, uneased by the tight space, my back occasionally slides roughly against the ceiling of the tunnel, I gnaw my lip, preventing myself from hissing, I also come to regret having Thomas go in front of me, for it meant that any time I were to gaze upwards, I was met with the sight of his bottom, flustered heat spreads along my cheeks as I focus on my footing, cursing my disrespectful gaze. Not only do I notice the glow of light from the space we just abandoned begin to slowly, but surely, dim, I also discern a gentle hum erupt from an unknown source, slithering into the space and gingerly crawling into my ears, the further we clamber into the tunnel, the louder the noise becomes, strangely enough, the top of the tunnel occasionally vibrates, somehow affected, what baffles me more is that the noise disappears as abruptly as it surfaced, leaving me confused as to what may be occuring above us to create such a noise, suddenly, Gally veers off to the right. Crouching down before another gaping hole "alright, this way", I supress a groan of vexation at the smaller space, brood and anxiousness begin to twist my gut into a miserable mess, Gally crawls inside the hole, with Thomas following, I hesitate, my heart rate spiking slightly "go ahead, Love" Newt encourages me "that's a tight fit", a dry laugh escapes me "don't mind me, I quite enjoy the view I have", sending him an amused glare, I chuckle, my apprehension faltering fairly, I remind myself to thank him later for soothing me as I slip into the unlit, narrow space. Crawling on my hands and knees, I follow after Thomas, hissing fairly as minuscule, rugged rocks slice at my exposed hands and dig into my knees, stopping just a few steps from the hole, Gally sits along the edge of another opening "hold on", adjusting myself so I could be more comfortable in the cramped hole, I share a questioning glance with Newt as he too mimicks my actions, suddenly, a sound enters my ears, at first, it's a mere whimper, too dulcet for me to almost discern, but it becomes louder, stalking towards my ears, I freeze. Directing my full attention towards the exit, and as the sound turns into a frightening roar and the tunnel begins to violently tremble, a train whizzes past, my orbs widen in alarm and awe as a lengthy train speeds past us, anchoring my body to prevent wobbling from the trembles that disturbs the space, my mouth unlatches as I watch the train, gusts of wind created in the aftermath of the train slap my locks out from my face, causing them to whip around "okay! We've got to be quick about this!", the otherwise loud command is reduced to an indistinct whisper. Scrunching my features as I strain my ears to discern him, I lean my body forward, cursing the vigorous roar of the train "we don't have a lot of time! Just stay on me, Okay!", although I'm slightly uncertain about what was spoken, I prepare myself, straining my body within the compacted space, much like a predator readying for an attack, I note the muscles of Thomas's legs flex, ready for a sprint, unable to curse the fluster within my cheeks, the train disappears and the gape remains open once again "OKAY! LET'S GO!", unhesitantly jumping out from the hole, Gally disappears. Thomas sprints to life, springing out from the space, I follow after him, compelling myself forward as I launch myself off the side walls of the tunnel, jumping out, I effortlessly land on my feet, causing a cloud of dust to form at my feet "thank Glade, thought I was gonna suffocate in there" I quip as I stretch my sore limbs, which are relieved to finally be granted space to relax, Newt stumbles out slightly from the hole, staring at the end of the tunnel as Gally places a metal barrier over the hole "alright!". He exclaims as I steady him, sending him a questioning gaze "Tommy loves trains! Don't you, Tommy?", me and Thomas shake our heads, but chuckle fondly towards Newt "HURRY! THERE'S GONNA BE ANOTHER ONE SOON! COME ON!", at the notion of danger approaching, we unhesitantly sprint away from the opening, following after Gally, my heart aches as the walls surrounding us elongate, making the exit appear farther than normal, I pump my legs, huffing out slightly from the adrenaline "GALLY! WHAT IN GRIEVER'S NAME ARE WE DOING?!" Thomas demands "LESS TALKING! MORE RUNNING!", I whirl my attention away from Gally. Ignoring my better judgment, forced by the constant urge for reassurance, as I glance back at the two boys, astonishment flutters inside me as I notice Newt dashing much faster than Thomas, leaving him at the back of our pack, I'm struck with awe, but when I redirect my attention forward, my steps falter and I almost trip over myself, there, in the distance, two pale headlights appear, slowly approaching our group, the ground beneath me vibrates and a familiar roar enters my ears, my heart leaps into my throat as realization thrives within me, striking my chest, a train.

Author's info- Hello, reader! Another great chapter and amazing cliffhanger! I loved that I involved this deleted scene! I honestly don't know why they deleted these scenes because it gives the story more life and meaning! I honestly love how Newt is joking with Thomas when he knows the situation is a bit dire, knowing Minho would want to keep their spirits high! I feel a little bad for what is about to happen, but I know you guys will forgive me, eventually! I also feel a bit bad that I haven't talked to you guys in over two chapters! I mainly forgot to place an author's note when I was supposed to, sorry in advance! So, I put in a huge clue to the surprise that I have in wait for you! Just as an apology for the delay in chapters, I would have published sooner, but this weekend was way too busy for me along with a small family emergency! So I hope you enjoyed the chapter! It's gonna be jam packed with excitment! Along with the fact that it may make you cry! But don't worry, no one is dying! Not yet anyway! I will see you guys next chapter! Buckle up! Later reader!

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