Chapter 78-Paying Old Debts

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Newt coughs, pounding his right fist against his chest a few times until the attack his over, inhaling a constrained breath, he limps back towards the desks, leaning his back against them, a sting of heartache stabs my chest at the sight of his painfilled features, frowning at his expeditiously worsening state, I wordlessly stroll to his side, gently grasping his hand and squeezing it reassuringly, he lifts his gaze towards mine, sighing, his soaked locks falling onto his drained gaze "what the...?" The Betrayer mumbles, drawing her brows together in concern as she leans closer to the computer screen. Her gaze flickering across the screen as she reads the words displayed before her "what is it?" Thomas questions, distorting his features as he examines the screen, I lucidly discern the Betrayer's breath hitching "what is it?" Thomas questions once more "they've taken Minho to the Examination Center" she finally replies, flashing a worried glance towards Thomas "that's all the way on the other side of the building", Gally reveals a menacing handheld saw from his pack, along with some protective glasses, I ridge my brows together, how big is that backpack?, sliding the glasses over his orbs, Gally glances towards us. "This is going to take a little while, but I can get in" he informs us reassuringly before activating the device and begins slicing into the door, a shower of vibrant sparks soaring into the air, Thomas, pursing his lips together, nods slightly, inhaling deeply through his nose as he straightens his posture, shoulders back with straining tension "alright, we'll get him" he informs the Betrayer, retrieving his Launcher and helmet before rushing towards the open entrance "Newt, Rose, keep guard for Gally" Thomas orders, Newt, standing upright as he compelling himself not to utilize the desk for support, shakes his head. "I'm coming with you" he protests, obtaining his helmet from the floor "what?" I blanch, body flaring with panic, Thomas shakes his head "no, Newt, you need to stay behind" Thomas orders "yeah, no shucking way, Newt" I chime in "can someone just get to Minho?!" Gally snaps, halting in the middle of sawing the door, after his reminder to hasten, he returns to the door, continuing his sawing "Tommy" Newt whispers, completely ignoring my statement as he narrows his orbs at Thomas "Minho comes first, remember?", I gape in offense over the lack of acknowledgement. I dart my orbs between the two boys as I plant my hands upon my hips, Thomas, frowning at Newt for a few moments, sighs heavily "fine", "what?!" I snap towards Thomas "no! No! No! You can't shucking cave like that!" I snap towards him, not noticing how he flinches at my wrath " Love" Newt whispers gently "I have to get Minho", I fold my arms, shaking my head in refusal "no, you don't, her and Thomas are fully capable of getting Minho themselves", I display my worry and pray he understands the reason why I won't let him leave without me. "They can meet us at the bus with Brenda in the underground level-", "it's my turn to save his life" he retaliates "Newt-", "Rose" Newt interrupts me sternly, narrowing his gaze towards me, a flash of hurt contorts my features momentarily "you know I have to do this", clenching my jaw, I inhale deeply through my nose, I nod slightly "fine" I accept dexterously, shrugging negligently "then I'm coming with you two", I steer myself towards the entrance, only for Newt to step in front of me, preventing me "no", Newt shakes his head "no bloody way, Rose". "Newt, I understand where you are coming from, but you can't just force me to stay here, you need me" I huff out lividly "so does Gally, he needs a guard" Newt retaliates "Gally is capable of defending himself" I sneer towards Newt "that's true" Gally mumbles from behind us, instigating for my favor, I gesture towards him "see? Besides, you're the last person that should be leaving this room!" I exclaim, throwing my hands into the air exasperatedly "you need the Bliss!", "and I will get some when we meet you two at the bus", Thomas, frozen at the entrance way, shifts impatiently. Motioning for us to follow "guys, we need to get going, now", Newt, glancing back towards Thomas, nods "go ahead, I'll be right behind you two", staring back at Newt, Thomas nods "let's go" he mumbles to the Betrayer, turning on his heels as he conceals his features with his mask and sprints down the hall, the Betrayer following behind him, with my gaze locked onto Newt, my breathing begins to accelerate "Newt, you can't just-", "I have to go" he whispers, his gaze revealing his genuine sorrow, silently apologizing, his lips pressing tightly together, conflicted. My teeth appear to shatter from the tension of along my jawline, which worsens as I shake my head in refusal to his words, noticing the gears in his brain reaching a newfound apex from his stress "either I'm coming with you, or you're staying here", I refold my arms over my chest, displaying my resolution, narrowing my gaze towards him obstinately "Newt, you coming?", Thomas's distant question resonates from down the hall before Newt can properly respond, he glances over his shoulder towards the hall before returning his gaze towards me "I've got to go" he repeats with determination. Without another word or glance towards me, he gyrates his way back towards the desks, obtaining his Launcher and begins to stride towards the door not sparing a proper farewell, my chest heaves with pain as my lungs crave for their demanded air, only, I'm left motionless, in this moment, when I realize that there's no possible scenario where I will alter his decision, there's a sudden ache that pounds against the back of my skull, as if a flood of memories and their emotions are threatening to release, only, the brief flash of one slithers through the cracks and clouds my vision momentarily.

Author's info- Hello, reader! OMG! Only a few more scenes and a few more chapters and we are almost done!!! I can't believe this is actually happening righy now! I am so close to finishing this book! And for once, I am ready for it to end! Mainly because I want this book to finish so I can finally reveal the surprise I have been preparing you for since day one! I hope you guys are ready!! Anyways, I hope you guys lvoed the chapter. I may be able to update tomorrow and the day after that but I will let you know that I am going on vacation with no wifi, so don't be surprised or worried if I disappear off the face of the Earth for a week. Just give this book plenty of support and love while I am away! I count on you guys!! I will see you guys next chapter! Later reader!

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