Chapter 19-A Not So Sneaky Getaway

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He sighs vexedly as he strokes the wild strands of my hair "you have any idea how hard it is for me to do this to you? To leave you so suddenly?", his fingers caress my cheek "especially after last night", my face warms and my stomach fills with fluttering wings of butterflies at the recollection of our night "if it were up to me, I would get back in bed and see what it's like to wake up to an angel", my face becomes hot, thankfully the darkness of night conceals me "I would've made you breakfast in bed. Stolen a few morning kisses, sneak away for privacy because I wouldn't have been able to keep my hands off of you", he sighs heavily, the sound reveals the unimaginable strain this world is depositing onto his poor soul "we would've been able to talk about Paradise, what our future would hold and prepare for the journey", he hesitates, as if debating on confessing further, the shuffling fabric of his pants enters my ears before a frigid object is gently slipped onto my finger "and the promise behind this little thing would've been fulfilled and we would've been able to enjoy glorious freedom together". My heart flutters "but the universe is avid on us always being apart, whether physically or emotionally, never a moment granted for us to revel in each other's presence, but rather abandon us in the other's absence", I attempt to relax my tense body "I'm going to go get Minho", I restrain my breath from hitching as panic settles in "but I promise I'm going to be back in a few days, I swear it, just make sure Vince waits for us, you'll fight for us, you always have and you still do, despite my hindrance". He chuckles joylessly "we both know Tommy never listens to anything anyone says to him, so I have to go help him out, the bloody slinthead needs it", I restrain a smile, my irritation grows recalcitrant, it takes everything in my power to sustain my rhythmic breathing, my anxiety rising frighteningly high, he pulls his hand away from my face and the room falls silent, only the sound of the ocean and my rapid heart beat can be discerned, the curiousity to peek my orb open is driving me mad, aversely I wait, a tedious, uneasy minute passes, maybe two. And just as I'm about to succumb to maddening curiousity, I detect soft, warm lips place a tenderhearted graze against my forehead before pulling away, but the touch itself appears to linger on my skin, a strange, deep yearning tugs upon my heart, begging for the lips to remain there, although my body is alive from the touch, activated like a fire birthed from lightning striking dry land, in that instant, I'm completely at peace, a tranquility that is entirely foreign to me, I deperately search my heart for the correct words to describe it, only one flickers in my mind, Home. "I know you'll be furious once you awaken, and I'll gladly spend the rest of my bloody life apologizing in any shape or form, but I must go", his lips tickle the skin of my own, I restrain myself from leaning into his lips, ensnared by their spell and he merges them together tenderly "I'll come back to you, I swear it", his kind, accented voice fills my ears, sending a chill down my spine "I love you", my face grows intensely hot and my heart skips a beat, did he just say what I think he said?. The painful hammering that arises in my forehead almost causes me to wince in pain, almost like the tidal waves of my memories were being hindered by something, and a intolerable headache is the aftermath "I'm sorry, Rose", with that I discern him rising to his feet and tettering unevenly out of the room, I lay there briefly, listening until his footsteps are too faint to discern, finally, I unlatch my orbs, slowly lift my head and stare at the entrance of the room, my lips part, moving, forming the noiseless words that attempt escape but fail to do so. In my moment of confusion and complete laconism, a decision is made, where you go, I go, hastily, I incline, toss the covers off of me, throw my legs over the bedside, and scurry about as I collect all my clothing, but as I do, I discover neatly folded clothing on the dresser with a note alongside it, I open the paper, fury increasing rapidly, for the angel of my life, Newt, lividly, I tear up the paper and allow the torn pieces to fall to the floor, I aversely, yet swiftly, obtain the clothing he laid out for me. The bundle includes an ivory tinted shirt that holds short sleeves, dark blue pants that cling to my skin modestly and a matching jacket that holds long sleeves, tossing on the clothing carelessly, I tuck the long sleeves so that they would fall above my elbows, run my fingers through my hair, cursing as I find some knots, adjusting myself, I smile faintly as I notice my protrusions aren't as noticable, yet they're still proud against my skin, leaving my passivity for later, I slip on my boots and tie the laces hastily, rushing out, I deactivate the light on my way. Mindlessly dashing around the corner, my heart pounds against my chest, worry hastening my steps, halting in my steps, I find Vince reclined upon a hammock, snoring loudly with his hands linked upon his chest, aware of my loud steps on the battered flooring, I hold my breath, gnawing my lip nervously as I sneak past, Vince murmurs, tossing in his sleep, I freeze, heart rate reving, but he continues snoring, unaware of me, I huff out softly, easing as I slip pass him, making my way pass the rooms filled with slumbering allies, slithering into the dead of night.

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