Chapter 6-Losing The War

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Five Months In WICKED
Depression is a war, a battle against yourself, every thought is a bullet, every movement is a punch, every word is a stab to the heart, Depression is a thief, it steals everything I once had, everything I had left behind is what keeps me trapped, Depression is a murderer, it killed the girl I once was, when I look in the mirror, I see this thing, Depression is a zombie, I'm alive, but dead, aware but totally oblivious, Depression is a Terror, I wake into Hell, I'm afraid of living, everything appears to be impossible to bear. Depression is an ocean, a sea of emotions, I'm drowning every day, however I'm never saved, Depression is a bottomless pit, neverending pain, neverending struggles, with no light and no chance of escape, Depression is a vacuum, sucking me dry of emotions until I'm left as a drained, empty sack of bones, Depression is a war, a battle against yourself, you either win or die trying, I'm afraid to say I'm losing, to say I'm losing hope is an understatement, I no longer detect any emotions anymore, I'm so drained and empty that I haven't even attempted moving. The Terrors are only worsening, although tears have stopped flowing and my screams are mere whimpers, they grow more realistic, they're now the images of Newt, Thomas and Frypan with intricate webs of insanity traced along their bodies and their orbs empty of any soul or humanity, slaughtering their friends in their wake, leaving me for last, the pooling thick liquid of my friend's life draining, rooted by the merciless gun of Paige or the Betrayer, stain my shirt as I cling them close, begging them to remain awake, only for them to die, but the Terror from the previous night is more potent. This one was unlike the rest, it was more personal, it was of Newt, we were in the safety of the Right Arm, standing in the midst of a blissful tranquility, only for him to utter something that will forever haunt me "I don't care about you", even now the words stab at my heart, mercilessly ripping it to shreds, at first I was confused, when I probed for the motive, his reply only worsened the pain "you're ugly, your body's not beautiful", "you're a monster because of your abilities", "you're weak, I need someone strong". "You're so broken, I don't think I can fix you", "you don't make me happy", "you killed our friends", "I hate you", always a different response, for the past week I tolerated these kinds of Terrors, only difference is now I believe him, I am ugly, my body isn't beautiful, I am a monster, I am weak, I am broken, no one can fix me, I could never make Newt happy, to think WICKED was growing bored of me, I don't fear how long I'll endure this, I don't feel anything anymore, but I do fear one thing, I lost the war.

Six Months In WICKED
Whispers of change float about the hallways of the Compound as I stagger lifelessly back to my room from another routine bath, the guard behind nudges me on with the face of his gun as a warning, I don't even wince as the hard surface rubs harshly into my vulnerable and protruding spine, some stare at me, yet no horrified faces arise, this is normal, once gently shoved into my room, I innately stumble towards the corner and place myself into a fetal position, my long locks spilling over my face, making me appear almost devilish. "Hello, Rose", without moving, my orbs flicker towards the wall ahead of me, I'm surprised, Paige is settled in an elegantly crafted white chair, perched stiffly, her knee bounces with haste and nervousness, with barely open lids, I stare at her stoically "what do you want?" I probe soporifically "I thought I'd visit you to keep you up to date on what's happening", the only response she receives is the flutter of my lashes as I blink once "Minho's a great success! We will begin trials in two days time" she informs me blithely, I don't respond "but then there's your dilemma". Her orbs gaze at me sorrowfully, darkened by hopelessness "you aren't showing any signs of anything, you're failing your tests, Rose", still no response "so, in light of this tragedy, Teresa has requested we transfer you to our Main Office in the Last City", "will you finally let me rest?", shocked that I've spoken, she's taken aback, but she regains her serious composure "unfortunately, no, we don't want to give up on you, so we'll continue your trials, if we indeed find nothing, you'll be allowed to relapse from the torment you've been experiencing", she smiles. One that appears genuine for a small sliver in time "you will be transfered alongside Minho, in two days", her smile spoils, twisting into something horrific "but, just in case you may be hiding something in that brain of yours, we want to try something new today", suddenly, the door to my room slides open, revealing a young guard a few years older than Newt behind it "I'll leave you to it, Levi", with that her body shimmers out of existance "for what it's worth, I'm sorry", addle flashes across my features, the first emotion I have detected in months. Before I have time to probe, he launches himself towards me, shoves me onto the floor and looms over me menacingly, hands support his body beside my head, with fearful orbs I gaze up at him, my body in shock from the impact of the floor "for what it's worth, you don't deserve this", his right hand strangles both of my own as he pins my body underneath him, I wheeze from lack of oxygen "but I have a job to do", realization flares across my features as his left hand unbuttons my jeans "I just hope you'll forgive me".

Author's info- Hello, my fellow reader! Well, that just happened, but BOOM! Another great chapter and amazing cliffhanger, but remember how I said that the Crank attacking her while the group was looking for Thomas at a party was significant? Well, now you know why, I was preparing her for this, now, I do not promote or support anything that has to deal with rape, it is a cruel and inhumane act of selfishness that must not be taken lightly, yes, Rose is raped, but this is merely for a better character development and will have meaning later on, if you have experienced rape or have almost been raped, please contact an offical or talk to someone! It is better for you to speak and bring whoever harmed you to justice than have you wither away in silence and fear, I love you all, and I love Rose, but in order for me to be fully satisfied with the character development, I have to make her endure this, and let's not forget that WICKED is cruel so they spare no means as to ensuring someone suffers more than necassary! Anyway, enough with the heavy, I really liked this chapter, a small little transition before the main event arrives!! And we all can guess what it is!! I think I am gonna write it in Rose's point of view since we all know what happens outside during the scene, this should give it more meaning behind it!! You guys are going to cry but I have a special surprise, you will see!! I hope you guys are loving the book! If you are share it with everyone you know, smash that voting star, leave a comment or share your critique!! I love seeing you guys interacting with my story!! I love all of you and I can't wait to write the next chapter!! See you guys there!! Later reader!!

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