Chapter 81-Casual Conversations

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An awkward silence envelopes the lift as we are shot upwards, I grip my Launcher securely, sharing an unnerved glance with Thomas and Newt, watching as Thomas's suffocates the trigger to his Launcher, gripping it tensely, for a prolonged moment, there's absolute silence within the space, to the extent I fear Janson may discern my rapid palpitations, Janson's gaze remains fixated on the door, I notice his hands clamp in front of him in a complacent manner, unaware of the three rebels that he's avid on capturing behind him, Janson turns his attention to the Betrayer, lingering on her expression. Almost searching for any indication of nervousness, as if sensing the sudden change in the atmosphere around her "you're working late" he mumbles towards her, returning his gaze forward, the Betrayer remains silent, uncertain how to respond "just what I like about you, Teresa", I shift at the menacing flit in his tone "no matter how bleak things get, you never seem to give up", I orbit my optics to this, for it's that very reason most of my friends are no longer alive "it's in times like these, you need a friend you can count on", "I'll bare that in mind". I can clearly discern the nervousness within her tone "there's one thing you should know, from one friend to another", he pauses for a brief moment "Thomas is here" he whispers towards her, I almost snicker at his obliviousness, me, Thomas and Newt all share a knowing glance, noticing the irony in our situation "with Rose by his side", the Betrayer remains silent, feigning shock to the news, after a few moments, she finally directs her attention towards Janson, we stiffen and stare ahead when the two connect visually "surveillance caught them outside the walls" he informs her. "At first, I didn't want you to know, but there's a chance they may attempt to contact you, and if they do", Janson sighs wearily, redirecting his attention forward "well, I'd like to think that I would be your first call", the Betrayer gazes towards him, analyzing his every move "are you going to kill them?" She questions him, a slight tremble in her voice "will that be a problem, Teresa? I mean, you killed Rose to test a theory, why not kill Thomas to ensure humanity has a future?", an uneasy silence fills the lift, and despite my efforts, I succumb to it. I shift, although it's mindfully discrete, I notice Janson's gaze flickers towards me for a moment, I freeze, stiffening in my stance, Thomas and Newt become rigid, silent statues, not daring to move under the scrutiny of Janson's suspicious glare "funny, I thought all of our men officers went through their growth spurt already" he mumbles mainly to himself, we remain silent, I refrain from shrinking into myself as he leans in closer towards me, at that moment, a familiar chime enters our ears and the doors to the elevator finally open, almost causing me to jolt "this is me". Hurriedly strolling out from the elevator, the Betrayer doesn't spare another glance towards Janson as she exits, Newt and Thomas follow after her, I notice how Thomas accidentally nudges Jansons shoulder on his way out, without any hesitation, but with a cautious mind, I follow after Thomas, despite the unnerving lingering detection of Janson's gaze long after the elevator doors shut, I silently releasing a breath of relief as we veer off to the right down a hallway, Thomas begins to lead our group to our destination, with the Betrayer, me and Newt right behind him. I saunter alongside Newt as we march down the hallway, muscles slackening as I note the lack of people in the space "that was way too close" the Betrayer expresses towards us "you guys know this is crazy, right?", I almost groan out of annoyance at her persistent attempts to ruin our resolution "you of all people should know this wouldn't be the first time we did something crazy" I mutter towards her "Thomas, Rose, you have to listen to me, getting that serum won't save Newt, it might buy him some time, but-", "just ignore her, she's trying to get inside your heads". Newt roughly grabs the Betrayer's arm and ushers her forward impatiently, I send a worried glance towards Newt, envisioning his jaw clenching as we veer off to the left towards an entrance with crystal doors with the words General Laboratory alongside them "Thomas, Rose, just listen! You know what's going on out there, people are dying, the world is dying, there's something about your blood I don't understand", ignoring her words, Thomas leads us towards the entrance, standing at the doors "open it" Thomas orders the Betrayer, she complies by allowing her finger to be scanned. An authorizing chime enters my ears and the doors slide open "let me run some tests", I scoff towards her, wondering how I ever befriended her "last time we let you people run tests on us we lost our memories and you dumped us in a Maze, underestimating our will to live" I snap towards her as Thomas marches his way through the entrance, with me, Newt and the Betrayer right behind him  "I promise I can protect you", instantly, Thomas gyrates away form his heading and faces her, throwing off his mask in one swift motion "yeah? Like you protected Minho?". Thomas growls, advancing closer, I manuever my way towards his side with Newt following me, placing his right hand upon Thomas's upper right arm, gripping the tense muscle in warning "what are you doing?" Newt sneers towards him, heart pounding, I scan my gaze along the walkway leading towards the entrance, fearful that someone may witness Thomas's exposed state, yanking his arm from Newt's grasp, Thomas glares towards her unforgivingly "Thomas, don't" I warn him, grabbing his other arm, he doesn't remove my touch "like you protected Rose? You were supposed to be the one she could trust the most and look what happened!".

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