Chapter 48-Fugitives Of The Night

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The virgin territory is sprawled out before us in an elegant majesty that I believe I will never be acquainted with, the hum of not only electricity fills the air, but of life, and although the swarms of indistinguishable people weaving their way about the city has oddly lessened, I could still spot the figures of city dwellers brush past one another, I hardly noticed how dark it has become, glancing towards the Heavens, I locate a few twinkling lights in the ebony blanket of night that have yet to be overwhelmed by the light pollution emitting from the City. Shifting uneasily from the strange detection of being reduced to a mere speck from the towering iron feats of mankind that surround our frightened group, I stare at our foreign vicinity with wide orbs, unable to break contact, but wrath burns within as I realize the vulgar spectacle is merely a mockery to the primal lifestyle our group was forced to endure "this is a long way from the Glade" Newt murmurs "yeah, we better get off the streets", Gally shifts uneasily, mutely addressing the sirens that wail throughout the City "I know it's hard, but act like you've seen it before". Sharing an uneasy glance with Thomas and Newt, I adjust the hem of the hoodie, concealing my features further, stuffing my hands into the deep pockets, I follow after Gally, cautious with every step, ducking within the slender shadows of the glowing buildings, we inch our way closer to our destination, slithering along the side of a building, we don't dare to even breathe louder than stiffled whisps of air, which are quivering with the notion of capture "we have to time this right, but if one of you get caught, you're on your own", I frown distastefully. Disliking the thought of abandoning either Thomas or Newt in the event of their capture, but I nod, allowing his words to be deficient upon my stubborn mind, Gally lingers momentarily, his breath hitching in the back of his throat faintly, a patrol car leisurely prowls past us, flashing lights of feigned justice illuminating our gloomy alley, my heart is suffocated with fear, but it eases as the car continues on its way, once the road is unoccupied, Gally rushes out into the street, Thomas follows after him, skidding to a stop alongside him, flattening himself against the wall to remain unseen. I dart out onto the street right after him, mimicking his actions as Newt slides in right behind me just as yet another patrol car rushes past us, I heave out shakily from the near confrontation, soothed only by the warmth of Newt's hand "yep, they definitely have security", Gally gazes towards us knowingly "guess you Shanks have something to do with that", we remain silent, unappreciating his unaffected demeanor "come on, let's get out of here", with that he sprints into the streets once again, we endure mere minutes of barely evading past the frightening amount of patrol cars. I begin becoming incredulous of Gally and his navigation skills, that is, before we slip into an abandoned stretch of unlit alleyway that leads us straight towards a lofty wall, I cross my arms, jutting my hip out "this is it?" I question distrustfully "Lawrence thought it would be good to hide the secondary base within plain sight" Gally explains, ignoring my tone "isn't this the wall we saw when we first got here?" Thomas probes, matching my skepticism "sure is, only this part was abandoned halfway through construction because people began disappearing from exposure to the Flare". I stare at him warily "so, you want me to go inside an abandoned part of the Great Wall where there are Cranks lurking around every corner?" I snap, lifting a brow "yeah, no thanks" I add, Gally sighs, clearly overlooking my attitude, of course I wasn't going to pardon myself for it, he deserves it "Lawrence himself came here before he got too sick to travel, cleared out the unwanted residences", I shift uneasily "I'll go first, Love, just in case" Newt offers kindly, I send him a gentle, worried glance "I'll be okay, Love, promise" he reassures me. He encases his hands around my own, tenderly intertwining our fingers together, a faint smile tickles the edges of my lips "I know, can't help but worry", without another word, he leans in, placing a brief, yet passionate, peck upon my lips, I crave for more as he separates from me, smirking dashingly towards me, my chest bubbles with giddiness, but it's truncated as he gallantly advances towards the menacing wall, Gally kneels down, offering his hand to grant Newt a lift, placing his good leg upon it, he thrusts himself upward, awkwardly scaling upwards towards a broken, rusted ladder. I become antsy with the way it creaks from his weight, I hesitate till he reaches the concealed opening to his right, he enters the foreign space, and for a moment, it becomes eerily silent, I swear Gally and Thomas could discern the rapid thud attacking my chest with apprehension, but Newt peeks his head out and motions me forward, unscathed, I sigh audibly as my entire body eases, Gally returns to his crouched position, offering me aid, I sneer towards him, he blanches, only to shrug and cross his arms matching my glare, I inspect the climb, cursing silently. Realizing I lack the height to hoist myself over the rotund surface of the base "I got you, Rose" Thomas offers, I send him a thankful smile, hesitating momentarily, he bashfully meets my gaze, as if silently searching for my permission, my heart flutters at the notion as I flash him a reassuring smile, he crouches down before me, linking his hands together as he readies himself, I anchor myself upon his shoulder, squeezing it encouragingly, I notice his cheeks redden fairly, but I don't question it, I deposit my right foot upon his hand and allow him to thrust me upwards.

Author's info- Hello, reader! BOOM! Another amazing chapter and mediocre cliffhanger, I really wouldn't call the ending a cliffhanger but oh well. Anyway, I hope you guys loved this new chapter! I realize my updates are a bit slow and haphazardous right now but at least you guys got something this week! I made it! Despite the challenges and procrastination! I hope you guys like it! I also love the picture at the very beginning of the chapter! It really signifies the grandness of the Last City and the pending doom that is inevitably approaching! I hope you guys are ready! Cuz after this, everything is gonna go downhill! I know I say that all the tune, but I mean it, the worst possible thing you could think of is about to happen! I apologize in advance! Hope you guys are ready! I also have a small clue in here! Hope you find it! I will see you guys next chapter! Later reader!

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